Russia’s Reported Approval Of Lula’s Peace Rhetoric Isn’t Surprising
The optics of him talking about peace contradict the West’s claim that the world is “united” against a so-called “isolated” and “rogue” Russia, thus explaining why one of the leaked Pentagon documents claimed that Moscow reportedly supports him doing so. Having clarified that, those of Lula’s supporters who are spinning this as supposedly signifying Russia’s endorsement of Brazil’s official stance towards the conflict are dishonest. As proven by official sources, he’s politically aligned with the US against Russia in this conflict.
CNN reported that one of the leaked Pentagon documents “mentions Russian support for a Brazilian effort to establish a group of ‘supposedly impartial’ countries to negotiate an end to the war in Ukraine”, which wouldn’t be surprising if true. After all, the optics contradict the West’s claim that the world is “united” against a so-called “isolated” and “rogue” Russia, thus explaining that particular document’s reported contents in this regard.
Having clarified that, those of Lula’s supporters who are spinning this as supposedly signifying Russia’s endorsement of Brazil’s official stance towards the conflict are dishonest. As comprehensively proven in this detailed analysis here that cites several official sources, he’s politically aligned with the US against Russia. This was confirmed by him condemning it in a joint statement with Biden during his trip to DC in early February and then by ordering his country to vote in support of an anti-Russian UNGA Resolution.
Lula’s envisaged end game in Ukraine is poles apart from China’s like was explained here in late February since his country’s official stance is that Russia must fully and immediately withdraw from all the territory that Kiev claims as its own, which is obviously unacceptable for Moscow. Considering that, his plan to assemble a group of “supposedly impartial” countries to negotiate an end to this conflict is an attempt to sway them towards supporting this outcome, thus making him a “Trojan Horse” of sorts.
Even the most rabidly anti-Russian trolls don’t extend any credence to the literal conspiracy theory being implied by Lula’s supporters who are spinning Russia’s reported approval of his peace rhetoric as endorsing Brazil’s official stance towards the conflict. There exists no evidence indicating that its prior condemnation of late February’s anti-Russian UNGA Resolution was just to cover up for its secret backing of Lula’s peace plan, the preceding sentence of which probably sounds absurd to most people.
That said, both the Alt-Media Community (AMC) and the Mainstream Media (MSM) benefit by misportraying Brazil’s stance as Russian-friendly. The first is able to deflect from Lula’s political alignment with the US against Russia, while the second concocts the pretext for putting more pressure on him to align even closer with the US in other respects. This explains why they’ve each pushed false claims about him and his country since it serves their narrative interests to do so.
Returning to the news event that inspired this analysis, it’s rather shrewd of Russia to reportedly approve of his peace rhetoric for the sake of optics, but this in no way suggests that the Kremlin endorses Lula’s demand to fully and immediately withdraw from all the territory that Kiev claims as its own. Those who claim otherwise have either fallen under the influence of the latest disinformation operation waged by his supporters or are actively participating in it themselves by trying to mislead others about this.