The so-called "AMC", which often lives in a true alternative galaxy, like that of many Trumpists, Pepe the Frog, fanatical liberals, LGBTQ lobbyists, and replacement theorists, can go to hell. If they do not understand the dimension of the catastrophe in Syria and Turkey, and the urgent need for help for their population, regardless of its origin, they are hopelessly lost.

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Interesting - things to watch for! As an aside, you frequently refer to the AMC, but I think you must have a different definition from what I normally hear in the west. Here, your work would be considered alt-media, which I for one very much appreciate.

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They did not request help from Zionist israel

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(1) If this shakes out and stands, then by god I really feel for the poor people of Syria. Only utter devastation could bring it about. (2) The USA has been sanctioning aid agency work in Syria, so it will be interersting to see how Washington handles Israeli humanitarian (never thought I'd see those two words together, this really is unique) workers/organs. My guess is the State Dept will do a Sargent Shultz and threaten the credentials of any reporter stupid enough to press on.

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Fake news!

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It certainly conjures the workplace jedi mind trick of neutralizing a hostile coworker by asking if he can spare a few sheets of paper or a pencil, his obliging of which tricks his subconscious mind into assuming an element of affinity.

Every pertinent party knows the US occupies northeast Syria solely to comply with months of open Israeli demands that the US prevent Damascus from using its own oil wealth to rebuild from the neocon-Saudi joint anti-Shiite proxy war. …wealth that once easily afforded Syrian self-sufficiency with regard to things like natural disasters.

Every pertinent party also knows it was foremost Russia that frustrated the zionist “Clean Break” demand for Assad’s head on a platter.

Even before the neocon-dominated US security establishment began openly rigging presidential elections, it had built up an emergency command firewall around the only president to call for the US withdraw from Syria, with the pentagon secretly defying his direct orders to do so. To state that the neocons are an instrument of Israeli domination of US foreign-policy is like stating that bachelors are unmarried males. The net effect is that Damascus won’t be selling one drop of its oil until the Israelis approve. So a diplomatic outreach to the sadistic zio-bullies would be disappointing, but not without basis in a somber pragmatism.

That said, overt rapprochement seems impossible in the wake of the horrors their machinations have precipitated over the past decade. And the far more telling “silence” to be called out is that of the Chomsky-ite left in the face of the past two decades’ tsunami of proof that its model of Israel as an obedient lapdog strategic outpost of the greedy US imperialists is precisely backward.

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