Scratch the surface of almost any geopolitical problem and you'll find an American scuttling around at the bottom of it. The idea of peace is elusive at best, but it becomes impossible whenever and wherever the Americans stick their nose in.

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The ostensible causes are but pretexts.

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I am not sure india wouldn't take a route through Bangladesh ,if ever china does attack chicken neck

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Google Assam accords

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I think china is not happy with Pakistan stance in regional environment. China didn't do regime change in pakistan, Philippines, south korea etc.,

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Chicken neck is not an issue. China is not involved in this colour revolution

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India already competes against China in many pockets of the economic front. For both India and China's sake, it is best for two sides to cool off a bit on the map. The real benefit in terms of land is not much on either side. The real risk is that "chicken neck" -- over there, India has no room to compromise, and the only solution is an iron neck. India cannot afford to have all its neighbors in a semi-hostile situation without tilting strategically toward Russia and away from its traditional neutral position.

In the very short term, India needs to tighten border control around Bangladesh yet tries to be on as friendly term as possible. Given that Muslim dominate Bangladesh, it is difficult for India to influence the politics in Bangladesh. The best India can do is to use policies and economic development to induce Bangladesh to maintain good relationship with India. But given the population growth, Bangladesh cannot be stabilized, and India actually suffers from the same problem. In the mean time, India has to reinforce the chicken neck to make it an iron neck, and to invest in Assam and leave no excuse to the separatists there. I suspect China wants to make Assam sort of independent and serving as a buffer state. Ethnicity wise, China already has problem with minorities in southwest China, and unlikely to want a real imperial style of land grab.

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You should see Assam politics

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Any suggestions to what to read on English language report about Assam ?

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