Jul 21·edited Jul 22

As part of the Ziofascist endeavour to cancel the ancient civilised culture of the virtuous Syrian people, the Zio-oligarchic corpofascist western Reality TV magnates approached the Syrian authorities to press for certain hedonist demands typical of the debauched lascivious Ziomaniac culture of ancient Sodom and Gomorrah. The Ziofascists demanded permission from Syria for filming lewd and vulgar Reality TV shows in Syria, and for enlisting Syrian men and women as cast in those shows under Turkish mentorship. The Ziofascist script involved coercing Syrian women inmates of the Reality TV jailhouse into making a public display of their almost nude bodies on camera before the viewership from the entire globe, and hanging their heads low in helpless shame as European and Turkic male connoisseurs of sensuality were to stroke the bare skin of the women with the former's salacious hands, and rub the G spots in the same way in which many European husbands routinely tickle the clitorris of their sex-mates before dinner. In the climax, the producers wanted the real life husbands of the Syrian women to make a fleeting appearance on TV, bemoaning and lamenting their helplessness in saving their real life wives from the ignominy of dishonour before the camera, because of the fear that they might be prosecuted by the producers in court of law for criminal breach of trust and contractual obligations. In short, the demonaic producers were intending to demean the Syrian civilisation before the entire world, and wanted the Syrian government and judiciary to play second fiddle to their satanic diktats by forcing Syrian women into participation by dangling the threat of imprisonment for non-compliance. The Ziofascists wanted to hijack the Syrian legal machinery for bringing disgrace upon the Syrian nation. The interlocutors deputed by those Ziofascist corporate beasts were understandably punished and thrown out of Syria; there was a lull for some time, before Isreal exacted its vengeance by unleashing its protege, the ISIS on Syria. The ISIS avenged the snubbing of Ziofascist Reality mobsters at the hands of Syrian government; by subjecting Syrian women to tyrranical holocaust. ISIL Uieghur terrorists spliced the abdomens of Syrian women, stuffed smouldering embers within, and sewed the skin back while the victim was still alive in unbearable pain. This is the cancel-culture psyche of Ziofascist cultural imperialism unleashed by Isreal and its the EU vassals on Syria.

Now, the Syrians living in the huge swathes of Syrian land which remain either under direct illegal American military occupation, or under control of militant formations which are part of the variegated and loosely federated ISIS contingents, are reeling under the double whample of whimsical bombardment by warplanes of NATO countries on the one hand, and the constant threat of rape, plunder, kidnappings and extra judicial executions after torture at the hands of ISIS militants or trigger-happy American privates. Not to mention the truck loads of wheat being siphoned off daily by American troops to European markets via Turkey after plundering entire harvests of standing crops from Syrian farms. In fact, the ISIS commanders have set up mammoth illicit prisons, under American military tutelage and protection, in which they hold thousands of Syrian civilians incarcerated on death row on flimsiest of pretexts such as having disobeyed orders to enlist their kids for conscription into the ISIS, or having defied diktats debarring girls from attending primary school. What is worse, even European journalists affiliated with leading Zio-oligarchic EuroMerican media houses call at these veritable slaughter-houses on occasion, and literally taunt the hapless inmates by doing things like remarking in their face that they stand next to no chance of ever escaping their deadly predicament. These journalists enter Syria illegally with blessings of American marines, and refuse to divulge details about location of those ISIS-owned prisons to the legitimate Syrian authorities, thus depriving the government of vital clues which could be availed in rescue of those civilians from their monstrous captors. Such journalists are guilty not only of crimes of omission but also of positive abettment of Genocide perpetrated by the ISIS, in that they offer the use of their radio equipment for communication between ISIS battalions "stuck up" in different parts of the country.

Under such circumstances Syrian Arabs, Kurds and other civilians living in occupation zones are making their way to Europe in a death defying trek laden with mortal dangers on every step. Plus, there is a sizeable number of ethnic Turkomans whom Turkey had pulled in from northern Syria into Istanbul for supplanting the with Turkish special ops forces who had then barged into northern Syria under ostensible guise of "Turkoman civilians" during Turkey's imperialist machinations in cahoots with NATO in the previous decade. If all of these classes of humans manage to make their way to the Polish border and try their luck with a Hopefully better life in the EU, can Belarus be blamed for not complying with the EU's requests to forcibly restrain them from doing so by opening gunfire on them? Can Belarus stoop to the degenerate hideousness of EU border police which unleashes ferocious hounds on refugees to maim and maul them at the Franco Italic and Turko-Bulgarian borders ? The answer is no, because Belarus is civilisationally different from the preponderant ethos which holds sway on conscience of EU-at-large. The EU has impracticable expectations of Belarus.

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Question: Consider that the USA has destroyed Germany's gas pipelines to starve its industry of energy while coercing Germany to attenuate ties with China, its largest export market; how is it plausible that Germany is really a willing servant of a US policy vs Russia?

Isn't it more likely that Germany is not a willing partner of the USA, but might more accurately be described as a recalcitrant vassal?

Can you address the argument that Germany is a recalcitrant vassal trying to walk a very thin line between serving US demands while attempting to protect its national interests from the USA?

Also, but closely related: Can you assess the geo-political model that postulates that US policy since after the First World War has been to ensure that the space between Germany and Russia remains either a zone of instability or divided into hostile blocks with the overarching aim of preventing a Berlin-Moscow axis?

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I don't believe Germany's policy is being done under coercion. Destroying Nord Stream II was just insurance in the medium-term scenario that they stray from the course that they've charted with the US' support. Their elite is fully on board with everything.

I agree with the second observation, but per the above, that's already a done deal -- especially after Nord Stream -- and I don't see anything changing. We're on a new timeline, but it hasn't yet sunk in for many.

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