I don't care about Biden or this Nazi coke head. I am sick of starving and freezing for the US and it's Nazi pets. Every western leader involved in this money laundering is guilty of treason.

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Well, you are NOT freezing for the US, but for the US deep state, the Fascistic EU, WEF and their puppets; people in the US are victimized too...

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I do not see US protesting like Europe is. Just saying

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That is because the fabric of the society here is broken, by design.

The indoctrination/ brain washing starts from early ages and people lack the ability to have any critical thinking.

You see the decay in corporations, lead by morons who are corrupt enough to funnel a large part of the company's earnings back to Wallstreet and lack any spine, and that propagates down pretty much everywhere... The Western world has a very serious competence crisis.

Obedience and compliance are rewarded; anything else punished.

US is under psy-ops since... forever... my American colleagues and my immigrant friends' kids born and "educated" here believe all the propaganda and are up to date with all the shots... If you try to explain anything to them, they will just lock you out.

This appears to be hopeless, but they are victims as well.

Jimmy Dore says it best "US is the most propagandized country in the World".

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That's very sad. I wonder how many US citizens know that US legalized state run propaganda under Obomba in 2012.

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Less than 1%? But - hey! - he was the "good" president, the "black Wallstreet mascot" :P...

I am ashamed to admit that for quite a while, when I was paying no attention to politics, I thought that Obama was doing well.

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I think the entire world had a glimmer of hope when the US elected a black man. That was all for appearance sake. He was just an Uncle Tom deceiving people and he still is. All of this current crisis was started by his regime. They needed Trump out to continue.

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I find it amazing how governments representing 80% of the world's population don't support the dumb anti-Russian sanctions and the other 20% are shooting themselves in the face for supporting them.

Europeans must be insanely propagandized too since the protests don't seem that large. But who knows, not covering those protests is propaganda too.

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It's not ungrateful begging, it's an idiot who can't figure out he was a tool, thinking that the lines he and the US fed each other were not part of a passion play, to sell the lemmings in Ukraine their marching orders over the cliff, but rather real. His job is to keep asking for more, because it creates an Overton window for the MIC-IMATT to steal as much as it possibly can, that's his function.

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