Trump is indeed less predictable. I suspect some of his rhetorics are purely for the election. Perhaps he has learned from Clinton a little bit: Say one thing in the campaign and do other things when elected. My guess is Trump will not bring te world into WW3 for Ukraine, but he ight do so for Israel.

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The number of those seeing through the deep state BS is large and growing, and many now recognize that the depth and extent to which those in control have manipulated and wrecked America is vast. The principles clearly outlined by Yuri Bezmenov were extended and fully applied by our CIA and the results are now as clear as day... a nation of imbeciles with a dangerous elite that is now out of control. Our best hope is to survive the current moment by electing Trump to stop the most dangerous nonsense. Nobody is under any illusion that Trump is a great statesmen or some kind of strategic genius and everyone recognizes he is not all powerful or free. Our hope is that his integrity is and will remain intact and that he can steady the ship while a more strategic path forward is determined. Many of us are under no illusion about how precarious the current situation is and we are highly concerned that those in control would rather implode everything rather than give up control. We currently see threats due to: 1/ global war originating in the psychopath Netanyahu probably allied with Britain urging him on, 2/ financial/economic chaos originating in US abuse of the dollar reserve currency along with our growing debt, and 3/ the possibility of post election chaos or civil war sourced in our deeply divided society and the perfidy of those in power. Thanks to Mr Putin, the threat of nuclear war resulting from escalation over Ukraine seems to be receding, and we are also somewhat reassured by some signs of sanity within our military.

I don't know how all this turns out, Andrew. I do know that ordinary Americans who have worked out what's going on hold no animus towards Russians, Chinese, or Iranians. For what its worth, we are deeply ashamed of our country. We still love the idea of America but see it being consumed by psychopathic demons obsessed with the acquisition of power and wealth. As Americans, we remain hopeful to the end of defeating them. If and when we do, you can be sure that true Americans will reciprocate the good will of Russia.

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Even if the United States were to reach agreement today, what's to prevent them from backtracking as soon as politically convenient?

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