Ultimately, India is likely to be negatively affected. The putchists seem to include some anti Indian elements, unlike the former government. I’d imagine that the coup will do even more to distance India from the US.

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St Martin Island is on the border of Myanmar, so surely American base there would be used to destabilise Myanmar until aLibya scenario is reached and the B&R project is neutralised in this region and China’s use of Myanmar ports is completely denied by circumstance. It is clearly an evil plan and must be resisted!

US elites are bent on launching various kinds of chaos scenarios in many places and they are designed to harm the interests of those people!

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China is also effected. It doesn't want another US based near it's periphery. If US wants Pakistan can provide a base for use against India. In the same way base in Bangladesh is useful against china even if Myanmar lost control of some area through which CMEC runs. Besides the rebels may allow China corridor ( as they have some relations with china)

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China's only interests in Bangladesh is for a potential to cut off the neck to Assam, and I think China-Bangladesh relationship will ever get there. Bangladesh took a chunk of China's textile business away. China leased port in northern Sri Lanka and there is no need for a port in Bangladesh.

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It's notable that you fact-check the alt-media community. They are prone to disinformation and misinformation campaigns that can easily discredit that community.

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