One thing that has to be reminded is that Ukraine always was able to make such a counter offensive. With or without Nato help. If you put enough troops into it and give them enough drugs. Any military is able to do it. The battlefront is enormous and even Ukraine with a vastly greater number of troops cannot cover all of it properly. Th…
One thing that has to be reminded is that Ukraine always was able to make such a counter offensive. With or without Nato help. If you put enough troops into it and give them enough drugs. Any military is able to do it. The battlefront is enormous and even Ukraine with a vastly greater number of troops cannot cover all of it properly. The obvious problem is at what a cost. So, if Russia does not want to lose troops, if Ukraine makes such a strong move on a least covered position, all it can do is retreat. There are many wars being fought simultaneously. Focusing only on Ukraine is perhaps unavoidable and practical but nevertheless leaves missing a whole universe of important matters that affect this part of the world war directly. I would also like to add that comparing Russia capability to create and impose narratives with that of the USA is ridiculous.
One thing that has to be reminded is that Ukraine always was able to make such a counter offensive. With or without Nato help. If you put enough troops into it and give them enough drugs. Any military is able to do it. The battlefront is enormous and even Ukraine with a vastly greater number of troops cannot cover all of it properly. The obvious problem is at what a cost. So, if Russia does not want to lose troops, if Ukraine makes such a strong move on a least covered position, all it can do is retreat. There are many wars being fought simultaneously. Focusing only on Ukraine is perhaps unavoidable and practical but nevertheless leaves missing a whole universe of important matters that affect this part of the world war directly. I would also like to add that comparing Russia capability to create and impose narratives with that of the USA is ridiculous.