Despicable is not strong enough a word.

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But dead bodies of any racial origin lying days in end unburied on the battlefields all tend to become black and brown. What a narrow racialist and unpatriotic viewpoint Ms. Bush showed!

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Why didn't Mrs. Bush raise the REAL issue of any war?: workers being killed to defend the Capital of the ruling class, that is, the RICH! This is the approach that NO ONE has the courage to raise! These are ruling classes from different countries using those who actually WORK and generate wealth as cannon fodder! Why doesn't ANYONE propose that the Generals, Politicians, Businessmen and Bankers go ahead and take up arms, as great defenders of their country??? We need to start dealing with the issue of WEALTH DISTRIBUTION and stop prevaricating with moral and customary issues and the outdated concept of "nations" as human groups that aim for the common good! STATES have owners and DO NOT aim for the collective good, but only the interests of the ruling class! This is what must be conveyed to those who work and are crushed by the current concentration of wealth!

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If and to the extent accurate - it worked.

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