They were made to fear that the US might have to directly fight Russia if Ukraine was defeated, which some of them thought or were encouraged by the Biden Administration to think would lead to “black and brown bodies” being killed.
But dead bodies of any racial origin lying days in end unburied on the battlefields all tend to become black and brown. What a narrow racialist and unpatriotic viewpoint Ms. Bush showed!
If and to the extent accurate - it worked. It does nto matter why Bush voted for the bills, whether out of Team D solidarity, whether to "protect black and brown people" whether she actually beleived the bullshit, whether as a result of bribery, blacmail or incompetence.
Regardless why she vited the way she does, her vote counts just the same as any other vote.
No, and Team D won't give up on Ukraine. They'll male Trump embrace it, and Trump will never be able to do enough.
Trump could push The Button today, and Team D will insist that he did so on Putin’s orders, and besides, Biden/Harris/HRC would have pushed it sooner and better. Trump cultists will insist that this is some Master Plan, even as we go up in a mushroom cloud.
Why didn't Mrs. Bush raise the REAL issue of any war?: workers being killed to defend the Capital of the ruling class, that is, the RICH! This is the approach that NO ONE has the courage to raise! These are ruling classes from different countries using those who actually WORK and generate wealth as cannon fodder! Why doesn't ANYONE propose that the Generals, Politicians, Businessmen and Bankers go ahead and take up arms, as great defenders of their country??? We need to start dealing with the issue of WEALTH DISTRIBUTION and stop prevaricating with moral and customary issues and the outdated concept of "nations" as human groups that aim for the common good! STATES have owners and DO NOT aim for the collective good, but only the interests of the ruling class! This is what must be conveyed to those who work and are crushed by the current concentration of wealth!
Don't fall for that line of bullshit from Cori Bush. Progressive Democrat sheepdogs like that are not to be trusted, for they always tow the Party line and usually racialize everything.
She doesn't mean a word of that. It's just a racialist excuse for towing the Party line and supporting an unpopular war, so that if anyone criticizes her she can call them a racist.
Despicable is not strong enough a word.
But dead bodies of any racial origin lying days in end unburied on the battlefields all tend to become black and brown. What a narrow racialist and unpatriotic viewpoint Ms. Bush showed!
If and to the extent accurate - it worked. It does nto matter why Bush voted for the bills, whether out of Team D solidarity, whether to "protect black and brown people" whether she actually beleived the bullshit, whether as a result of bribery, blacmail or incompetence.
Regardless why she vited the way she does, her vote counts just the same as any other vote.
You mean: If the Dems give up on Ukraine as it is now Donald's baby, Ukraine is done?
No, and Team D won't give up on Ukraine. They'll male Trump embrace it, and Trump will never be able to do enough.
Trump could push The Button today, and Team D will insist that he did so on Putin’s orders, and besides, Biden/Harris/HRC would have pushed it sooner and better. Trump cultists will insist that this is some Master Plan, even as we go up in a mushroom cloud.
We'll see. Dick Nixon wiggled out of the Vietnam trap and Donald knows a lot of that story first hand.
"Nixon wiggled out of the Vietnam trap..."?
Are you suggesting that Nixon set up the Watergate break-in and cover-up so that he could resign and "wiggle out" by no longer being the president?
Or are you simply unaware that the war continued for 4 more years, until April of 1975?
The difference is that everyone was looking for a reason to get out of Vietnam.
Tabletmag had a very long paper by David Samuels on the permission structure instituted by Obama and his court.
From there it looks like Cori Bush, brainy as she was, obviously, was caught by this momentum...
"Permission structures" is a brilliant insight and one that explains a lot about human behavior.
Just shows how dumb the average US congressman is. I'd be too embarrassed to admit what La Bush dished with Tracey.
Something tells me that these "rocket scientists" didn't require much manipulating.
Yep, if you have a genius IQ, the world is at your feet.
Why didn't Mrs. Bush raise the REAL issue of any war?: workers being killed to defend the Capital of the ruling class, that is, the RICH! This is the approach that NO ONE has the courage to raise! These are ruling classes from different countries using those who actually WORK and generate wealth as cannon fodder! Why doesn't ANYONE propose that the Generals, Politicians, Businessmen and Bankers go ahead and take up arms, as great defenders of their country??? We need to start dealing with the issue of WEALTH DISTRIBUTION and stop prevaricating with moral and customary issues and the outdated concept of "nations" as human groups that aim for the common good! STATES have owners and DO NOT aim for the collective good, but only the interests of the ruling class! This is what must be conveyed to those who work and are crushed by the current concentration of wealth!
Don't fall for that line of bullshit from Cori Bush. Progressive Democrat sheepdogs like that are not to be trusted, for they always tow the Party line and usually racialize everything.
She doesn't mean a word of that. It's just a racialist excuse for towing the Party line and supporting an unpopular war, so that if anyone criticizes her she can call them a racist.
All "minorities" just look out for their own., I pray for the day that the White race realizes this.
Or she lied.
They showed her the South Park movie and explained that “operation human shield will suffer heavy losses”