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"...manipulated by Bloomberg..."

Surprise of the day (NOT)!

"There’s nothing wrong with China’s system..."

Oh yeah, I can tell right away — Say no more! — they're going to jump straight into bed with whatever's anywhere near the same paragraph as that idea (NOT)!

"...Bloomberg’s targeted Western audience obviously disapproves of it."

No (NOT)!

"...allegedly “muscular” use..."

Well yeah, because, how many people have the God-given right to make 'muscular' use of power. (Here's a clue: they have to be exceptional.)

"“By making full use of ‘constructive ambiguity’ embedded in legislation and applying pressure on courts, individual and civil-group influence can be limited.”"

Wow, now there's an Ivy-league approvable (mis)use of our poor, abused language, if ever such an egregious abuse there were: Bloomberg, already!

"“Emphasizing development and growth as key to freeing millions from poverty, " blah, blah, blah...

Yeah, but it sounds good. What, you thought you get into Ivy League just by having a lot of money, already? GTF outta here; what are you, a commie (ignorant) or something!

"...FDR’s “New Deal” was implemented before..."

Good point, very resourceful.

"... exactly as Obama earlier did."

Well yeah, but he won a Nobel Prize, so that's OK (whatever 'that' is).

"...INDUS-X military-logistics deal ..."

Maybe, but wouldn't they want to pretend aggressive militarism isn't how they expand and cement their influence (unless, of course, it'd convenient for them to show otherwise).

"...it just doesn’t want to be a junior one."

But who cares what they want? Again, use the clue: are they exceptional?

"...it cleverly appeals to each of them in its own way, all while working to discredit..."

What did you think the Ivy League was for, already?! If you can't twist a few words here and there to make a living, how you gonna survive?

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