Imvho it's a trap to smear Trump as a violator of the Logan Act, the same way they took out Flynn.

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"Russia collusion II - The Return of Putin's Puppet"

The good news is that none of the outets that pushed that (MSNBC, CNN,etc) will exist in a month...in my fantasy world.

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Meh, their audience is cratering, so...

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"...making one wonder why it was published in the first place."

Clutching at straws?

"...Trump could also switch it up to surprise them."

Could also claim the mantle, 'Supreme Balancing Force'. Sounds pretty good to me!

"...one of the preferred outlets for insiders to leak to"

Sounds like a pretty lame second-best to me.

"...everything is moving in that direction."

What direction: на сватовское направление, на южнодонецкое направление, на курское направление... So many directions: sometimes is just SO hard, TOO hard, to be the Supreme Balancing Power!

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The point is to box Trump in, such that any resolution that Russia can accept will be sold as a Trump capitulation.

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Let's just hope he doesn't fall for it this time.

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Lord, a better title would have been: Are there reasons to believe anything in the WaPo isn't CIA/NED propaganda? Even the entertainment section is a psyop.

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