"The photograph that the “Kyiv Post” shared later on Monday showing Tuareg rebels posing with a Ukrainian flag alongside what might be members of GUR supports this, as does the statement from GUR representative Andrey Yusov around the same time. He claimed that “The rebels received the necessary information and not just information, which allowed them to conduct a successful military operation against Russian war criminals. We certainly will not disclose details at this time; to be continued.”
"These last two pieces of evidence prove that the Ukrainian trace does indeed exist despite the skepticism expressed by Wagner’s affiliated channel and Rybar."
I'm not sure about that. A blue and yellow flag can be provided to anyone by anyone.
Ukraine has every reason to claim a role in Sudan, Mali, etc--We're in action against Russia everywhere!
But let's be realistic. How can Ukraine possibly afford to be having "mercenaries" running around the globe when they are under tremendous pressure all along the front at home? That the US and France are trying to give Russia a bloody nose in the African interior is plausible enough, and they might easily coordinate a Ukrainian faux-role as well.
I imagine Rybar is pretty close to the truth. The problem is that Russia has very little real capability to project force (other than with its strategic deterrent) anywhere other than its immediate periphery. Syria was a massive and risky stretch beyond that that has turned out sort-of OK but barely. The desert interior of North Africa is high-risk--especially when you take the black African (ie, less capable) side of the black-vs-Tuareg food fight. Doesn't sound like a good idea to me--even if it's technically not actually being done by the Russian state.
"The photograph that the “Kyiv Post” shared later on Monday showing Tuareg rebels posing with a Ukrainian flag alongside what might be members of GUR supports this, as does the statement from GUR representative Andrey Yusov around the same time. He claimed that “The rebels received the necessary information and not just information, which allowed them to conduct a successful military operation against Russian war criminals. We certainly will not disclose details at this time; to be continued.”
"These last two pieces of evidence prove that the Ukrainian trace does indeed exist despite the skepticism expressed by Wagner’s affiliated channel and Rybar."
I'm not sure about that. A blue and yellow flag can be provided to anyone by anyone.
Ukraine has every reason to claim a role in Sudan, Mali, etc--We're in action against Russia everywhere!
But let's be realistic. How can Ukraine possibly afford to be having "mercenaries" running around the globe when they are under tremendous pressure all along the front at home? That the US and France are trying to give Russia a bloody nose in the African interior is plausible enough, and they might easily coordinate a Ukrainian faux-role as well.
I imagine Rybar is pretty close to the truth. The problem is that Russia has very little real capability to project force (other than with its strategic deterrent) anywhere other than its immediate periphery. Syria was a massive and risky stretch beyond that that has turned out sort-of OK but barely. The desert interior of North Africa is high-risk--especially when you take the black African (ie, less capable) side of the black-vs-Tuareg food fight. Doesn't sound like a good idea to me--even if it's technically not actually being done by the Russian state.
Of course they did. What does Russia propose to do about it?