Firstly it is important to state that Finland and Estonia will do nothing like this without orders from Nato (Washington). Finland’s military is now completely subsidiary to NATO and what used to be the supreme command of Finland military is now simply a local NATO command base.

This astonishing transformation has happened since Finland “joined” NATO without a referendum, vote, or substantive public discussion. I imagine Sweden is much the same. The American (some say CIA) trained president Stubb was (s)elected in a smooth regime change operation not long ago, and you could not find a more pro-American person in the whole country. Ultra controlled anti Russian media played a big part. So now Finns, to whom Russians have not done anything bad at all since Kekkonen era, are obliged to take a hostile stance against Russia in line with NATO posture.

So let’s be clear, Finland will not blockade the sea unless it is orders from Nato. In a word, Finland and Estonia are being used to advance Washington interests, even against their own interests. What’s new? 😁

Blockading the Gulf of Finland is a hare brain scheme against the rising power of Russia. But I don’t think Washington cares. Stupidity seems to be in plentiful supply of late.

PS. Any blockading would not be done by ships, but coastal batteries.

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This reminds me historically of the late 30’s Japan… being pushed by the Anglo-American powers.

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Finland and Estonia do not have enough naval forces for a blockade. Russia needs to prepare Kaliningrad for a long siege, mining and demining preparations, attack plan to break out a blockade to reach Kaliningrad, and remind the Chihuahuas that naval blockade is an act of war. I think this entire episode is trying to touch the red line newly posted by Mr. Putin. Finally, although Trump is a better candidate for USA than Harris, Mr. Putin should trust his own judgment a lot more than the promises from Trump. Trump's foreign policies and actions would be mostly on auto-pilot similar to his first term.

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They don't need to successfully blockade Russia, just provoke it into kinetically responding against them, which could immediately provoke a crisis with NATO.

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I think Russia would react kinetically only if the blockade is in force. That has not happened yet. However, preparation has to be done. And in case the blockade really happened with German, Polish, and Swedish ships in back-up behind Finnish and Estonian boats, what would Russia do? In case Russia does react kinetically for some reasons and, say, knocked out an Estonia coastal battery to send a convoy to Kaliningrad, what would NATO do? Naval shoot-out will get into WW3 quickly. Therefore, this is likely a scenario of Chihuahua show while Russia would prepare counter-measures under the table, but no kinetic response until something kinetic happens first.

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Look what is going on at Bab al-Mandab. The Saana government has no problem to stop the traffic.

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This would be a massive mistake by Finland, as Russia would just run FONOPs (Freedom of Navigation Operations), precisely as the US does concerning China. The West would then have to back down, or undermine its strategy in the South China Sea.

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There will be no blockade except in the event of general war, for the simple reason that Russia can counter it by blockading the entry to the Baltic using missiles and submarines. Surface ships are too vulnerable for both sides. What is very likely is pseudo environmental harassement of Russian ships. But the Finns and Estonians will take care to stay within the letter of the law. After all, article 5 is little use if you been annihilated before the 7th cavalry have arrived.

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this is what i said many times: demolish number of nato embassies is ukrabanderaland and demolish all bridges os dnierst, bug and all roads through ukrabanderaland.

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