"...united by their radical liberal-globalist ideology."
I agree with your analysis, as usual (which is why I read it every day: 'There's nothing like a good shot of confirmation bias in the morning; it smells like...').
This particular point, however, about ideology, I feel could do with a bit of expansion: I don't believe in the sincerity of people who enjoy control. I smell a rat. I don't believe the "...shadowy network of transnational and domestic elites...", as you so succinctly and accurately call it, is driven by anything any more or less, and certainly nothing any more akin to 'ideological', than an instinctive drive manipulated and ingrained in the 1% (and wannabe thus) class: to control. I don't believe it's just cynical to feel, and come to believe, the mask of any belief they choose to paint for themselves to hide behind is much, if anything, more than hypocrisy.
That's a valid point, a lot of these folks are motivated by their lust for power, not all of them are hardcore ideologues even if they parrot certain sayings for reasons of political convenience (ex: fit in with their fellow elites).
The Deep State runs because people become financially dependent through business opportunities accorded them for what they give in return and those same people suddenly acquire some power or prestige when they've had relatively none. Their money and prestige leads them to feel safety and security within their lives. IOW, greed and ego are gratified and easily lead people to cooperate and support another's agenda. You don't have to coerce people. They WANT to further your agenda.
Which is why the State Dept. and most especially "the agency" seek "assets" who are A: greedy and B: amoral. Because those types are very predictable in motivation & behavior and will go along with the program, regardless of mere human collateral damage. Patriots and reformers do crazy shit like ignore perfectly good profits that require breaking a few eggs/killing a few hundred thousand or million of their (nominal) countrymen.
You are so right I cannot believe it. You're correct, correct, and more correct. And don't we turn around, those of us who aren't so inclined, and wonder where the hell our reward is? We just can't waver because we know what they ask is wrong, but the tangible benefits in today's world are nonexistent. Some believe in a judgement day. I take the long view and believe in karma...which is a bitch and always comes back to bite us in the butt.
Thank you. Interesting points. Those “looking in” cannot identify the members of such a cabal and yet find it difficult to accept the idea of a random but parallel personality bent tending toward authoritarian control across national boundaries.
'cabal' is a dangerous word. It carries associations going back to Henry Ford (and further). Generally speaking, it puts people off, frightens them, threatens them with being associated to ideas they've been conditioned to reject.
(1) By "cabal", it appears Hugh Roth is referring to Korybko's (which is also yours, per your praise) " '...shadowy network of transnational and domestic elites...', as you so succinctly and accurately call it".
Is that how you took it? If so, it does sounds to me like a lot like a "cabal". But as you(?), but especially others, are triggered, it seems we just substitute a new, neutral word. (Until, of course, *that* word snowballs *its* unacceptable connotations to some critical mass of mendacity, and then we must rinse-and-repeat. Hopefully the toxic-connotation accretion cycles won't shrink too fast, but one never knows.)
(2) Then, there's the rest of Hugh Roth's comment:
"... yet find it difficult to accept the idea of a random but parallel personality bent tending toward authoritarian control across national boundaries"
It seems he's referring to a collection of people with no other (necessary) characteristic than this personality type ("controlling"). In other words, that there is nothing else in these persons that can be associated with "controlling". That this "controlling" personality type just pops up anywhere and everywhere, so, as he says, it's "random". If there can be found *no* other associated characteristic, well then, there certainly can be no cabal generating it, or the cabal itself would, at least, certainly be *a* thing associated with it. (Oops! There I go again... How about we call this "cabal" a "control group (wink wink)"? Sounds like a pretty good place to hide the concept. Think anyone will notice the "(wink wink)" part?)
Yeah, that's a big part of the problem for me: too much seeming and not enough stating. That often feels to me like someone is trying to be clever-cleverly deceptive; I find it difficult to trust this, which is why I'm loath to invest much effort into deciphering what it's most likely to mean. I feel I'm being set up, and I'd rather not take the bait, if you don't mind; thank you very much.
"Sounds like a pretty good place to hide the concept."
No, I'd rather shy away from hiding, if it's all the same to you.
Another good one, Andrew. I have believed for many months now that he would be replaced at the convention. There is also the possibility something could happen to him. Those globalists are surely capable of that. They've done it many times before.
But, that said, with the admission of the mainstream media that Biden is senile and not in charge, the Dems have absolutely no chance to get anyone elected. If they don't "off" Trump, he will win in a landslide. I don't see how they can rig another election, mindful there are millions of armed Americans who will not take this sitting down. It's a real powder keg, and there's a very ban moon rising over America.
I apologize if I came across as sarcastic as this was not my intention. I was simply reflecting on this shadowy network idea and wondering why it is not more visible to everyone and how it self-manages. I do believe it exists, but I also believe there must be a core leadership group from which guidance/direction issues. This core group is actually more what I was referring to in my comment. I do get how information can be used to control people, but it amazes me that the control is so complete and that there are no break-away souls who are not self-disgusted by their participation in this ghastly human depravity. We are not talking here about a small number of people who are compromised by moral failure of one sort or another; this is an entire -class of humans.
Regardless, I do greatly respect your commentary. Please accept my sincere apology.
L Jones, if you understood the worldview of the metropolitan elites who make up the professional managerial class in the USA (and in the West in general) you would understand that they just behave and think according to their class interests and in no way require any shadowy hidden hands to direct them.
Briefly, the core class interest of the professional managerial class is to ensure that prestige and power remain located in the institutions they control. These elites do not require any form of control because they are very much self-aware of what is good for them politically and they react accordingly. Explicit direction from elite thought leaders is sometimes helpfully provided in the form of newspaper editorials or open letters and these can be used to signal to the less observant members of the class when necessary.
You're exactly correct. The way it works is that someone they admire contacts them. They go to lunch or dinner. Or play a round of golf. The guy admired talks about projects and agenda he thinks are valuable and are important to him. He throws another lucrative contract or sale at the other fellow. Which way do you think he's going to go? No one needs a hard sell when their financial picture becomes rosier and their ego stroked. If it's a higher echelon individual, then a formal meeting is likely arranged with "secrets" divulged and the individual who hears these secrets becomes a "partner" in the enterprise.
Go to the world economic forum website and spend a few hours exploring the group ideology, the methods it uses to disseminate that ideology, and most importantly, the membership of the WEF, and you will fully understand the network of elites in control
The DNC goons and corporate media have already begun to insist that we didn’t see what we thought we saw. Biden had a cold. It was an “off night.” His subsequent campaign appearance showed a completely revitalized 55 year old Joe with all his faculties in tact. The party is breathing a sigh of relief.
I think the public embarrassment of Biden the other night was pre-scripted a while back. He’s been a liability ever since taking office and despite the embarrassing propaganda of the media, Biden just doesn’t motivate the democrap base and the useful idiot progressives (socialists) in the U.S. Black Americans have been increasingly questioning the liberal plantation over the past four years to the horror of MSNBC. Something has to be done cause voter fraud only goes so far.
I reserve the right to be wrong but I think the next chapter in this trashy novel will be a certain economically-destructive, pro-infanticide, narcissistic, atheist governor of California will be anointed to save the day and slay the bad, bad, orange man. His aforementioned record will appeal to the progressives and those stupid emotional women who think abortion is a religion. The media will re-define his destruction as racial-justice to win over blacks and self-hating white liberals. His call for “free stuff” will appeal to the rest who never had economics in school. The Republican Party (aka the controlled opposition party) will cower in fear and hide.
What happens to Biden and that train-wreck, pant-suit wearing ho on the VP chair is anyone’s guess.
I think the debate is part of the script from the faction who runs Biden. Perhaps they're trying to stop Trump's momentum by substituting a completely different Democrat candidate at the last minute. The unfortunate fact, however, is that in today's politics, aside from Vivek Ramaswamy, I see no one with any charisma. The phony from Cali won't work for many people. The people in Cali are largely ostriches with their heads in the sand.
Great post, except most Americans did NOT think Nixon was a great and visionary leader by 1974. Congresscritters really did have some integrity back then, and a lot of us remember it. For that matter, so did the press.
By 1973, it was clear that Nixon had illegally bombed Cambodia, had tried to use the FBI to persecute his political opponents, had orchestrated a ghastly and bloody coup in Chile, had deliberately prolonged the Vietnam War just to get himself re-elected with the announcement of a peace deal, and had flat-out lied to the American people multiple times about things they cared about, not to mention true obstruction of justice on his part during the Watergate investigation.
Yah, he did the detente thing with the Soviets and the Chinese, which was popular for good reason, and it shouldn't be forgotten that one reason for Nixon's late unpopularity was due to rampant inflation triggered by the OPEC embargo during the October 1973 Arab-Israeli War.
Just because most of Nixon's successors make him look good in comparison does not make him a great and visionary leader. He was neither. Nor was he anywhere close to being the worst of the lot. He was just Richard Nixon.
I've noticed foreigners tend to remember Nixon in a better light than most Americans do, but we had good reason to want him gone at the time.
I wish some of these shadowy transnational elites in the US had names. The grip they have over the media and officials throughout govt is relatively complete, yet so little is known about them that we don't have a single name or the control mechanism by which they operate, which must be self-directed to an incredible degree. How does this happen?
That was beyond the scope of the point that I was conveying in my piece, but since you asked, just research the top Democrat leaders (many Republicans too), top members of the permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies, the WEF, etc.
The information's out there if you want to find it, but I'm not going to do your research for you, nor am I going to write a PhD-length report about every person, organization, etc. whenever I refer to the elite.
You're clearly being sarcastic and that's not welcome here. Please use a better attitude the next time you post since my only community guideline is for people to respect me as the host of our conversations here. Thank you.
Start with the BOD of Vanguard. Oh...that's right. They're unlisted and have never been divulged although all corporations and companies ownership ultimately becomes apart of State Street, BlackRock, and/or Vanguard. Vanguard owns State Street and BlackRock. Look at the names of the Black Nobility; Rothschild network; and early American industrial/banking giants.
Why is every1 so fucking retarded and thinks that this wasn't planned? Any1 around Genojoe, who made all his decisions for him, knew that he was a fucking potato.
Netanyahu dropped Biden. Addelson pays 100 million for the orange fascist to continue the genocide and the weapons lobby, big pharma and any other lobby is super cool with that.
I bet the media will let Trump alone this term, and I bet you and I know why, because he was finally able to stfu about anything else and just went into a dicksucking contest, of who could suck Netanyahus dick harder.
America has a long-time power structure that is shadowy in one sense and out in the open in another. For example, the most powerful lobby is not what most people think, it is in fact the "Business Roundtable" which is made up of the CEOs of the biggest corporations in America. They are the tip of the spear of the super rich when coming up with plans on how to control the government for their group benefit.
They are not the only powerful lobby of course, just the most influential when it comes to getting congress to make laws in their favor. Then there are all the super-rich old money families who have been grooming politicians and financially guiding the bureaucracy on the federal and state levels for a long time, including making sure certain people become judges, heads of regulatory commissions and so on.
Every state has their own ancien regime of large old money families with their tentacles in everything, who have developed the power structure of the state over a long period. The richest do that on a global level--the Rockefellers and all of their related oil rich families, Mellons, Fords, Morgans, Schiffs, etc. They bought up the government and set up the American empire after WWII and have been assiduous in maintaining control over it. Then there are the nouveau riche like the Walmart clan, the Tech rich, and many more who have tried to use their money and influence to get their nose under the old-money power structure tent.
Which is why Elon Musk has had so much difficulty. The nouveau riche can either join the long-time power structure dominated by old money families or get harassed by them if they try to challenge them. The old power structure used to dominate both Democrats and Republicans parties and still do to an extent, aka The Uniparty, but they were against Trump because he didn't toe the line on certain priorities that they see as necessary, i.e., continuing the long time goal of a unified business dominated political order where every nation's laws align with each other, follow the same rules and regulations, for business to work without the multinational corporations and banks needing to make different policies for every country.
They have been trying to set up a worldwide financial-regulatory-security system so they can dominate nations without any interference from nationalist agendas. That means overthrowing any government that doesn't go along with them. Trump said he didn't want to fight against the Russians, which is a main foe of their plan for a unified global order. For details see https://medium.com/@pamho/war-of-the-worlds-the-new-class-7d121bc83688
It's just capitalism at work. Marx got it right again! Centralization and concentration of capital. People tend to watch the actors and forget the plot! What is behind everything is the current mode of production which, according to its logic, should lead to the collapse of natural resources and therefore of "sapiens".
Bingo!! 🎯 "Biden was chosen as the Democrats’ candidate in 2020 precisely because he was already senile and therefore completely controllable." My POV: there are different factions of the One-World Government International movement (since people seem so touchy about the name when reading the comments). Biden's was/is "Build Back Better" = his official campaign slogan in 2020. This faction aligns with the WEF/UN/EU goals: unlimited immigration to destabilize Western societies; unlimited vaccination to promote death and disability; unlimited money printing and debt accumulation; unlimited wars and threats for nuclear usage to promote fear and destabilize regions; unlimited censorship and continued strangulation of language (misinformation/disinformation = hate speech); etc. What this faction has shown is that approximately 30% of any country won't bend; the rest will. If another faction comes to power under Trump, expect some fulfillment of conservative goals with an underlying drum beat for control over people's lives, habits, money, etc. done with a conservative velvet glove.
"...united by their radical liberal-globalist ideology."
I agree with your analysis, as usual (which is why I read it every day: 'There's nothing like a good shot of confirmation bias in the morning; it smells like...').
This particular point, however, about ideology, I feel could do with a bit of expansion: I don't believe in the sincerity of people who enjoy control. I smell a rat. I don't believe the "...shadowy network of transnational and domestic elites...", as you so succinctly and accurately call it, is driven by anything any more or less, and certainly nothing any more akin to 'ideological', than an instinctive drive manipulated and ingrained in the 1% (and wannabe thus) class: to control. I don't believe it's just cynical to feel, and come to believe, the mask of any belief they choose to paint for themselves to hide behind is much, if anything, more than hypocrisy.
That's a valid point, a lot of these folks are motivated by their lust for power, not all of them are hardcore ideologues even if they parrot certain sayings for reasons of political convenience (ex: fit in with their fellow elites).
The Deep State runs because people become financially dependent through business opportunities accorded them for what they give in return and those same people suddenly acquire some power or prestige when they've had relatively none. Their money and prestige leads them to feel safety and security within their lives. IOW, greed and ego are gratified and easily lead people to cooperate and support another's agenda. You don't have to coerce people. They WANT to further your agenda.
Which is why the State Dept. and most especially "the agency" seek "assets" who are A: greedy and B: amoral. Because those types are very predictable in motivation & behavior and will go along with the program, regardless of mere human collateral damage. Patriots and reformers do crazy shit like ignore perfectly good profits that require breaking a few eggs/killing a few hundred thousand or million of their (nominal) countrymen.
You are so right I cannot believe it. You're correct, correct, and more correct. And don't we turn around, those of us who aren't so inclined, and wonder where the hell our reward is? We just can't waver because we know what they ask is wrong, but the tangible benefits in today's world are nonexistent. Some believe in a judgement day. I take the long view and believe in karma...which is a bitch and always comes back to bite us in the butt.
Thank you. Interesting points. Those “looking in” cannot identify the members of such a cabal and yet find it difficult to accept the idea of a random but parallel personality bent tending toward authoritarian control across national boundaries.
? I don't understand what you're getting at.
'cabal' is a dangerous word. It carries associations going back to Henry Ford (and further). Generally speaking, it puts people off, frightens them, threatens them with being associated to ideas they've been conditioned to reject.
What word would you like in its place?
How about "A loose association of millionaires and billionaires"? (Not mine, stole it from a Paul Simon lyric).
Something making it easier to understand what the hell this guy is trying to say would be helpful.
(1) By "cabal", it appears Hugh Roth is referring to Korybko's (which is also yours, per your praise) " '...shadowy network of transnational and domestic elites...', as you so succinctly and accurately call it".
Is that how you took it? If so, it does sounds to me like a lot like a "cabal". But as you(?), but especially others, are triggered, it seems we just substitute a new, neutral word. (Until, of course, *that* word snowballs *its* unacceptable connotations to some critical mass of mendacity, and then we must rinse-and-repeat. Hopefully the toxic-connotation accretion cycles won't shrink too fast, but one never knows.)
(2) Then, there's the rest of Hugh Roth's comment:
"... yet find it difficult to accept the idea of a random but parallel personality bent tending toward authoritarian control across national boundaries"
It seems he's referring to a collection of people with no other (necessary) characteristic than this personality type ("controlling"). In other words, that there is nothing else in these persons that can be associated with "controlling". That this "controlling" personality type just pops up anywhere and everywhere, so, as he says, it's "random". If there can be found *no* other associated characteristic, well then, there certainly can be no cabal generating it, or the cabal itself would, at least, certainly be *a* thing associated with it. (Oops! There I go again... How about we call this "cabal" a "control group (wink wink)"? Sounds like a pretty good place to hide the concept. Think anyone will notice the "(wink wink)" part?)
"It seems he's referring..."
Yeah, that's a big part of the problem for me: too much seeming and not enough stating. That often feels to me like someone is trying to be clever-cleverly deceptive; I find it difficult to trust this, which is why I'm loath to invest much effort into deciphering what it's most likely to mean. I feel I'm being set up, and I'd rather not take the bait, if you don't mind; thank you very much.
"Sounds like a pretty good place to hide the concept."
No, I'd rather shy away from hiding, if it's all the same to you.
Thanks again.
Another good one, Andrew. I have believed for many months now that he would be replaced at the convention. There is also the possibility something could happen to him. Those globalists are surely capable of that. They've done it many times before.
But, that said, with the admission of the mainstream media that Biden is senile and not in charge, the Dems have absolutely no chance to get anyone elected. If they don't "off" Trump, he will win in a landslide. I don't see how they can rig another election, mindful there are millions of armed Americans who will not take this sitting down. It's a real powder keg, and there's a very ban moon rising over America.
Please expand on your statement that 2020 was a coup. Thank you.
I apologize if I came across as sarcastic as this was not my intention. I was simply reflecting on this shadowy network idea and wondering why it is not more visible to everyone and how it self-manages. I do believe it exists, but I also believe there must be a core leadership group from which guidance/direction issues. This core group is actually more what I was referring to in my comment. I do get how information can be used to control people, but it amazes me that the control is so complete and that there are no break-away souls who are not self-disgusted by their participation in this ghastly human depravity. We are not talking here about a small number of people who are compromised by moral failure of one sort or another; this is an entire -class of humans.
Regardless, I do greatly respect your commentary. Please accept my sincere apology.
No worries, thanks for clarifying, I appreciate it.
L Jones, if you understood the worldview of the metropolitan elites who make up the professional managerial class in the USA (and in the West in general) you would understand that they just behave and think according to their class interests and in no way require any shadowy hidden hands to direct them.
Briefly, the core class interest of the professional managerial class is to ensure that prestige and power remain located in the institutions they control. These elites do not require any form of control because they are very much self-aware of what is good for them politically and they react accordingly. Explicit direction from elite thought leaders is sometimes helpfully provided in the form of newspaper editorials or open letters and these can be used to signal to the less observant members of the class when necessary.
You're exactly correct. The way it works is that someone they admire contacts them. They go to lunch or dinner. Or play a round of golf. The guy admired talks about projects and agenda he thinks are valuable and are important to him. He throws another lucrative contract or sale at the other fellow. Which way do you think he's going to go? No one needs a hard sell when their financial picture becomes rosier and their ego stroked. If it's a higher echelon individual, then a formal meeting is likely arranged with "secrets" divulged and the individual who hears these secrets becomes a "partner" in the enterprise.
I suppose one should be thankful to have avoided membership in that class. Otoh, Im fearful that not all of my children were so lucky.
Go to the world economic forum website and spend a few hours exploring the group ideology, the methods it uses to disseminate that ideology, and most importantly, the membership of the WEF, and you will fully understand the network of elites in control
but wait, there’s more.
The DNC goons and corporate media have already begun to insist that we didn’t see what we thought we saw. Biden had a cold. It was an “off night.” His subsequent campaign appearance showed a completely revitalized 55 year old Joe with all his faculties in tact. The party is breathing a sigh of relief.
I think the public embarrassment of Biden the other night was pre-scripted a while back. He’s been a liability ever since taking office and despite the embarrassing propaganda of the media, Biden just doesn’t motivate the democrap base and the useful idiot progressives (socialists) in the U.S. Black Americans have been increasingly questioning the liberal plantation over the past four years to the horror of MSNBC. Something has to be done cause voter fraud only goes so far.
I reserve the right to be wrong but I think the next chapter in this trashy novel will be a certain economically-destructive, pro-infanticide, narcissistic, atheist governor of California will be anointed to save the day and slay the bad, bad, orange man. His aforementioned record will appeal to the progressives and those stupid emotional women who think abortion is a religion. The media will re-define his destruction as racial-justice to win over blacks and self-hating white liberals. His call for “free stuff” will appeal to the rest who never had economics in school. The Republican Party (aka the controlled opposition party) will cower in fear and hide.
What happens to Biden and that train-wreck, pant-suit wearing ho on the VP chair is anyone’s guess.
I think the debate is part of the script from the faction who runs Biden. Perhaps they're trying to stop Trump's momentum by substituting a completely different Democrat candidate at the last minute. The unfortunate fact, however, is that in today's politics, aside from Vivek Ramaswamy, I see no one with any charisma. The phony from Cali won't work for many people. The people in Cali are largely ostriches with their heads in the sand.
Great post, except most Americans did NOT think Nixon was a great and visionary leader by 1974. Congresscritters really did have some integrity back then, and a lot of us remember it. For that matter, so did the press.
By 1973, it was clear that Nixon had illegally bombed Cambodia, had tried to use the FBI to persecute his political opponents, had orchestrated a ghastly and bloody coup in Chile, had deliberately prolonged the Vietnam War just to get himself re-elected with the announcement of a peace deal, and had flat-out lied to the American people multiple times about things they cared about, not to mention true obstruction of justice on his part during the Watergate investigation.
Yah, he did the detente thing with the Soviets and the Chinese, which was popular for good reason, and it shouldn't be forgotten that one reason for Nixon's late unpopularity was due to rampant inflation triggered by the OPEC embargo during the October 1973 Arab-Israeli War.
Just because most of Nixon's successors make him look good in comparison does not make him a great and visionary leader. He was neither. Nor was he anywhere close to being the worst of the lot. He was just Richard Nixon.
I've noticed foreigners tend to remember Nixon in a better light than most Americans do, but we had good reason to want him gone at the time.
I did a double take on that myself. I was 24 in 74' just back from SE Asia, Nixon didn't have a following among my peers.
And Congress was a different creature, ala Frank Church for one.
I wish some of these shadowy transnational elites in the US had names. The grip they have over the media and officials throughout govt is relatively complete, yet so little is known about them that we don't have a single name or the control mechanism by which they operate, which must be self-directed to an incredible degree. How does this happen?
That was beyond the scope of the point that I was conveying in my piece, but since you asked, just research the top Democrat leaders (many Republicans too), top members of the permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies, the WEF, etc.
The information's out there if you want to find it, but I'm not going to do your research for you, nor am I going to write a PhD-length report about every person, organization, etc. whenever I refer to the elite.
You're clearly being sarcastic and that's not welcome here. Please use a better attitude the next time you post since my only community guideline is for people to respect me as the host of our conversations here. Thank you.
Start with the BOD of Vanguard. Oh...that's right. They're unlisted and have never been divulged although all corporations and companies ownership ultimately becomes apart of State Street, BlackRock, and/or Vanguard. Vanguard owns State Street and BlackRock. Look at the names of the Black Nobility; Rothschild network; and early American industrial/banking giants.
Why is every1 so fucking retarded and thinks that this wasn't planned? Any1 around Genojoe, who made all his decisions for him, knew that he was a fucking potato.
Netanyahu dropped Biden. Addelson pays 100 million for the orange fascist to continue the genocide and the weapons lobby, big pharma and any other lobby is super cool with that.
I bet the media will let Trump alone this term, and I bet you and I know why, because he was finally able to stfu about anything else and just went into a dicksucking contest, of who could suck Netanyahus dick harder.
America has a long-time power structure that is shadowy in one sense and out in the open in another. For example, the most powerful lobby is not what most people think, it is in fact the "Business Roundtable" which is made up of the CEOs of the biggest corporations in America. They are the tip of the spear of the super rich when coming up with plans on how to control the government for their group benefit.
They are not the only powerful lobby of course, just the most influential when it comes to getting congress to make laws in their favor. Then there are all the super-rich old money families who have been grooming politicians and financially guiding the bureaucracy on the federal and state levels for a long time, including making sure certain people become judges, heads of regulatory commissions and so on.
Every state has their own ancien regime of large old money families with their tentacles in everything, who have developed the power structure of the state over a long period. The richest do that on a global level--the Rockefellers and all of their related oil rich families, Mellons, Fords, Morgans, Schiffs, etc. They bought up the government and set up the American empire after WWII and have been assiduous in maintaining control over it. Then there are the nouveau riche like the Walmart clan, the Tech rich, and many more who have tried to use their money and influence to get their nose under the old-money power structure tent.
Which is why Elon Musk has had so much difficulty. The nouveau riche can either join the long-time power structure dominated by old money families or get harassed by them if they try to challenge them. The old power structure used to dominate both Democrats and Republicans parties and still do to an extent, aka The Uniparty, but they were against Trump because he didn't toe the line on certain priorities that they see as necessary, i.e., continuing the long time goal of a unified business dominated political order where every nation's laws align with each other, follow the same rules and regulations, for business to work without the multinational corporations and banks needing to make different policies for every country.
They have been trying to set up a worldwide financial-regulatory-security system so they can dominate nations without any interference from nationalist agendas. That means overthrowing any government that doesn't go along with them. Trump said he didn't want to fight against the Russians, which is a main foe of their plan for a unified global order. For details see https://medium.com/@pamho/war-of-the-worlds-the-new-class-7d121bc83688
The country is being ruled by a shadowy network of transnational and domestic elites that are united by their radical liberal-globalist ideology.
That's a long euphemism to say; Jewish communist oligarchy.
And you know all this how?
It's just capitalism at work. Marx got it right again! Centralization and concentration of capital. People tend to watch the actors and forget the plot! What is behind everything is the current mode of production which, according to its logic, should lead to the collapse of natural resources and therefore of "sapiens".
Who is the elite you are referring to?
Bingo!! 🎯 "Biden was chosen as the Democrats’ candidate in 2020 precisely because he was already senile and therefore completely controllable." My POV: there are different factions of the One-World Government International movement (since people seem so touchy about the name when reading the comments). Biden's was/is "Build Back Better" = his official campaign slogan in 2020. This faction aligns with the WEF/UN/EU goals: unlimited immigration to destabilize Western societies; unlimited vaccination to promote death and disability; unlimited money printing and debt accumulation; unlimited wars and threats for nuclear usage to promote fear and destabilize regions; unlimited censorship and continued strangulation of language (misinformation/disinformation = hate speech); etc. What this faction has shown is that approximately 30% of any country won't bend; the rest will. If another faction comes to power under Trump, expect some fulfillment of conservative goals with an underlying drum beat for control over people's lives, habits, money, etc. done with a conservative velvet glove.
The Globalists have it all under control
Every president is controllable and there is JFK to remind them who’s in charge.
What Biden demonstrates is that a senile president can function for years because his function is largely as an image.
Trump learned who’s in charge.
His image for the Democrats is to be their bogeyman.
For the Republicans he’s the irreverent outlaw.
He has demonstrated that he knows when to toe the line if so directed.
He’s a sheep in wolf’s clothing.
It’s pure theater, like the WWF, and their ability to pull it off has thus-far been successful.
Marketing is their expertise.
The cultural imagination is an occupied territory.