I hate to say it, but there could be more than meets the eyes with Musk :).

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I just wish he would stop doing shit like callling NYT the FAR LEFT

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There is no "left" in mainstream American politics. They are all neo-liberal, pro-austerity, pro-capitalist. Woke does not equate to left. I wish people like Musk could figure this out.

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Possibly in your dreamworld there is no "left" in American politics. I agree that Woke does not equate to "left"; yet, those who pray at the altar of queerness, racism, and defiance of established norms are overwhelmingly "left" in their politics.

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As a matter of fact, the party that is now relatively to the left in the duopoly is the GOP; the donkeys are way further at their right.

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Political “Left” and “Right” Properly Defined


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The next thing you know, he will say NPR is biased. LOL

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a Libertarian suffering Asbergers. What could go wrong? LMAO. I am going for the ride as far as it takes me. Elon can make me howl with laughter sometimes, as well as piss me off a little.

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I am not ruling out possiblity that Musk really did buy Twitter to open up a crime scene and do some political stirring of the shit. shocking how MSM paints him negatively every day like they have Trump and Putin.

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Instead of this Ukraine "advisor(?)", Podolyak, "Complaining(?)" and talking CRAP about Elon Musk, he should rather persuade his ex-comedian "President(?)" to SEVERE TIES with that NEO-NAZI AZOV outfit that are so ADVERSELY influencing Ukraine's administration and its Military, and who have been INDISCRIMINATELY SHELLING AND KILLING thousands of innocent Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the DONBAS region of Ukraine, i.e. Donetsk and Luhansk, simply because those Ukrainians are determined to speak Russian if they so choose !!!

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secateur can be a bummer as some who i would never block, get blocked with i block all followers.

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