Once again US foreign policy is blatantly interfering in the legitimate activities between neighbouring nations, none of which is of any strategic or economic threat to US or indeed is anywhere geographically close to the US mainland. Sadly the US public don't understand why so many nations now detest Americans. The USA is a rogue nation that has no respect for the notion of national sovereignty that is the right of ALL of the nations of the World.

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Our actions, sadly, are the best marketing BRICS can ever hope for.

Instead of being a win-win partner, our blatant attitude is, "Comply 100% with what we want or else."

I want to see the U.S. do well, but we are pushing other countries into the arms of BRICS.

The strategically important country Indonesia, with a population of around 227 million people and a GDP comparable to Australia or Spain, recently became a full-fledged member of BRICS. That is not good from a U.S. perspective.

The more we push, the faster we will lose countries to BRICS.

If Churchill's observation about us—"Americans can always be trusted to do the right thing, once all other possibilities have been exhausted"—holds true, we will adjust our behavior eventually.

In the meantime, as stock investors, there are lots of investment opportunities in BRICS countries.

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What are the benefits of being part of BRICS ?

How will BRICS protect its members from economic "attacks" by the US ?

How ill BRICS protect its members from military attacks by the US ?

How will BRICS damage the US economy ?

Will BRICS members discontinue trade with non-BRICS members such as the US ?

What exactly does BRICS offer realistically ?

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So what does anyone propose to do about it?

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Nothing can be done - it's the 21th century version of "Britannia (now USA) rule the waves". This is why the US was so piqued at China developing BRI in the 2010s - it leaves the sea lanes behind or optional.

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Great coverage & analysis

Thank you.

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US doesn't know better. They may fall for that, they did so for decades till Trump. But Trump is shrewd. Let's see if Pakistan uses Russia to get to US to lift sanctions

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