
Palki Sharma Upadhyaye, anchor of Firstpost and a docile purveyor of anti-Russia propaganda scripted by her Zio-oligarchic purse-string-pullers, known in the west as PulkEye ShouMe UPaid Ya Eh, is expressing anguish by innuendo at the fact that Russian ships have remained unscathed from attacks in the Red Sea thus far. Her question namely 'whether Russia is immune to Houthi attacks' is in no less bad taste than the hypothetical question of whether Palki is immune to gang rape at the hands of American kids in New York. The same God who has protected Palki from rape, is protecting Russian ships. I believe there is an even more sinister connotation to Palki's uncharitable observation made in a tone of sardonic lament. Could it be that Palki is wishing the terrible to befall Russia, something the priest crafters call by the name "curse", or Alternatively could it be that Pickly is delivering a veiled or discreet warning to Russia on behalf of the Ziooligarchic Corpimperialist deep state of America, to join the bandwagon of anti-Iranian coalition of Pentagon and NATO navies or else face a Bay of Pigs style false flag bombing of Russian ships by the American side? What a terribly disgusting stance!

The product of grooming at missionary college and upbringing in a priesty household during formative years of her character, Palki Sharma Upadhyaye has this compulsive habit of picking on Russia at all times. Her pronouncements make no secret of her dislike for Russia. She is aghast that Russian ships are plying the seas unmolested in Asia in contradistinction to the aims of the European Union which is applying illegal coercion on foreign governments to ban Russian ships from sailing the seas and docking at their ports.


It is not unusual for Palki to air vicious opinions her podcasts, which are soul- revolting and outrage the sensibilities of many a sensible and virtuous person. For instance, she has bemoaned that Russian ships have been plying the seas unmolested while some other countries have not managed to remain unscathed from pirate attacks; and then she poses the vicious question as to whether Russia is selectively immune to attacks from Houthis. Palki is discreetly suggesting a nexus or collusion between Russia and Houthis in matters of alleged high-sea piracy. Not having been a victim is no ground for holding a person culpable for complicity in a putative crime. The malicious question posed by Palki is no less deprecable than the hypothetical question of whether Palki herself is immune to rape at the hands of male kids in New York. The mindset behind Palki's outbursts is disgusting, to say the least. Under such circumstances her sychophantic supporters inundate the netscape under a barrage of logically impertinent posts saying " Palki is a wonderful Brahmin woman.....She is the pride of the world.... We love Palki...She is the beacon of guidance for India..." and what not. All of these are prevaricative stratagems to deflect attention at times when Palki finds herself in dearth of logical arguments to buttress her case in face of protests and remonstrations from the audience against her immoral pronouncements. Intolerance for counter opinions is not new to the Pulki brigade. In fact, in her interviews, she has craftily postured herself as a victim of vendetta from the anti-establishment camp. She has spoken aloud saying her detractors must not be permitted to garner influence and attention in society. She has been feigning Hinduistic and nationalist Hindu and pro-establishment pretentions with the likely motive of endearing herself to the power centres and pitting the establishment against her detractors. In actual fact, she is neither a Hindutva afficionado nor a Hindu nationalist. For all I can recollect, she and her beau are stalwarts from segments of the press which have consistently maintained vitriolically anti-Modi postures over the years until very recently. The political establishment in India is not naive and knows much better than getting drawn into her politicking intrigues and becoming her handmaiden for 'fixing up' her detractors.

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But India at large does not subscribe to Palki's Atlanticist views. Palki Sharma is also losing her audience in the Global South by the passing day. In the process of her shameless attempts to misrepresent India and earn it a bad name amongst her international audience, she has invariably also unwittingly sacrificed her own credibility as well as reputation. Her voice now stands like that of a midget. Pulki feigns insider access to the minds of the Indian establishment, but in reality this is a charade, and many of her positions are in stark contrast to the official policy of Indian government and the popular mood of Indian public.

​​​​​Redacting her lies when confronted with incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, will require a lot of moral courage on part of Palki, but again that is only if she even intends to do so in the first place.

​​​​​Selectively Deleting comments which call the bluff of her lies is an age old habit of Pulki. Such habits die hard. U Tub is waging information war on Indian public by indulging in Ziooligarchic politicking in India, and attempting to sequester or SANDBOX unbiased information about global events from making its way to the eyes and ears of the Indian public. You see, Ziooligarchic corporations do not need to be agents of the CIA or the White House to play mischief and havoc in India. Rather, they play such mischief of their own accord, volition and at their own initiative without requiring any prodding by The US government. They are not agents of the American government; instead things stand the other way round. The Zio-oligarchic Corpimperialist entities are part and parcel of the Ziofascist cabal of unacculturared aliens, known as the western deep state, which wields water-tight illicit suzerainty over western governments and military, and drives, manages and supervises all of the imperialistic ravages and plunder by the Pentagon and NATO across the globe. U Tub has blacked out "Russia Insight" and a host of other channels in India, and selectively tweaks the visibility of comments in order to fist its quasi-political narrative in India. At first, American Ziooligarchic social media platforms demand rights and previliges for operating in India, citing India's WTO obligations and the principle of decoupling the airwaves from governmental monopoly in a free-market as grounds, and then themselves monopolise anti-trust control over the netscape by misusing software code patents ; and then deploy this monopoly for waging an information war on India to lull its populace in ignorant and indifferent complacent slumber and creating an atmosphere conducive to impending geopolitical conquest of India by Zio-Euro-oligarchic MNC's using NATO ICBM's in the vanguard.

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If you watch Palki's earlier podcasts, you will notice how she was unhappy about the Northern or Arctic Sea Route lane envisaged by Russia, for which Icebreakers had already been deployed, when Palki tried to portray the whole enterprise as an imperialist or irredentist venture, despite the fact that the trajectory of that route lies wholly within Russian territorial waters and exclusive economic zone. Pulki was lamenting that Russia will "probably" charge fees from ships plying that sea lane, as if this in itself is some sort of extortion. Palki only pretends to speak for India and only feigns or fakes Hinduistic pretentious while astutely undermining Indian strategic national interests with the subtle propaganda style of The BBC. Her position on varied subjects is diametrically opposite the official stance of the Indian government, yet Pulki pretends to be privy to insider access to policy making circles in Delhi. A wannabe imposter who impersonates India with the motive of bringing India a bad name and destroying its credibility and hard earned reputation in the Global South.

Palki believes America has full moral and legal right to fire missiles in retaliation for assaults on its interests in international waters. Point to be noted.

In sharp contrast to the position taken here, has been Palki's attitude towards defensive measures employed by Russia towards heavily armed Amerikkan drones involved in combat hostility against Russian assets in Ukraine and Russia.


It has so happened that for more than a year, American drones remotely piloted by European nationals based in makeshift NATO command centres inside Germany and Czech Republic, had been committing aggression against Russian forces and property in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia itself. These drones would hover over the Black Sea and Ukrainian mainland, reconniteer coordinates of potential targets, and relay the info via satellite to the NATO remote command centres in Czechia, from where European operators would remotely perform hostile manouvres such as launching missiles against Russians from other drones, and treacherously firing British anti-ship missiles for ambushing Russian ships on routine patrols for safeguarding grain supply lines which had been sanctified under triliteral peace pacts. Under a semi-closed loop eavesdrop and fire arrangement involving civilian Starkink satellites and remotely piloted British anti-ship missile batteries based on Ukrainian ships and ports, America and its EU quislings had been committing direct aggression against Russian assets, and hoping the attacks would pass off as Ukrainian-mediated. From my understanding, Palki was fully cognizant of such a state of affairs, and she had as much as admitted that MQ9 Reaper drone carries upto more than a dozen missiles, but added the caveat that "it is mostly used by the USA for reconnaissance (alone)". What a leap of faith and anti-intellectual gymnastic? Was the spirit of Palki's grandmother magically conducting real-time surveillance on the MQ9 reaper drones and updating Palki with those statistics from thousands of miles away? Palki tried to paint Russia as an irresponsible provocateur, as the bad guy, after an American drone on hostile mission high above the black Sea crashed down when it's remote pilot lost control upon trying to outmanouevre Russian Sukhoi jets which it had been trying to intercept. Palki seemed furious that Russia had brought the American drone down in " international waters". It had long been a practice of the USA to have its heavily armed drones loiter in the sky above the Black Sea and Ukraine, keep their IFOF transponders on until the penultimate moment just before firing missiles at Russian targets when America would suddenly switch them off. The American Modus operandi relied on hopes that Russia will shy away from shooting at those drones for fear of embarrassment at accusations of provoking an escalation, for so long as those drones kept transmitting IFOF frequency signals and refrained from attacking Russian troops. And then, suddenly, America would turn the transponders off, and fire it's salvo to bomb Russian assets, in the hope that it will be able to get away by shifting the onus of culpability on Ukraine by claiming that it was not a drone operated by the US airforce, but rather an American-made drone under operational control of Ukraine and supplied to Ukraine as part of wartime aid that has bombed Russian targets. America was acting smart, and banking on mouthpieces like "Pulki ShauMeU Paid Ya Eh" 's propaganda support, but things did not work out as America had wished. Russians smoked out close to a hundred of NATO drones from the skies, without fear of embarrassment from Palki' s whining and wailing. Game over. Because, if a farmer seriously intends to save himself from a leopard lurking among the bushes in his field, he needs to shoot it dead with his gun without waiting for the penultimate moment when that leopard publically announces it's hostile intentions by bracing up for springing upon the farmer, because it will be too late by then since a leopard can strike with lightning speed for some seconds. So, Russia was morally justified in hacking all of those drones.

Actually, Britain had deployed anti-ship missiles at Ukrainian ports and on Ukrainian military as well as civilian merchant ships. These missiles are fully within operational control of NATO, being operated by European civilian technicians and computer specialists from makeshift remote command stations built deep inside the EU, in Germany and Czech Republic. At the same time, American and German built drones, under remote operational control of NATO from the very same command centres situated inside Germany and Czechia, had been hovering in the sky over the Black Sea and Ukrainian mainland for more than a year, and eavesdropping and pinpointing the coordinates of potential Russian targets including ships and airplanes both on land in Sea, and both inside Ukraine as well as in Russia and Belarus. These drones would relay info via the Starkink satellite array to NATO command centres inside Czechia, whence European technicians working under aegis of NATO would relay commands to heavily armed American drones hovering elsewhere over Ukraine and Russia, for bombing Russian assets with missiles. The caveat is that American drones such as the MQ9 Reaper, would keep it's Identification- Friend-or-Foe transponder switched on most of the time, until the penultimate moment immediately prior to launching their onboard missiles at Russian ships, soldiers, oil depots and aircraft. This was being done to dissuade Russia from shooting those jets down because America believed Russia will shy away from taking such a step of shooting down any manifestly American drone out of fear of embarrassment from protests and remonstrations from the ilk of Palki and her sponsors who would make a ruccus of Russia's "escalatory provocation against third country drones in international airspace". In fact, in one of her podcasts, while describing one such MQ9 Reaper drone which had crashed into the Black Sea in course of hostile belligerent manoeuvres against Russia, Western mouthpiece Pulkeye who covers and cooks alibi for European misdeeds admitted that those drones carry more than a dozen missiles in their onboard arsenal, but vouchsafed in the same breath that they are chiefly used for ( innocuous) surveillance., in a fantastic leap of faith, maybe having got that info in a revelation from the ubiquitous spirit of her deceased grandmother in an act of incredible divination ! America's game plan was to suddenly switch off the IFOF transponders just before firing missiles at Russian targets from their drones. The Americans were acting smart in thereby eschewing and disowning all responsibility culpability with the disclaimer that the particular American drone involved in aggression against Russia was not under operational control of NATO or the CIA, but formed part of the military aid given to Ukraine and was under operational control of Ukrainian air force. Even though the drones had been detected by Russia well in advance, it is to be conceded that Russia did indeed err on the side of restraint by falling in the trap of the Pulkiy brigade, out of fear of embarrassment from avoidable condemnation heckling by the Ziooligarchic news media. In this way, using the closed loop circuit of American drones, British anti Ship missiles and remote command centres in Czechia and Germany, the NATO did manage to trecherously bomb and destroy a Russian ship on patrol duty in a peace corridor for Ukrainian grain exports mandated under triliteral peace pacts, a Beriev early warning AwaC aircraft on non combat duty in Belarus, and oil depots inside mainland Russia, and American drones even frayed upto Moscow in attempts to assassinate President Putin. But Russia eventually learnt its lesson that it is futile to appease the implacable likes of Pulkeye, and decided enough was enough because a farmer has best chance of slaying a leopard lurking among bushes in his field by shooting it dead with his gun at first sight, instead of waiting for the leopard to announce its hostile intentions at the moment of bracing up to spring upon the farmer, in contradistinction to the perverse sadist paradigm forcibly fisted on third world judiciary and forest guards by western NGO's masquerading as wildlife conservationists. And, presto, close to a 100 NATO drones were smoked out of the sky by Russia, and America could not even muster the courage to lament the loss in public for fear of losing face.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14

Palki Sharma does not speak for India but parrots the narrative emanating from her Zio- oligarchic string-pullers. She tries to impersonate India while undermining Indian strategic interests in a discreet fashion on the subtle lines of the BBC and CNN. Just look up the shareholders data pertaining to Wion and Firstpost channels. She masquerades as a hindu nationalist with the objective of currying favours with power centres in India, and then misusing such contacts for likely projecting influence of her anti-Indian multinational Euro-hegemonist Zio-oligarchic Corpimperialist string-pullers onto policy making circles in India. She impersonates India, and tries to auction India in the global bazar , by advising Ukrainian regime to make use of the clout of India in the global South comity to its advantage in winning over sympathies to its side and 'legitimising' the Ukrainian narrative. In this way, Palki tries to depict India as an overbearing Big brother who is poised to throw its weight around in the global South and is also ready to auction or subcontract this role for a price in the bazar in utter disregard of scruples. In reality, India is nothing of this sort and only believes that dealings between nations in the global South should be based on equality and mutual respect and not domineering coercion, and the fraternal ideological foundations of this bloc must not be transmogrified by Atlanticist perversions seeking exclusion or ostracisation of friendly powers such as Russia. Palki's unauthorized but assuming pretentions are a subtle ploy to bring disrepute and undermine the prestige of India as desired by Palki's handlers, which she has seemed eager to undertake even at the cost of Palki's own credibility in the long run.

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Why not tho?

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Absolutely. A journalism CA would only be viewed as trustworthy by a community of like-minded consumers and it's very likely a community would not be aligned on all certified journalists, disagreeing either on a general philosophical basis or quibbling with specific pieces.

Otoh, mainstream journalists get an implicit cert from the establishment. Everyone else gets tossed in with the CIA and MI-6 staffers who's job it is to intentionally spread BS so they can cast non-mainstreamers as "conspiracy theorists" or untrustworthy media.

Maybe a CA service should be built into the Substack platform to distinguish journalists with credentials and a track record. Seems like certifying top notch reporters like Mr Korybko, Alex Berenson, and the like as distinct from say, George Webb, would help. I recall this guy, Stuart -something- with a video that had millions of likes during covid spreading absolute BS about "self-assembling graphene spiders". This guy's polished video reeked of intel. If he had previously been issued a cert, that video would have earned him a revocation (versus platform cancellation).

I would think snopes and the other fact checkers, who only exist to highlight intentionally distributed misinfo, could be used against them to decert those authoring or amplifying garbage.

Thanks for your clarifying comments.

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I suspect that any number of alt-media personalities (not to mention their audiences) are completely unaware of the problems caused by drawing conclusions using the inductive process.


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So Andrew, which category of the one's listed on TheAltWorld would you say best characterizes what you're doing? Also, do you consider the division between MSM and ALT to be a useful rubric, considering that a number of ALT media personalities are former MSM or have formal journalist training? Is audience size one of the defining factors, and if so, how would you characterize the popularity of a Joe Rogan or Tucker Carlson within that definition?

These are just some of the questions that occurred to me when reading your 'Review Of The Most Common Roles In The Alt-Media Community.'

This is the first time I've seen someone attempt to analyze the form rather than the content of ALT-media, which is what I try to do, and I definitely agree with your categories, although I think you may have missed one: 'Intentional Disinformation' or would that by definition disqualify one's inclusion in the category?

Also, do you have any thoughts on characterizing (categorizing?) the audience that the Alt-media is speaking to? This seems like the other half of the epistemic equation - an analysis of the audience expectations and 'belief systems' that are being appealed to.

Lots of questions, right? I think asking the right questions is just as important as the answers we get, and on that note I'll ask, if you don't mind, which authors do you feel have had the greatest impact on your thinking? In my case they're Alfred Korzybski, Marshal McLuhan and Douglas Hofstadter. I'd also include Marvin Harris, Thomas Kuhn, Richard Feynman and Robert Anton Wilson.

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1. I consider myself to be an analyst and have the academic (Phd from the Russian MFA's MGIMO) and professional (think tank experience) credentials to objectively be recognized as such.

2. It's an imperfect rubric but I haven't seen anyone come up with anything better.

3. Someone's background is less important than what they're doing right now.

4. Yes, Rogan and Tucker fall within my broad definition of the AMC, but they can be considered top influencers.

5. You're right, some intentionally push disinformation, but I wanted to describe those with sincere intentions in my article.

6. Audience categorization would be a good direction of research. I've touched upon it in previous pieces, not comprehensively though, and concluded that many people -- just like in the MSM -- simply want someone to tell them what they want to hear. Many people are yearning for a "secular religion", and some AMC dogmas (ex: Putin is secretly an anti-Zionist who's allied with Iran against Israel) play that role for them.

7. I don't rely on any single person for guidance, I've come around to creating my own paradigms through which I analyze everything. I do, however, consume a lot of AMC information products on a regular basis just to get a feel for what the community is saying and how it's reacting to certain narratives.

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The Soviets used to have a base in southern Yemen, when it was called the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen(PDRY). One reason I know that is because Migs from Soviet Naval Aviation based there once overflew a US Navy squadron I was in.

Do you know if Russia still has influence there due to that long relationship? And does that have anything to do with the current "official" Yemeni government in Aden and the way it is behaving? I hardly ever see anything in the news about them.

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Russian influence there is a shadow of its former self, but the recent meeting between government representatives and Russia in Moscow showed a mutual interest in restoring some degree of that relationship.

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Ah, sounds like they're at least moving parallel to the Saudis, then, which makes perfect sense.

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In the computer industry there's this thing called a Certification Authority (CA) that attests to the authenticity of one's identity and trustworthiness. If you ever have a question about some entity, you can trace the chain of certification back to the authorizing CA. Sometime you discover an authorizing CA is a bit sketchy. And certs can be revoked, letting everyone know it has been discovered that an entiry is untrustworthy.

It occurs to me such a mechanism may be useful in the news business.

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First rule of Media Ecology: consider the source.

1. what's the source of the information? 2. who is the target audience? 3. what is the intended outcome? 4. who benefits from that outcome? 5. was it successful?

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Yes, though sources are often anonymous or only the reporter can make necessary judgements. Nevertheless, you are right of course. And judgements about media are not black and white..

I still wonder if it might be feasible to create a badge of alt media integrity, meaning that author's intentions are transparent and the reporting qualifies as accurate and NOT propaganda.

As an example, as a CA, I would not hesitate to offer my certification to Mr Korybko and perhaps Alex Mercouris. Obviously anyone issuing a cert to Politico or Wikipedia would not issue a cert to my CA.

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The problem with any kind of certification is getting everyone to agree on who deserves to be certified. It's the same problem as with "fact checkers." Who fact checks the "fact checkers?" Or "Newspapers of Record" like the NY Times. Who in their right mind trusts them anymore?

I think the best you can do is try to find multiple sources on any particular story and then compare them to see if they agree on the basic elements. Even that runs into problems though, since many MSM outlets rely on AP, AFP or Reuters for their stories, and those agencies aren't exactly impartial when it comes to political events.

Just have to get used to dealing with uncertainty I guess, and try to reduce it by following some basic rules, such as I outlined.

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I think Russia should

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Okay, that's fine, but my point is that they're not arming them and likely won't arm them for the reasons that I explained unless something very serious changes.

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