This is GREAT reporting at its best and warns the citizens of the master mind behind the curtain. Bless you, Andrew. Been following you for some time and find your reporting has earned at the very least a cup of coffee. I will try to share my meager income further. I don't mind being poor until I find others I'd love to support.

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Thank you so much, I sincerely appreciate it, Paula!

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"Few Indians Know"... I bet Kamala does!

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"...Grossman and Kugelman should be considered unofficial representative of the USG..."

Not without good reason is America's guiding hand so often called the 'Deep State', though it seems to me it would more appropriately be called what it is, i.e. simply a corrupt state.

Excellent analysis, thanks!

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At least Derek pretends to be neutral. Mikey Kugelman is a loyal attack mutt of the ISI.

Considering the Wilson Centre guy is an utterly dumb moron, who doesn't know anything about, well, anything, if the US got him for cheap, good for America.

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