"...the Democrats’ “Squad”, which is hyper-“woke” and therefore supports Hamas, including its use of terrorist tactics..." ...

"The Leftist establishment in the EU and the Global South supports Hamas, however, while the Global South’s multipolar Rightist establishment represented by Putin and Modi are neutral..."

So, only Trump and the Twits behind Israel now; sounds like a good '60s swing band — right up-to-date, man — far out! Funny how it comes and goes round and round: this is what Kennedy got at the beginning of that decade for saying the 'Israelis' shouldn't have atomic/nuclear weapons.

As I woke up this morning, someone was talking about Picasso and Raissa Maksimova (I think it was, might have been Raisa Maximovna.) on the radio. I caught the words мелодия (via late Latin from Greek melōidia, from melos ‘song’) and какофония (from Greek kakophōnia, from kakophōnos ‘ill-sounding’, from kakos ‘bad’ + phōnē ‘sound’). They were talking about Soviet art but I didn't follow what they were saying. Then your use of the word dichotomy (from Greek dikhotomia, from dikho- ‘in two, apart’ + -tomia) caught my eye.

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These supposed "left/right" and "Unipolar/multipolar" divisions are only passing symptoms of the imcreasingly violent and chaotic cricis of the world capitalist system--in both its monopoly state capitalist and state monopoly capitalist forms-- as it staggers beyond both its economic (falling rate of profit) and ecological (planetary climatic cricis), totally unable to transcend its stupid ruling classes' obsession with "national sovereignty," the form of socio-economic organization whose contradiction with the elementary needs of a rational economy already gave us the calamity of World War I and has lead steasdily since to ever greater calamnities. Unfortunately socialism, the alternative to the death-oriented capitalist growth obsession, depends on the worldwide democratic and revolutionary political organization of the workijng classes--nonexistent since Stalion decapitated the Third International and crushed the Fourth. Instead of nattering about "left" and "right" bourgeois squabblings, how about discussing how to rebuild the workers' revolutionary ecosocialist movement?

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Left and Road???

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It was an autocorrect typo that I corrected minutes after publishing. The correct word should be "Right", not "Road".

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