"The Establishment fears the power of the Pakistani people."

Well, yeah, I should bloody well hope so, having locked up the only man ever really elected in anything like a genuine manner with no real reason other than fear and dozens (literally) of ridiculously trumped-up ones! If installing and projecting fear is your main means of clinging to power, you shouldn't be too surprised when someone works out how mirrors work.

"...an understanding that they reached with their American counterparts."

Yeah... Doesn't inspire much more confidence in, e.g. Türkiye's capacity to keep the Americans at bay, than it might have for the Ukrainians'. These understandings... Understand this, 'You're going to have a stake driven through your heart and die, [censored expletive (denoting) female dog]! Forever!'


Good word, he-he; I'd forgotten that one.

Far more civilised than dogs of the female persuasion.

"The Establishment Fears..."

Gee, I wonder why?

"...stifle internal dissent."

Oh yeah, good idea; that always works. (NOT!) Forever and ever!

"...a false flag provocation..."

And they've got nukes. What a good thing the Americans (inspired Zelensky to) move(d) this idea into the mainstream.

Thank God Shoigu's on it! (See (listen to) his warning earlier today.)

"...similarly artificial means as the US Establishment’s..."

Monkey see, monkey do!

"Paranoia is also at play..."

What, you mean, like someone's found a mirror?

"The best way forward is to release Imran Khan..."

Try 'only', instead of 'best' here.

But haven't the Americans taught them how important it is not to lose face (even if it means setting off the odd nuke or two here and there, like in Zaporozhia, or Kurchatov)? After all, just remember who burst the Kakhovka dam (and blew up NordStream).

Or do we need to go back and prove Mai Lai never happened?

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Yes, "mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the most fearsome of them all?" We the people are waking up. One of these days we'll step over the specter of nukes, or torture or whatever & say "No, you cannot control us with your illusions anymore." Mirror broken self-respect re-constituted.

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What a wonderful, magical sentiment. Let it be!

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Hats off to the Russian foreign ministry for navigating a maze as complicated as Russia-India-Pakistan-China.

Will closer relations with Afghanistan develop? I’d imagine Russia would be interested in having a friendly neighbor on Pakistans border as a possible counterweight. (Aside from Afghanistans mineral wealth that they need help in developing.)

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My understanding is that Russia has broached the idea of creating a gas hub in Afghanistan. It is helping to rebuild there, as is China.

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Seems the Election itself was the FalseFlag

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The US Empire fears the power of the Pakistani people. Almost as much as it fears its own.

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Demokratie und Pakistan, nur noch lächerliche Berichte über Demokratie, die gibt es nicht ist eine Erfindung!!!

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Google Translate:

"Democracy and Pakistan, only ridiculous reports about democracy, it doesn't exist, it's an invention!!!"

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So sort of like Germany?

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I'd have thought so.

It's not my comment. I just put it through machine translation because I was curious what it said, then thought I might as well paste it into a reply for everyone's benefit.

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