If only all hostages were black lesbian WNBA players. These transactions would all be handled quickly and easily.

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yeah Griner was a major threat to national security🙄

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She was needed to fill out the Olympic Team. The USSA would be willing to trade countless arms traders and murderers to fill out the all-lesbian Amerikan team of jockettes.

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lol no I’m saying you are…have a nice day or evening

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So is this the new American slur? Call all the women lesbians? Whatever. The real issue in American women’s sports is men…pretending to be women.

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I love lesbians. I just don't appreciate it when racist policies trump America's security.

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Oh…so the lesbian thing was just a red herring because what you really meant is that she got special treatment because she’s black…gotcha. Next you’ll say something about being a celebrity athlete. 😁 Maybe Griner was released because it was a minor infraction…she stupidly flew into Russia with some weed. It’s not like she had a military career or was using journalism as a cover or anything. She wasn’t a security threat…she was sent home simply because it wasn’t a good look for Russia to detain a black female athlete.

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Keeping a female black American athlete in a Russian prison was poison because Amerika is in love with black lesbian athletes (except, of course, when they compete against male perverts).

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1. Yeah, Germany held it up. And why shouldn't they? Regardless of whether Khangoshvili deserved his fate or not, there is no reason for Germany to tolerate Russian agents killing people or committing any other crime on their soil. Now if Khangoshvili while in Germany was currently involved in planning or supporting operations in Russia, that might be a mitigating circumstance. But I haven't heard that was the case.

2. Agree. All other countries involved on the Western side--including Germany--were merely carrying out US policy for US benefit. Even in the case of Germany, I think a few random Germans were thrown in just so the German government could pretend it wasn't being strong-armed by the US.

3. Sounds plausible. Agree on it being another dimension of the successful US attempt to roll Germany.

4. Maybe so. But who hosts peace talks is much less important than events on the ground reaching a point in which one side is forced more or less to concede. (I'm still unclear what Putin's preferred end state--in terms of territorial transfer--really is. Just the five oblasts or the entire coast and linkage to Transnestria?)

5. A given.

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Was Khangoshvili running around free and clear in Germany after murdering prisoners? Why was he even there? Had Russia requested he be detained or extradited for his crimes? I don’t know the details. So much for German morality.

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It's not principally a question of morality, it's a question of sovereignty.

The Russians should have gotten Khangoshvili on Russian soil. They let him escape. Once he was under Germany's sovereign control, it was principally Germany's business.

I doubt that Russia and Germany have an extradition agreement although I guess they are both members of Interpol.

As I said above, if Germany was allowing Khangoshvili to operate against Russia from German soil, that might mitigate Krasikov's crime. But I've heard no one make that case.

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