This is a game-changer in the New Cold War?

Chill, Andrew. NAGA happen.

Matching actions to rhetoric has never been an American strength. After never winning a war American 'defense' clapped out 40 years ago. It's a practical joke: war practically bankrupted the country and its weapons are antique jokes. Like arquebuses and battleships.

America can neither build mundane armaments like fighter jets and navy ships, nor afford them.

It cannot borrow ten billion ($10,000,000,000) every day forever, just to meet the interest payments on its $38 trillion debt while also borrowing a further $3 trillion annually–just to keep the economy growing 2% pa.

And even if it could afford them, Uncle Shmuel will never successfully test one.

After $78 billion and 19 years, the US has never successfully tested even one, While Russia and China have thousands of them in inventory and even the DPRK has them. (Iran should have them next year).

Further down the food chain, the USAF's one-hundred thirty-third F-35 ("flying bathtub") fighter fell out of the sky yesterday, despite receiving nine hours of maintenance after its last 60-minute flight.

In fact, ALL F-35s get nine hours maintenance for every hour in the air–even though the must fly slowly. Two minutes supercruising–flying supersonic without afterburner–which Russian and Chinese fighters routinely do, consumes its entire fuel load AND strips off its stealth coating.

But, since we're hypothesizing, assume the F-35 could stay aloft and it could spot an enemy fighter, its pilot would have to bail out immediately.

The F-35's A2A missiles have half the range of the Russian/Chinese missiles, which also have twice the hitting power of the F-35's bottle rockets.

That's because Sino-Russian missiles are powered by N15B, a high-energy, heterogeneous propellant, and their warheads are of CL-20, world's deadliest subnuclear explosive.

The US tried to manufacture but, due to the extreme instability of its chemical components, they blew their asses off.

P.S. Whatever weapon China has, Russia has, and vice-versa. They've been sharing everything since Russia handed over the IP for its legendary Triumf AAAM in 2019. Russia has the equivalent to China's PL-15 A2A missile, for example, which goes twice as far as America's AIM-120, thanks to its novel dual pulse rocket motors and semi-ballistic trajectory. It has one job: home on the massive EM radiation of AWACS and airborne tankers loitering behind battle lines.

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That's good information and I lol at the flying bathtubs comment.

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There will be no "American Iron Dome" just as Reagan's "Star Wars" never eventuated. It's just the incoherent ramblings of the 'Grifter in Chief' speaking extemporaneously. I'm certain his 'handlers' were as surprised by his uttering as everyone who heard it.

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Things are getting better and better, unemployment is rising, homelessness is increasing, poverty is rising, crime can no longer be stopped but the USA must remain a world power!

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Trump can't claim to wanting to be known as a President of peace since his actions contradict his words. He may that this is peace through strength but it isn't. The phrase peace through strength is a contradiction.

Peace through strength is really the basis for an arms race. It's the pursuit of leverage over the other. Such an achievement can never be finalized. Any weapon can be countered.

Israel's Iron Dome hasn't protected it. Ronald Reagan's space based defense system never came to fruition. Trump's won't work either.

Why can't he see that such a pursuit is one of futility that will either end up breaking the U.S. or in nuclear war.

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And - it will not work ;-))

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The US needs to rebuild its infrastructure before any Iron Dome.

Trump speaks with unrealistic delusions of being more powerful than the fool he really is.

He's an actor playing a fake part that any rational person can read through.

Trump's plan is without a plan. lol

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Why are we still surprised, we only have professional comedians as political actors worldwide.

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If the US truly did have a crisis, either via sovereign debt, or loss of dollar hegemony, it would have global repercussions through trade and financial linkages. Trump is powerful partly because there needs to be a plan to rebalance the US economy away from excessive consumption and government spending, toward greater investment and exports, to stave off potential collapse of the global monetary system. Everyone has an interest in keeping the shitty system afloat only because destabilization can have unknown consequences. But the US needs to have its allies purchase more of its defense products as part of its exports but also to maintain hegemony, and it needs a new post-Ukraine military narrative to invisibly pivot from undeclared defeat and save face, kind of how the Covid narrative was only ended by Ukraine (what a miracle cure). Russia and China should perhaps allow Trump to save face, because it could allow the Ukraine war to end by narrative shift, and it will be years before anyone knows if the Trump administration can really develop anything game-changing. Moreover, the real risk is whatever is developed falls back into Soros-backed democrat hands and gets pointed at Russia by people who have historically a pathological hatred of Christian Russia. Trump doesn’t. Now is the best chance to let the US puff itself up even though everyone knows Russia is winning in Ukraine. Peace is dangerous too . The USSR drop in military spending in the early 1990s was so great it collapsed the Russian economy. Imagine that on a much larger scale if the US even under Trump made friends with Russia again- given Russia and China are connected this is more complex now- but Trump has to have something big for the military to rebrand itself, like this space initiative, and he has to be able to make countries believe the US could have these amazing weapons to keep the fear that keeps the system going.

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....träum weiter...

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Maybe you’d care to explain your ‘dream on’ comment. War is waged with military weapons, but the underlying reasons for all wars are economic. It explains not the ‘can we do it’ but the ‘why we do it.’ Go back to the late 1800s/ early 1900s when Baku Nobel oil fields competed with US standard oil for the European energy market and you see the mirror today in that the US fanned the Ukraine crisis partly for the sake of increasing its share of European energy markets once again. Who benefited from the sabotage of Nordstream? Russia has gained soft power in the global south from this Ukraine war, and in the right-wing parties of the global north. However, even though Trump will likely have to try to maintain hegemony and even increased access to EU energy markets, it’s not in Russia’s or anyone’s interests to see Trump fail in making changes in the US. Trump has to show the US succeeding economically and geopolitically in order to pry Europe away from the left-wing globalists (who are using Russia as an emergency to try to get pan-European defense-related debt which would mean no more losses of control/Brexits and who are a dangerous lot to the world, including Russia). If enough European and British business leaders see the US surging ahead economically, they may abandon the politics that enabled the Ukraine war. Many Europeans remain hopelessly brainwashed, but some are waking up. Even the UK has seen polls shift to the formerly unthinkable Farage. Russia should not trust Europe, nor the UK or US, especially after the perfidious promises regarding nato in the 90s. But if they want to see the end of dangerous NGOs and neocons, Trump may be the best bet. It’s still possible Trump ends up swindling even his own supporters on promises to end wars or be a peace president, as we see neocon appointments continue in Trump 2.0, but Trump also showed he was capable of ignoring their worst impulses (e.g. John Bolton on Iran in Trump 1.0). However if Russia doesn’t try to meet Trump half-way, Trump will blame the perpetuation of war on Russia and some of the rightwing may start to agree. So what if Russia knows the west may start Ukraine all over again in 4-8 years, after regathering strength. Westerners will ignore that because they have short attention spans and do whatever is expedient at the time. Russia should insist on guarantees that might actually be provably binding this time, but they have to be careful that they don’t let the west paint them as the ones who don’t want peace.

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The entire West is so out of touch with reality that it's basically committing suicide. Putin and others have also said many times: "We don't have to do anything, nothing, we just have to watch the West destroy itself".

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I agree with that. The west is increasingly showing that it’s ruled by psychopaths, narcissists, and people who are perverts/depraved pushing depraved ideologies. They are the ones leading the west to suicide, simply in order for the elites to maintain control over the ‘empire’ (if not expand it.) They engage in psyops against the people. Citizens have no choice in voting because almost all sides are bought by the same depraved people in the background. Trump is possibly unable to change the dynamic hence resorted to making deals with those he could (big tech) in order to make some gains in reversing social decline, immigration warfare, and to start to address the death of the real (non-financial) economy. He has to turn around the bizarre self-suicide, piece by piece but also make compromises to even those who once worked against him as it’s too big to save the west all at once. He has to stop the cultural Marxist indoctrination, i.e. wokeness and therefore made some kind of bargain with the military, who have self-interest too. But what’s better/worse for the world? More batshit ideology as under the previous administration? Sure if Russia and/or China wants the west to self destruct then internal subversion is a good thing. But these functionally insane subverted westerners eventually become dangerous blow back. It surely seems worth endorsing any western attempts to turn things around, even for Russia., unless Russia is equally without morals as the west. Most right wing pro-Russians think Russia wants to restore values, but this may be self-delusion/wishful thinking. We shall see I suppose.

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The elites really want us to be weak physically, mentally, emotionally, financially and spiritually weak so that we become dependent on them!!!

We were created to be independent beings, but the elite are constantly trying to make us as dependent as possible.

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Just a correction: Left-Wing Globalists are actually the WOKE RIGHT! There is no left in the US!

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The world is becoming one big madhouse. I'm not surprised at all that we are never visited by Extraterrestrials. They are afraid of us, and rightly so.

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The USA is roofing over and we have the largest open-air psychiatric ward.....

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The US hegemonic tendencies will not be stopped unless a couple of millions of Americans will be burried under the rubble of their pulveriez cities. Only then the population will rise against any leadership pushing for such dreams.

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FYI - There is no money ... its all credit and debit that is why that dollar bill in your pocket is called a Federal Reserve Note (FRN).

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Nice article.

Too bad you are about 40 years out of date

The United States has had Tesla Shield coverage of the USA for over 40 years


You should also check out Mars Base as Russia is a partner in that program


You write well.

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How's the BS business going? You really think that the U.S. has unlimited money? You're a fool.

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Just kick in the front door, and the whole house will collapse. What DJT said about this subject is marginally believable during Reagon years. But not now. Not when the USA has to ask Israel to send 90 Patriot missiles retired from the Israel defense services to Ukraine, rather than shipping 900 newly built missiles to Ukraine outright.

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