Anyone who’s redeemable will no longer support this conspiracy theory after reading that the ruling party chairman of a NATO-aspiring state in a 15-year-long territorial dispute with Moscow just revealed that the opposition planned to take Sochi had Prigozhin’s attempted coup led to large-scale chaos in Russia, while those who still do and double down with the kookiest explanations for this are irredeemable “sixth columnists” who just exposed themselves beyond all doubt.
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Georgia’s Ruling Party Chairman Discredited…
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Anyone who’s redeemable will no longer support this conspiracy theory after reading that the ruling party chairman of a NATO-aspiring state in a 15-year-long territorial dispute with Moscow just revealed that the opposition planned to take Sochi had Prigozhin’s attempted coup led to large-scale chaos in Russia, while those who still do and double down with the kookiest explanations for this are irredeemable “sixth columnists” who just exposed themselves beyond all doubt.