I agree with your words, and we must not see in the few lines of my comment, an insult to the virtues or intelligence of the Hindu people for which I have the greatest respect. Let us agree: There are no evil herds, there are only evil shepherds. And my criticism was directed to the present PM of India. simply.

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Very well done. Thank you Andrew

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Overall, apart from its demographic and economic weight, Modi’s India is (as could be Turkey’s) one of the worst BRICS acquisition.

Elusive, versatile, extremist, Islamophobic, with a proven affinity with Zionism, it is clearly a dangerous « ally »….

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I would guess you know who these people are, but for those who don't, they are Muslims who made it big in the Indian music world, doing soundtracks for Hindi musicals. Not the only ones either.


I've seen Mitali and Bhupinder Singh (RIP) twice over the years. Both times Mitali sang Allah Hi Allah, which she sings at every concert as a sign of respect to Muslims in the audience.

India is a much more nuanced society than most people realize. Yes there are simmering resentments at the lower levels of society, often exploited by unscrupulous politicians, but this is a nation still in the grips of a caste system, which is far more pernicious than the difference between Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs.

In India, it is typical to greet someone with the salutation of their faith. Thus if a Hindu greets a Muslim, he says Assalam-o-Alaikum, while a Muslim says Namaste. Same goes for Sikhs and Christians. It's also worth mentioning that in the terrible persecutions that occurred during the separation and in later incidents such as Operation Blue Star, many Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs sheltered their neighbours of other faiths at great personal risk. These people, whose names are not recorded, are the true spirit of India, and I would argue there are far more of them than is given credit.


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