You put the most positive spin on what I see as clueless Italian leadership that mostly acts detrimental to the welfare of its own citizens. Guess even vassals like the current Italian government sometimes make statements that seem to reflect their voter's best interests. As long as there are no actual action required, words are cheap and plenty. In this particular case the explanation is that Meloni dislikes Macron (can't blame her), so she let's the boy have some wisdom.

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“This has already happened twice thus far in just as many weeks, which makes it a documented fact and not speculation.”

Could it be a rising tide, the momentum building behind an escalation, which could surge to topple a domino leading to the much vaunted and maligned effect? That would be divine justice, because that was one of their favourite reasons for feeling compelled to crush the ascendant government in Vietnam (in the '60s) — ‘the domino effect’, surging throughout (SE) Asia to trample ‘freedom and liberty’ beneath its barbaric and heathen bare feet. Isn’t it funny, the way things that go around so often come around at the least opportune moment (to jump up and bite your unsuspecting ass)? Бог все видит. Let us pray for the continued escalation which may climax in a surge to topple the all-important domino of the surreptitious ass-biting variety.

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