This general does not know that Polish-Ukrainian "brotherhood" of 1920 was nothing but an umitigated disaster

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He knows. He doesn't care.

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Unfortunate but inevitable. In the short term, Belarus needs a boost in military prep to match that of Poland. In addition, the Kaliningrad area has always been a thorn in the back of NATO. Russia needs to be doubly sure Poland and the Chihuahuas cannot do any real damage if they go berserk there.

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It is helpful to imagine the map of Russia as comprising of say, hundreds of Italy's, to grasp an idea of Russia's huge size in comparison with individual EU countries. Now, NATO doctrine author uses nuclear retaliation for if any invading military makes ingress upto maybe some unknown miles inside of the international border of any individual EU country. Accordingly, Russia which can be imagined as being dotted with hundreds of Italy sized space cells all along its lengthy international frontiers, will be justified in answering any invasion by any EU country beyond a few miles inward from this border, with strategic nuclear strikes to cripple the aggressor and it's allies at Russia's absolute discretion. Poland has behind it a precedent of participation in the world's most dastardly holocaust, the Inquisition, wreaked for 500 years on hundreds of thousands of natives of India. As such, Russia will be ill advised to wait and hazard a risk with Poland's intentions. The sensible option will be to cripple Poland's capability to reenact its ingrained holocaustic proclivities while there is still time before they manifest, by means of a first strike without warning at the very first provocation. The very first provocation itself is the Red Line, and Russia should not entertain the temptation to say "Check". War is not a board game of chess, especially when the intentions is potential existential assault on the Russian civilisation. Else you will be hoping against hope.

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The Ziofascist Polish NATO hawk Zbigniew Brzezinsky, had made a war manual compulsory reading for Western strategists. This book, titled “Forgotten Antiquities of the Saffron Menace, Vedic India in Europe”, posits the thesis that Russia is an aberration which must be extirpated from Christian soil of Europe, because it is an outpost implanted by Vedic India in remote antiquity. An epic Excerpt from this book says, “Beneath their skin-deep Christian disguise, the Russian hordes bear the ignominy of barbaric Saffron blood coursing in their veins”. Ziomaniac strategists are jettisoning hatred for India ingrained in popular European psyche to goad European populace into pouncing on Russia and India as cannon fodder in the zero sum Armageddonian gamble of Zio-oligarchic monopolisation of global economy through conquest. The thankless phareesical cabal of Ziofascist aliens ensconced in western bourses is poised to sacrifice even all of its hosts, viz. the proverbial "cowboy's horses" as expendable zombies in the line of nuclear fire on the altar of its unrealistic political ambitions.

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A shameless Polish cultural-hegemon cum influence-saboteur operating in India named Karolina Goswami who claims to have 1130000 followers on You Tube has articulated her personal assessment of some apparently India-unfriendly articles in some Russian media outlets, which is grounded in perceptions and prejudices peculiar to her European context, and made them the punching posts of her misleading sweeping implied generalizations attributing anti-India sentiment to Russian society at large, on her You Tube page of following link,


Her anti-Russia bias has been evident since the time when Polish border guards were roughing up female Indian students fleeing racism in Ukraine and taunting them with advice to “drink their own urine” but Karolina was deliberately suppressing these facts and running fake propaganda stories on alleged brutalisation of Indian girls by Russia.

Indians are a timeless ancient civilisation, and are not a bunch of impressionable gullibles vulnerable to propaganda from a European like her. Kerolina presumes that Indians are amenable to her brainwashing, and she pretends to spearhead Indian nationalist causes in a very cunning way, and very slyly tries to waylay Indians into subsidizing her propaganda campaigns directed against Russia, by soliciting massive donations in the name of nationalist causes but her real motive is to invest money and her cunning in fomenting discord between India and Russia. She never mentions the Inquisitadorial holocaust perpetrated by Poland for 300 years in Russia-Belarus-Ukraine, in which hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians were butchered by burning on the stake. Poland has permanently annexed more than one third of the land of Ukrainian nation, and also stakes illegitimate claims to large swathes of Belarus including Brest which the Poles call Brezesck. Polish pastors and nuns participated in full throttle in the 500 year long Inquisitional holocaust of Indians in Gujarat and Goa, and forced neoconvert Konkani women to sip their semen as a supposed mark of sacrament. Even today, the government of Poland is forcibly pushing Ukrainians fleeing the Ziomaniac Zelensky regime, back into Ukraine where they are being shot dead for evading conscription. Poland had perpetrated mini- holocaust once again on Ukraine in the immediate aftermath of deposition of Czar Nicholas in twentieth century. More than anything else, Karolina's 'Indian nationalist' pretense is more of an exigent means of fooling Indians into mistaking her for a more staunch Indian nationalist than the most patriotic of natives and mass-hijacking Indian society in her capacity as an undercover Euro-hegemony propagandist. Kerulina is a closet EuroCatho-chauvinist masquerading in fake Hinduistic disguise, who she thinks Indians will fall for her priestcrafty antics and pay obeissance before her and swallow her propaganda in blind trust in the same way in which untouchability-monger foragers from Neanderthal Europe had forced serfdom upon rank and file Vedic Hindus in remote antiquity after hijacking Indian faith. She is part of the collective west's information war against India.

Karolina copyrights her videos which for the most part are based on themes already known in detail to the huge body of Indian masses, such as those about Korea and the conspiratorial machinations of modern era Europe, and in this way she cunningly sequesters that vital body of knowledge from access to the minds of rank and file Indians. The content is not really new, but is mainly a reiteration of facts already known to Hindus, made with the cunning motive of appealing to sentiments of Indian viewers and consequently their winning blind trust which she can subsequently weaponise for poisoning their minds against Russia.

The immaculate unitarian relationship of supra-spiritual oneness between Indian and Russian masses is completely devoid of the faintest undertones of profane carnality, and predates the beginning of time, being as it is the collapse of sublime consciousness upon itself, the one without a second. Indian masses possess an incorruptible channel of nonlocal supra-conscious channel of communion with Russia embedded deep in their psyche, which is not amenable to distortion from worldly chatter. That is why they are not vulnerable to brainwashing warfare from Europe and its surrogates like Karolina who has mounted an all out information war against Russia on Indian soil while censoring and blacking out all sensible counternarratives. The immaculate lust free relationship of unitarian oneness between India and Russia is akin only to that between the Heavenly Father and the Holy Son.

In the frenzy of her ethnophobic hatred, a Polish cultural-hegemonist Karolina insinuates that Russia has always harboured imperialistic designs on India, and that India was saved from Russian slavery only because of the untimely death of a Czar named Paul. But she does not want us to realise that she herself is a devotee of Polish Pope Worticlaw alias John Paul, who wanted a grand harvest of souls in India at the turn of the present century. Kerulina is Polish Catholic cultural imperialist residing in India in fake Hinduistic disguise. She will not tell you how Polish Catholic pastors burnt hundreds of thousands of innocent African, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu and Micronesian-Melanesian women on the stake from Cape Verde and Mozambique in Africa to Papua New Guinea and Micronesia in Pacific, for hundreds of years for defying diktats to embrace Jesuit faith. How Mahatma Gandhi had declined the request from a shrewd Polish missionary in India to say two words in praise of Polish religion, because Gandhi knew that Poles will misuse those quotes for luring unsuspecting Indians into the Pope's dragnet. How, thousands of Rajput ladies captured from Diu were burnt to death in Goa by Polish Inquisitadors, and how neo convert Konkani women were ordered to sip semen of Polish pastors in the belief that it is a sacrament for expiation of sins accruing from native cultural accretions lingering in their psyche. Kerulina is not a well-wisher of Indians, but reckons them as game for harvest. She is a cultural saboteur indulging in politicking intrigues in India for furthering Euro-Polish hegemony.

Kerulina is a closet Yudeo-Catholic Euro-chauvinist who is trying in ingenius priestcrafty ways to succeed in fooling India where Sonia Antonio Maino had failed, after entrenching herself in self-styled priesty echelon of Indian society. Kerulina is quoting piecemeal news selectively from some News channels operating inside Russia, for stereotyping the entire Russian nation as an enemy of India. Polish, Khazar, Croat, Czech, German Swiss colonists have barged unfettered into Russia over the ages, and those colonists have impersonated Russia without authorisation and spewed venom against India from time to time in media articles, but their views cannot in any way be deemed representative of the Russian nation.

With the aim of raking up vengeful anti-Russia hysteria amongst her Indian audience, Karolina has misused caricatures of Indian Prime Minister Modi in her thumbnail to insinuate that Russian President Putin and Russian media despised and spoke unflatteringly of Mr Modi before the Ukraine war but are eagerly cavorting with him now out of selfishness. This is a blatant lie. Mr Putin had welcomed Mr Modi with utmost respect in Astra Khan when Modiji was CM of Gujarat and at the receiving end of diatribes from political opponents in India. Russia state media has never spoken unfavorably of Mr Modi.

While trying to goad and provoke Indian public into unjustified vengeance towards Russia, Kerulina impersonates the Indian public while making the unauthorized announcement that Indians will never forget hostile overtures from Russia. She behaves as if she is more Indian than the rest of Indians, part of some intimate inner rung sanctum sanctorum, who can claim divine previlige of cajoling Indians to turn against fellow human-beings especially the sister civilisation of Russia, for the sake of preserving the pleasure of Kerulina.

Kerulina has selectively quoted some India-critic articles from media outlets in Russia, and wrongly conflated them with Russian society at large, for citing them as proof of her conjecture that anti-India sentiments have been the normal paradigm in Russian social discourse. Kerulina also alleges that Russia is coveting a slice of India’s economic success story, but in an unguarded moment she has herself admitted that she has been conducting special classes and seminars in Polish schools to enable Polish young generation to take advantage of India’s emerging global stature.

Kerulina supporters have embarked on vicious blanket vilification and demonisation, of all such Indians who Harbour congenial or friendly feelings towards Russia. Karolina has gone overboard in her advocacy of the Crusaderic anti-India anti-Russia narrative emanating from the very same sources whom Kerulina pretends to dislike and calls by the epithet “Criminal Christian countries”. Kerulina fans have poured vituperation on Indians at large and commented that Indians collectively simp before Russia because they like to prostitute white Russian females. There is an unmistakable ethnophobic racist element to Kerulina's rants. In trying to pit Indian Hindus against Russia, she has betrayed a paradox. She wants Indians to embrace her as their own without encumbrances, but in her next move she weaponises that assimiliative bonhomie for cajoling Indians to hate fellow-beings namely Russians, on the verge of her friendship. India does not crave Kerulina's affection at the cost of brotherly relations with other fellow humans especially Russians. She reckons Indians as prey meant to be targetted, and not as her own compatriots.

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Kerulina has made out even the acts of benefaction towards India by Russia, as some sort of selfish and ignoble "sins", maybe out of her pseudo-religious racist prejudice on the lines of Inquisitadorial Portugal which had ruled that any aid given to heathen India is a satanic act.

Kerulina has bluntly insinuated that whenever Russia has aided or co-operated with India, it has done so not out of any goodwill, but solely from selfish design of drawing India into its orbit and subverting Indian polity for undermining India's sovereignty. Kerulina impersonates India as if she is its authorized spokeswoman. However, careful scrutiny shows that Kerulina is actually describing her own Euro-chauvinist character. It is she who as a Catho-chauvinist, has feigned Hinduistic pretentions for mesmerizing Indians and hijacking public opinion in subservience to European hegemony. Her fans say Indians are emotional fools who simp before Russia, but it is Kerulina who wants Indians to propitate her like a Greek goddess and abide by her Eurohegemonic agenda in blind faith.

The bottom line is that Kerulina does not share ethnic, ideological or spiritual identity with the overwhelming majority of Indians. She is not one of us, and as such she is not at all authorized to abuse and vilify Russia or anybody else in our name by impersonating India. She is a shrewd hate-monger whose agenda is to confuse Indian populace and sanitise its mental defenses to render it vulnerable to ideological subjugation and conquest by Europe by throwing it off guard in naive slumber of impressionability.

In tandem with the Zio-oligarchic EuroMerican deep states war of narratives against India, Karolina and You Tube have deleted informed rejoinder comments in wholesale fashion on her page,

https://youtu.be/WUUQsOAdYok?si=lvT9eBAFjJnxLF09 ,

in order to foist a toxic European war propaganda narrative on Indian viewers, with the motive exerting influence on Indian public opinion on behalf of external forces inimical to India. Comments which could have cleared the air have been immediately deleted, and many more have been “buried” or "shadow banned", which means they remain visible on the page only to the poster and to no one else! Here, Karolina and You Tube have possibly colluded for shaming all such Indians who do not ostracise Russia, by encouraging comments which demonise them and shutting off counter narratives which debunk Karolina brigade’s blanket toxic propaganda against such Indians. You Tube is waging a disinformation war of malicious xenophobic narratives against Russian society, as for example by abetting and fostering comments calling upon all countries to "expel ethnic Russians and to ban their language to preclude potential secessionism in consequence of irredentist policy of the Russian state as manifesting in Ukraine". All sensible rejoinders to such comments have been shadow-banned by You-Tube, which does not want its viewers to fathom the dangers posed to territorial integrity of nations by Israelite alien Ziofascists like Zelensky and his coterie who usurp power via terrorist means, hold on to it like despots, and embark on holocaust of host society after disenfranchising it substantially in the political, economic and cultural sense !

Umpteen commentators have complained that Karolina has been immediately deleting their comments in which they have posted logical rejoinders to counter the vicious blanket vilification by Karolina's supporters, of all such Indians who Harbour congenial or friendly feelings towards Russia. Karolina has gone overboard in her advocacy of the Crusaderic anti-India anti-Russia narrative emanating from the very same sources whom Karolina pretends to dislike and calls by the epithet "Criminal Christian countries". Karolina fans have poured vituperation on Indians at large and commented that Indians simp before Russia because they like to prostitute white Russian females, and other commentators calling themselves Karolina's Polish compatriots are badmouthing Indians at large with choicest abuse for having soft feelings for Russia. They are writing that Russia had murdered Indian ex PM Shastri and nuclear scientist HJ Bhabha, and that Russian society is intrinsically inimical to India whereas Israelis are worthy of blind trust. Karolina has invited a flurry of hate comments against Indians from her supporters on that You Tube channel, while immediately deleting any rational rejoinders. She has entrenched herself by dint of nuptial bonds in priestcrafty echelons of India, for entraining a critical mass of zombies dedicated to hijacking public opinion through incessant propaganda in subservience to European neocolonial hegemony and despotically running down all Indians who hold counter-opinions, as an agent of malice and sabotage against Indian civilisation. In tune with a CIA-Mossad arrangement with Zio-oligarchic corpirate social media platforms to flood Indian netscape with myriad posters faking umpteen Indian identities, commentators have written that Russia's patronisation of a patriarch independent of the Vatican, makes it intrinsically unsuitable for friendship with Hindu-majority India. All logical counters to this absurd comment have been shadow banned on purpose by You Tube which wants to monopolise the narratives in Indian netscape along the lines of western Corpimperialist hegemony. In her overzealousless to make India the battleground for Poland's civilisational intolerance towards Russia, the Polish saboteur Karolina has even remonstarted against the propriety of certain Russian media houses placing public-awareness advertisements on busses and billboards across India offering support against the collective west's hegemonic assaults on Indian sovereignty, and Karolina's fan bots have gone so far as to taunt Indians for "tolerating" such a "pretentious show of solidarity" by Russia. No wonder, Karolina reckons India as a Eunuch-in-waiting who she supposes must take orders from her blonde Polish mom. It is shameful that her priestcrafty "Indian" husband chooses to remain oblivious of her neocolonial racist Euro-hegemonic antics which insult and demean all of the Indian masses, without feeling the need to raise even a whimper of protest during carnal rendezvous in bed.

There is this thing called national self respect, राष्ट्रीय अस्मिता, which is sadly lacking here. Going by Karolina's own skewed logic which denies Russia the right to dare to co-operate or offer solidarity with India to fend off external threats to its sovereignty just because Karolina says Russian sincerity is drawn into question from Karolina's half baked allegations of precedents of Russian hostility in the past, one must wonder if a Pole like Karolina should even have the shameless cheek to try to cajole or coerce Indians to get drawn on her side, Poland's side in its acrimonious civilisational war (of potential aggression plus narratives) on Russia, when Poland has already set a 500 year long protracted precedent of hostile insincerity by participation in the world's most dastardly holocaust, perpetrated on hundreds of thousands of Indians, the Catholic Inquisition in Gujarat and Goa?

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In the same vein in which Karolina has branded all of Russo-Indian cooperation at any point in history as insincere and embodying covert hostility, all of the Karolina’s potentially insincere advocacy of Hindu nationalist causes throughout her sojourn in India can be called into question with at least as much veracity. Moreover, she needs to get the message that by espousing Hindu causes on an occasion or two with questionable motives of winning over blind trust of Hindus, she has not bestowed such a magnificient favour upon India as would expiate all of her accountability and answerability in respect of any amount of potential harm she might chose to inflict upon India in future. Being nice to Hindus for once does not give her potential license to do a Sonia Maino Season 2 on India with impunity. मतलब कि एहसान करके देश को खरीद नहीं लिया है !

Karolina in her malice towards India, has tried to make India a proxy battleground for Poland's acrimonious war of narratives and civilisational aggression against Russia. By citing some anecdotal articles in RT channel, or some unflattering remarks about Yoga by a lone Russian national and insinuating that they form evidences of rampant and ingrained anti-India sentiment in Russian society, Karolina has viciously tried to evoke Hard-feelings towards Russians in hearts of Indians. But Indians are not such brute zombies as would get provoked to point a gun at those Russians and pull the trigger, as Karolina may want, figuratively speaking! Vedic Indian worldview realises that there are multiple layers of meaning to REALITY, and does not subscribe to parochial naive childishness of ostracising someone just because he might have said something unappreciative of us? Will any sensible human ostracise his son, daughter, father etc. simply out of consternation at ephemeral difference of opinion that might have cropped up at some point of time? A disagreement should never be a problem.

Russia and India are one inalienable Vedic family, like the household of Lord Bal Krishna ji in Vrindavan; As such, mutual dealings between them are governed by the congenial spirit of unadulterated विशुद्ध प्रेम typical of Yashoda's household instead of the brutal tyrranical acrimony, bad blood, intolerance, offend ability which has traditionally characterised interpersonal relationships even within families in western European culture as exemplified in Oliver Twist novel. Just by couching the underpinnings of her Euro-hegemonist ideology in the camouflage of fake Hinduistic parameters, and craftily trying to paint Vedic Russia as part and parcel of the real Euro-hegemonic collective west which as the antithesis of Vedic world view is inexorably intolerent of Indian civilisation, Karolina will not succeed in duping Indian Hindus to mistake her for their own! In her struggle to alienate Vedic India from its alter ego Russia, Karolina will doubtless always remain the "alien" or "other" to us in spiritual terms in our reckoning, in whatever disguise she might assume; and the Russian masses will always remain our "own" or "self" by virtue of the transcendental supra-spiritual timeless bond which transcends outward worldly barriers of religion, politics and ideology. The "connect" between Indians and Russians is on the level of the Atman, which is pure love, where there is none other than oneself !

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Protagonists of European EU imperialism seeking to vanquish Asiatic and African indigenous societies, have been known to fake local religio-cultural affiliations for infiltrating, parasitising and hijacking native communities. An American lady feigned conversion to Islam and became a vociferous purveyor of militant Islamist ideology in her books under the pen name Mariem Jamilah, and hailed the genocidal despot Aurangzeb as the greatest savant of God and a model Muslim par excellence, in tune with the western deep state's nefarious geostrategic motives of inciting religious wars in Asia to weaken local communities from attrition. Another woman from the EU, who was a stalwart from the management of a corporate Reality TV sleaze syndicate, pretended to have become a most pious and puritanical Muslim and spewed venom against other Asiatic faiths by impersonating Islam. Karolina's hideous attempts to suffuse vengeful acrimony against Russia society by mass peddling one-sided and vicious toxic narratives in India, have to be seen in the larger context of the EU penchant for deploying moles in pursuit of its imperialist ambitions in the global South.

The vast bulk of India's populace are Vedic Hindus by innate default, ie. they are Vedists by virtue of the AtmaVeda आत्म-वेद or the luminance of the inborn विशुद्ध सात्विक प्रज्ञा ओर sublime intellect refined by austere virtuosity which is naturally immanent in the supra-conscious inner depths of their consciousness, with which they possess uninterrupted non-local instantaneous communion. The pristine Vedic conscience rejects the caste system in all of its forms and disguises, whether purporting to be based on birth, or intellectual caliber or profession or mental ability, or innate proclivity or any other nonsense. It completely rejects the idea of priestly classes and preceptor ship, which are purely Neolithic era Euro-Dravid-colonial constructs completely alien to Vedic ethos and dogma.

However, when influential guilds which specialised in priestcraft as familial profession came under eventual ambit of Hinduism as a result of cultural diffusion, they failed to imbibe the essence of Vedism in their psyche but only nominally continued to remain Hindu while retaining their proto- untouchabilist priestcraftism as the core of their ethos. Such covert recidivist influence groups try to impersonate Hinduism today, and sell their services for a price to European conquistador moles, and try to foist despotic religious domination of the European moles on the general public by issuing priestcrafty pontific edicts to that effect, in the hope that at least some impressionable sections of the public will submit like serfs before temporal authority of those moles, out of superstitious fear of invoking displeasure of an imaginary godhead held in popular misperception to be the custodian of priestcraftism. Thus, these corpocults are amenable to hijack by western imperialism whereupon they become tools for projection of foreign imperialist hegemony on indigenous society, culminating in eventual tragic political conquest, by foisting agents of European imperialism as pontifs on the masses by issuing edicts as if the latter were dumb driven cattle. Though such pressure groups are free to enjoy their beliefs, yet the vast majority do not subscribe to their warped doctrine which sanctified their overbearing self-assuming claims to divine authority over the masses. Dravidian-Goanese racist peer groups affiliated with priestcraftism, which are by default inimical towards both Indian masses and Russia alike, are projecting Polish saboteur Karolina as a Saviour of Hinduism in attempts to despotically foist her neocolonial preceptorship over the Hindi speaking masses.

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I wish somebody would write a bit on the influence of Zionism, now and in the past, on "Polish military command"... You seem like you don't know about it, or maybe it's inconvenient to you, to talk about that - how is it - Andrew ?

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There is precious little clear thinking on the part of the Poland's military and its government. For start they cannot annex part of Ukraine since were themselves annexed by the Ukrainian mafia state. What "Polish investments" in the Western Ukraine Andrej do you have in mind. It is all money down the drain possibly resulting in Poland's bankruptcy.

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