
"...some Israeli Jews believe that there exists a hierarchy of victimhood atop which their ethno-national and religious group sits..."

No, you don't say!

"...they dishonestly blame Poles for the Holocaust in order to uphold this false perception that some have exploited to demand socio-cultural and political privileges."

So good to see recognition: I was beginning to think it might just be me. (NOT!)

Kudos to you, Mr Korybko, for so bravely sticking your head above the parapet. If you replace, 'that some have exploited' with ', which they exploit increasingly' you would be absolutely spot on. I think you could drop the adjectives, 'socio-cultural and political', and the plural for 'privilege', and it would be even more accurate. But, hey, 'perfect is the worst enemy of good enough' and what you've done is better than good enough — just right. Putin should be looking to take a leaf out of your book here — kudos indeed!

"His compatriots, co-ethnics, and co-religionists should condemn this..."

True, but not for the reasons you state, e.g. "whitewashing the Nazis", etc. It is wrong, a lie and therefore should be regarded and related to for what it is — not good, but the opposite of good, which is bad — not healthy or constructive, supporting and promoting better welfare and life, but the opposite — unhealthy, destructive, instilling disease, creating breakdown and leading to death.

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"Israeli Activist Arsen Ostrovsky Is Wrong To Collectively Blame Poles For The Holocaust"

He is NOT "wrong"; he is dishonest.

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The Ziofascist Arendars who had colonised vast swathes of Ukraine as feudatories of Imperial Poland and the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth after flocking to Poland to escape popular backlash against usurists in England, France, Spain and Czechia, at the beginning of the 2nd millenium CE, went on to establish the most hideous and tyrranical model of feudalist exploitation of the masses in entire Europe. These Arendar "businessmen" as they were called, "ruled" like despotic Lords and Earls over millions of Slavic Ukrainians in lands conquered by Poland, and reduced the latter to a state of abject exploitation and poverty more wretched than that of the African slaves who were being supplied all over western Europe and South America by Sephardic slave trading families based in Portugal. These Arendar businessmen became the vanguard of the Polish-Lithuanian Inquisition, in which Baltic and Polish conquistadors depopulated entire counties in the western one fourth of Ukraine by literally burning the populations on stakes as ostensible part of an Inquisition for forcible conversion of the populace to Catholic faith. In return, the Polish state promised to place entire platoons of the royal army at the disposal of the Ziofascist Arendar "businessmen", for harshly quelling any dissidence among the serfs beneath their stick, with unmatched ruthlessness. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians perished from the strain and ardour of forced labour beyond their capacity, which the Arendars had subjected them to as a matter of routine. One of the mercenaries who had played a crucial part in the NATO conquest of Libya in the 2010's, was an Israeli, a Mossad agent named Benjamin Efraim, who feigned Islamic disguise and had risen to the rank of commander in a terrorist Al Qaeda contingent. He had butchered hundreds of civilian Libyan captives in cold blood on charge of being government agents. When asked why he stooped to such cruelty in the name of Islam when he was not a Muslim in the first place but a practising Jew, he replied that the victims being Muslims and Arabs were savage beings anyway who did not deserve human previliges in his religious opinion. It was exactly with such superlative scorn for the Russian civilisation that the Ziofascist duo of Matvei Berman and Heinrich Yegoda, inventors of the Gulag and aristocratic confidates of defacto dictator Lavrenti Beria who wanted to carve out Greater Israel from Baku to Odessa on Eurasian soil, had rounded up hundreds of thousands of innocent Russian daily wagers from Moscow and St Petersberg on flimsy pretext of not being in physical possession of proper documents on their person (internal passport) and herded them to the notoriously inhospitable Nazino labour camp in Omsk oblast, a veritable cannibal island infamous for forced starvation and sexual abuse ala modern day Zio-oligarchic Survivors Reality TV show. It is in tune with such a mindset that the Zelensky regime orchestrated a false flag attack on a children's hospital in Ukraine, and bombed residential high rise apartments in Kazan with the same high explosive firebombs routinely used by Israel in Gaza. Likewise, the Ziofascist Arendars who literally ruled over Ukraine for hundreds of years, had dehumanised the Slavic natives to such an extent in their pseudo-religious reckoning that any atrocity wreaked on the latter did not count as sin to their minds. The record of that Ziofascist holocaust of Slavs has survived in the collective memory of the Russian-Belarusian-Ukrainian nation to this day, despite the undoubted paucity of written records attesting to this circumstance for the simple reason that the Ziofascist Arendars were very intolerant of anyone from among their serfs aspiring to pursue a career of erudition which was deemed detrimental to the feudalistic hierarchy, which is why there were very few scribes among Ukrainians those days. It was kind of like Iraq post its conquest by the Pentagon in the 2000's, when American soldiers would barge into Iraqi homes in the dead of night, pull up sleeping males by the collar and fling them onto the ground, place their knees upon the chest of the victims and ask brusquely whether the latter had any "anti-American propaganda literature" in their possession in the event of which those folks would be taken away, never to be seen again

Zelensky believes himself to be a direct descendant and legacy beaerer of the medieval Ziofascist Arendar aliens who ruled over much of Ukraine, and it is in that spirit that he has banned the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the latter's very own cradle. Taking a cue from Israeli "Nakba" of forcible expulsion of Muslims, the Council of Europe has branded the Russian Orthodox Church as enemy agent, and the EU high command has embarked on a spree of expulsion of Orthodox priests.

Khmelnitsky and Kolicizisna do not qualify any more as "holocaust" than the French revolution does, going by the same token of reasoning by which the Bolshevik revolution does not qualify as a "genocide of Slavs by Jewish outsiders" . They were popular reactions against an intolerably repressive feudal order established by aliens. The Arendars, who were aliens that had barged into Ukraine from places so very distant as Norse Northumbria in British Isles, treated Ukrainian natives like beasts of burden and subjected them to such indignities as forcing those serfs to carry the Arendar Ziofascist Lords around on their shoulders in palanquins or otherwise, because the Arendars deemed it inauspicious to tread on the "accursed" heathen soil of Ukraine.

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Yes, this is all true, which is why it's so very difficult to consider it just water under the bridge. The problem is, doing anything else is dangerously likely to inspire hatred, which would then put both sides on the wrong side — on the side of hatred.

Bear in mind WHY the Russians are winning: because they are fighting a defensive war. It was the Americans (and whoever else might gain by hidden means) who attacked Russia by provocation, removing all options until attack was the only one left. If they are inspired by hatred, they will become no better than the hidden aggressors they are defending themselves from. Please don't try to, and try not to, inspire hatred.

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Precisely. Hatred is the very antithesis of humane civilisation, for it is the seed from which all greater evil springs forth. Brilliant, Douche!

Hatred is what the closet Ziomaniac undercover Senyarim CJ Weleman is inspiring, when he craftily writes half-truths on Zio-oligarchic social media insinuating that Hindu labourers from India have descended in droves upon Israel with the malicious motive of dispossessing Muslim Palestinians in deference to a conspiracy between the political establishments of India and Israel, by demolishing ancestral homes of Palestinians in the West Bank and building homes for Jewish settlers upon the formers' debris. What CJ Werleman is hiding from his readers and audience is the fact that expat labourers do not have any say in the jobs they are assigned by contractors who hire them, and in Israel, the corpocratic law does not leave any scope for expat labourers, whether from India or from Africa for that matter, to jump employment in protest of any sort and to switch roles to say those of a farmer in the countryside in the event they happen to be unhappy with their present jobs of say construction site workers. An internal passport kind of system in force in Israel restricts mobility of expatriate workforce which possesses zero leeway in this regard. Having said that, there is zero evidence till date in the public domain of any Indian labourer having wilfully participated in any putative "settler colonisation of Palestinian lands" as so vehemently lamented with crocodile tears by CJ Werleman. Apparently, CJ Werleman wants to spark a crisis of broader conflict in Arab countries by inciting their impressionable populace to vengeful violence against the hundreds of thousands of Indian labourers who reside therein. The despicable tendency to victimise the most defenceless and largely apolitical sections of mankind, is undeniably one of the most hideous of human traits. The malafide charge levelled against Indian labourers, had earlier also been wrongly made against Falasha labourers who are Jews of Ethiopian origin, as closet Mossadist propagandists sought to scapegoat innocent bogeymen for Israel's transgressions, by handpicking them from amongst the most vulnerable and defenceless sections of Israeli as well as expat labourer societies. What is intriguing is that any strong critique of the likes of CJ Werleman and Amy Goodman, who feign displeasure at Israel as part of a larger covert agenda directed at other victims, elicits vociferous rebuttals from the anti-Semetism brigade, as if daring to challenge narratives espoused by someone who is himself overtly critical of Israel in an ostensibly hate-charged fashion, will qualify as anti-Semetism provided the person challenged in this manner hails from the "tribe" irrespective of his ideological leaning. It is very pertinent to note that very recently, CJ Werleman has gone so far as to taunt and tease Iran for not being sincere in its solidarity with Palestinians, by "accusing" Iran of chickenry and lip-service in "not having killed a single Israeli soldier till date". It is almost as if CJ Werleman is exhorting Iranians to kill Israelis, but the paradox is that the anti-Semetism cry brigade has his back !

It is in the same spirit that staunch Ziofascists oppose all condemnation of the kingpins of transAtlantic Slave trade, which incidentally is the first major holocaust of the 2nd millenium, namely the Portugal and Martnique-based Sephardic don families of Jimenez, Noronha, Fernandes, Rodrigues, Pallos Dias, Cabarello and Cardello lineages, most notably Antonio Fernandes de Elvas and Manuel Rodriguez Lameno; and collectively brand all such condemnation as anti-Semetism. Instead of calling out the undisguised black sheep from amongst their ilk, Ziofascists show a tendency to disincentivate any honest appraisal of their misdeeds by weaponising the hoarse cry of anti-Semetism. It is in this obnoxious spirit that Rabbi Pinkass GoldSmith has read too much in President Putin's innocuous jibe at vandals who are destroying the Orthodox Church in Ukraine. Whereas Mr Putin had emphasised that the conspiracy to destroy Orthodox church and persecute its followers hatched by Zelensky and his henchmen should not be allowed to blow into an excuse for sectarian strife, because those involved in such hideous acts were not being sincere to the tenets of any faith, let alone Judaism ; on the other hand, Rabbi Pinkass GoldSmith capitalised on this well-meaning statement as an opportunity to foment the very same strife and hatred which President Putin had been entreating his countrymen not to succumb to, by dishonestly spinning an entirely opposite angle of a civilisational attack on Judaism to rake up controversy. Pincharse's rants about his bad time in Russia become all the more reprehensible when one remembers that it were his Ziofascist comrades Matvei Berman and Heinrich Yegoda who had been running the entire show of genociding hundreds of thousands of rank and file Slavic Russians from poverty stricken Labour class backgrounds in Siberian gulags at the time he is alluding to, as part of a project for fomenting massive internal discord and dissaffection towards the nation in Russian society chalked out by Lavrentiy Beria who was architect of a plan to carve out Greater Israel from Baku to Odessa. When, by a sudden turn or quirk of fate, destiny turned the tables on those two monsters Berman and Yegoda and they eventually fell foul of Stalin's favour and got purged, it was only to be expected of the usual suspects to cry anti-Semetism as if by a reflex, but this solidarity from the "tribe" does not make the devilish character of those two monsters any nobler.

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Also all too true.

Just one little caveat: hatred hasn't evolved as a part of (human) emotion and behaviour for no good reason. It's not totally worthless and despicable, nor is its existence only to counterbalance or highlight love. It exists in its own right for a damn good reason — it IS sometimes necessary. That's not to justify Pincharse, but it should help to understand how the justification of hatred is used. The question is probably more about why, rather than who, you believe it's OK to hate. But then you get into justification, reeling off facts and lose your head up your own arse, so... Probably best just to keep away; as often and for as long as you can, in any case.

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Undeniably, true and the sad irony of our mortal existence!

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My Father was imprisoned in Auschwitz concentration camp. After WWII, in 1974 Kohl and Gierek signed an agreement to provide financial compensation to victims of the Holocaust and victims of WWII. We went to Jewish Community in Warsaw to claim such compensation. The secretary told us that there were and too many Holocaust survivors, nothing was left for my Father. We returned in 1978, we received the same answer. Jews in the US and Israhell saying that 6,000,000 Jews died. I went to Encyclopaedia Judaica, and this book states that 4,700,000 were killed in WWII. This explains why my Father did not receive any compensation.

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What religion was your dad ?

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Perhaps the Jews haven't learned the lessons of the so-called 'Holocaust,' or their own responsibility.

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You could occupy yourself full time in enumerating things Jews shouldn't be doing.

The Poles were well rid of them.

Israel has been trying to extort money from Poland as it continues to do very successfully from Germany.

One thing Poland should have given Israel was the physical infrastructure of Auschwitz. It could have been dismantled, lock stock and barrel, shipped to Israel, reassembled at their museum and then Jews could have conclaves there to their heart's content while eliminating the need for Poland to host hordes of rude, aggressive semites all the time.

The Szlachta (Polish aristocracy) brought their Jewish service-class with them wherever they asserted control--Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania--and imposed them as fax farmers and in various other exploitative functions. That's why, centuries later, the Nazis had no problems finding help in the east to liquidate Jews en masse.

When you see this repulsive creature, Ostrovsky, it reminds you exactly why Jews manage to make themselves loathed wherever they go.

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The 6 Million figure is invented because the Soviets knew Poles would not shed a tear for the murdered Jews*. So they offset 3 Million murdered Polish Jews with equivalent number of non-Jewish Poles. Sure, there were members of Polish intelligentsia murdered in concentration camps, and there were lots of civilian losses in Polish population, particularly during the destruction of Warsaw in August/October 1944. But it were never 3Mio, lol. What happened instead is that lots of Polish workers were moved to Germany to replace Germans fighting in the Wehrmacht or Waffen-SS, and after 1945, these stayed in Germany or moved on to the USA, Canada, UK or Australia. Almost all the Germans who had Polish passports before 1939 moved West, and even some Poles who acquired German passports after 1939 moved West too.

Then there were tons of Ukranians and Belorussians who resettled in Soviet Union or in the West after 1945. The grandparents of the just dismissed Canadian deputy PM and finance minister Chrystia Freeland come to mind here. OK, her grandfather Michailo Chomiak came from W Ukraine, but he actually worked in Cracow during the war. All of this explains the demographic changes Poland experienced in its non-Jewish population 1939-1948.

* For example, Polish resistance didn't do much about the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in 1943. Polish resistance was spoon-fed by the British with weapons but none of that made its way into the Warsaw Ghetto. OK, some Jews were hidden away, but many more were released to the German forces. The situation in the Soviet Union itself was no different. This is the reason that between 1945 and 1989 an ethno-religious breakdown was studiously avoided by the various Soviet governments. Otherwise, most non-Jewish voices from the Soviet population would not have empathized, but would instead said - well, there was one good thing about the Germans. It was the same all over the Eastern Block. You can easily verify it, by looking through the Osvobozhdeniye film series of early 1970s.

Please note - this was just for home consumption. To the West, Soviet Union and Eastern Block as a whole had no problem releasing the actual figures. So Soviets obviously helped during the Nuremberg trials, and Eastern Block countries helped Israel with evidence during the Eichmann trial. Moreover, Soviet Union helped prevent a UN SC censure of Israel for capturing Eichmann in Argentia. And not to forget: the famous Andrey Gromyko's speach at the UN in May 1947, where he outflanked the USA on supporting the establishment of the state of Israel.

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" The 6 Million figure is invented because the Soviets knew Poles would not shed a tear for the murdered Jews*. "

No, the six million trope was already being used even before WW1.

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Andrew is mostly correct, but while not directly addressed by Andrew, it must be pointed out that the misfortune that Poles (& others) experienced at the hands of the Germans is fundamentally different from the Jewish experience. Wherever the Germans went in the 40s they found some good Poles, Ukrainians, Czechs, Frenchmen, etc. They never found good Jews and in fact the policy of the German state was to murder any they came across.

So, does this imply a hierarchy of victimhood?

I think it does, but on the other hand I think that Jews alive today are not entitled to victimhood status any more than Germans alive today deserve victimizer status.

The forgoing does not address the entirely valid point that Jews instrumentalize antisemitism for political gain, or the equally valid point that Jew hatred is a real and persistent phenomenon.

As usual, Andrew provides thought provoking content.

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It's not about victimhood status. Victimhood status is nonsense. It's about the probability of being a future victim. There history does teach that if one is repeatedly victim, the probability of being future victim is sky-high.

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The point is to convince American policy makers. Nothing gives a Pole greater delight than when he is permitted to gratify his American Master.

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ΙIn our dystopiv world the ''eternal victims'' hapen to be our judge-jury-executioners|!

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While the Poles, as a collective, are definitely to be blamed for the Holocaust, the Israelis, as a collective (their own polls are showing it) are guilty of the present genocide in Gaza and ethnic cleansing and apartheid in West Bank... Heck, the ICC and ICJ and HRW, and Amnesty International have put the finger on the scale and decided that yup, Israel is a genocidaire...

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I meant to say NOT TO BE BLAMED...

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