Japan handelt im Auftrag der Weltmacht USA, Japan ist seit ende des II. Weltkrieg ein Protektorat der USA ohne Friedensvertrag und ohne Verfassung!!!

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Not even a Protektorat... Just one sad Plantage!

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Deutschland muss zerstört werden, Vollstreckung des Hooton/Kaufmann/Morgenthau Planes von 1943!!!

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The current german regierung is very invested in destroying Germany... After all what did they do when the USofTerrorism "allies" blew up Nord Stream I & II?!

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The most important assets for Japan as a nation are its people and its culture. Large scale fast immigration destroys both, with significant impact within one generation. What Japan does not have are raw natural resources, especially energy. Japan's prosperity depends on a detente with Russia for resource, and good relationship with mostly everybody for business relationship. The relation between China and Japan will likely remain in tension for foreseeable future, due more to the Chinese side national memory. If Japan is forced to sanction somebody, it is China, not Russia or India. India alone can single-handedly cut off oil supply to Japan from ME. Geography dictates that Japan must have close affinity with Eurasia, at least closer than a puppet master 10,000 km away. Unless, of course, if Japan wants to restart an imperial career. Abe's diplomatic policies are better for Japan, a lot better than Kishida's.

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"Sanctions" is the wrong word. Japan has resorted not to sanctions but to illicit extra territorial projection of its hegemony on Indian soil in violation of India's sovereignty. Under Indian Constitution, India is a sovereign republic and not a colony or vassal of Japan. If any Indian firm is doing trade with Russia from India soil, or is providing logistic and financial services to another Indian company engaged in business with Russia; then it is outside of the scope of Japan's jurisdiction to pass judgements on such actions. At the most, Japan can ask such companies to leave Japan if Japanese government dislikes the policy of those companies. But, on no account can Japan claim any rights to confiscate the assetts of those companies, because doing so is tantamount to admitting that India has the right to confiscate shareholding of all Japanese investors in joint ventures operating in India, simply because India abhors the colour of trousers worn by Japan's emperor. Japan cannot Force Indian companies or Indian nationals to ostracise or boycott fellow Indian nationals or firms on Indian soil, because India is an independent country. When Japan brandishes threats of punitive seizures of assetts to blackmail Indian firms into obeying extra territorial diktats of Japan on Indian soil, it is like a tacit admission by Japan that Indians have the right to impose fines on Japanese citizens for voting to power any candidate save those who have been endorsed by India. Another fallout of such irresponsible and autocratic actions on part of the Japanese leadership has already impacted the global business community's trust, with the inevitable result that small businesses world over are already having second thoughts on the wisdom of engaging in business deals with Japan, given the incumbent Japanese leadership's frivolous proclivity to view such engagements as weakness of the other party and to weaponise such deals for leveraging blackmail and extortion on the other party, which is a very unfair business practice indeed.

Japan is illegally seizing the assetts of Indian companies and Indian citizens who are doing business with Russia or are providing logistic services inside India to Indian companies which do business with Russia. This is an act of terrorism because Japan is arm-twisting Indian nationals into OSTRACISING fellow Indians on Indian soil. These are not sanctions but banditry and extortion. Henceforth, Japanese embassy and consulate in India have become centres of mafiosi extortion against Indian nationals. This is an act of terrorist war against the Indian Constitution. It becomes imperative for the Indian government of the day to likewise CONFISCATE all assetts of Japanese firms such as SUZUKI, SONY TV, HONDA and myriad others inside India without compensation. This is incumbent upon Indian government because taking counter-measures against the enemy to protect the constitutional liberty of Indian citizens on Indian soil is a constitutional obligation of the Indian government, and any evasion might be viewed in some quarters as wilful dereliction of duty and abdication of constitutional responsibility.

By deciding to confiscate the assets and property of Indian nationals and firms which either do business with Russia from India, or which provide logistic and financial services to such individuals and firms, Japan has crossed the legal RED LINE boundary of "SANCTIONS". This act of Japan no longer fits the template of any SANCTIONS, but is tantamount to TERRORIST EXTORTION wreaked on Indian nationals on Indian soil with the aim of armtwisting Indian citizens into OSTRACISING fellow Indians on Indian soil. This is a defiant war against Indian Constitution which guarantees civil liberties to Indians on Indian soil, and infringes upon the sacred duty of Indians to forge bonds of solidarity and fraternity amongst themselves. Accordingly, it becomes incumbent upon the Indian government to take counter-measures to uphold the constitutional sovereignty of India, including SEIZURE of the assetts of all Japanese firms as well as divesting them of all Intellectual property rights and patents in India. Nothing short of such measures will suffice, and these measures must be instituted well within time, before those Japanese firms are able to misuse opportunity to siphon off funds and assetts out of India.

By announcing that it will freeze the assets of Indian companies, Japan has declared a terrorist war upon India. Japan has not only decided to freeze the asserts of Indian companies which do business with Russia, but also to expropriate the assets of all Indian citizens as well as other Indian firms which provide logistic or financial services to those Indian companies within India. This is not simply the imposition of sanctions, but is an outrageous policy of arm- twisting Indian nationals on Indian soil into surrendering their liberty and the sovereignty of India, by violating the rights of Indians to socialised and interact with their compatriots in India at their absolute independent discretion. In this way, Japan has not only defied India's sovereignty and territorial integrity, but is also inflicting terrorist blackmail upon Indian companies operating inside India, to submit before Japan's hegemonic extra territorial projection of Japanese domestic policies on India soil, exactly in the footsteps of medieval bandits like Ala Ud Din Khilji and Iltutmish. At this point of time, diplomatic missions of Japan have become instruments of illegal extra territorial terrorist extortion against Indian nationals on Indian soil. Accordingly, in pursuance of its duty to uphold India's sovereignty and the protection granted by Indian Constitution to Indian nationals of right to life and liberty within India, it has become incumbent upon the Indian government to confiscate all the assetts of Japanese firms as well as government bodies including diplomatic missions, and to impose restrictions of movement, social interaction and financial transactions on all Japanese nationals residing or staying in India. There can be no place for party politics squabbling in this matter of exigent national priority to quell Japan's imperialist assault on liberty of Indian citizens on Indian soil. Indian government too must confiscate all assetts of Japanese nationals who socialise with or interact in any way in any part of the world with Japanese and western firms which are plundering the world's poor populace via neck-breaking prices of medicines and diagnostic machines manufactured by those firms. India too must deliver an asymmetric response, because India is not a Reality TV contestant bound by any 'rules of the game' framed by Japan.

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The USofT Plantation known as "japan" (don't even deserve the 1st Capital letter!) will do whatever the USofT orders them to do... no matter the consequences for themselves.

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