They knew they couldn’t beat him in 2020 so they changed the rules for the election at halftime bc of “covid”. They knew since he announced that they couldn’t beat him this time so they decided to lock him up. When that didn’t work they tried to kill him. When that didn’t work they changed their candidate in the 9th inning after their voters already voted in the primary. All is fair when “saving democracy” is your primary objective. Fucking clown show. You’d think enough swing voters will see this for what it is and protest vote against it but I doubt it.

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Jul 22Liked by Andrew Korybko

Doubt is good but daring to imagine and nurturing faith is even better.

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Jul 22Liked by Andrew Korybko

"...he supposedly wants to “position himself as an impartial elder statesman above intraparty machinations”."

What, that would mean like someone who won a Nobel prize by the value of their own merit, without the support of racial discrimination? That would be far more believable, were he NOT of mixed ethnic origin.

Perhaps the time to face the facts has come?

"...ill with COVID for a third time despite his multiple vaccinations..."

Possibly says more about Ursula Von de Liar and Pfizer than it does about Biden and buddies?

"...Obama as the “puppet master”..."

Yeah, right: all by his lonesome!

"...the elite’s preference is clearly for a Democrat to win."

Gotta role with the punches: if they can make the best of it, we can't just let it slide.

"...too big to rig..."

Hey, it worked last time.

Almost seems as if you might fear the American people might dream a dream of enlightenment and wake up?

"...whoever it was..."

And that is the point: no-one really knows or has any clear idea.

It's almost as if some enlightenment were encroaching on sleep.

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Very good analysis, but you missed one key fact. The $100 to $250 million(the reported figures vary) which have been donated to the Biden/Harris campaign can legally be transferred directly to the Harris/Whichever White Man They Pick campaign, but NOT directly to any other nominee such as Hillary Clinton.

The last straw for Biden was when a multibillionaire Democrat donor named Moritz said he and his friends would not give another penny to Democrats so long as Dementia Joe was on the ticket. Within 48 hours, Biden ended his candidacy. It is no coincidence.

They could juggle that money if they really wanted to, but it would be a pain and likely to draw criticism. Cackles Kamala is the easiest way for the grift to resume flowing to the vast moneylaundering operation called the Democratic Party.

That's the ONLY reason I think they'll stick with Harris: The grift must flow.

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If the Democrats don't choose Kamala as the nominee, then they have to give back all that money:


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Bingo. Please see my comment above.

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The Democratic Party (my party) must rethink many of its policies as it ponders its future.

To have a chance at victory Democrats should try listening to the concerns of the working class for a change. As a lifelong moderate Democrat I share their distain for the insane positions advocated by my party:

Democrat politicians defy biology by believing that men can actually become women and belong in women’s sports, rest rooms, locker rooms and prisons and that children should be mutilated in pursuit of the impossible.

Politicians like Harris believe borders should be open to millions of illegals which undermines workers’ wages and the affordability of housing when we can’t house our own citizens.

They discriminate against whites, Asians and men to counter past discrimination against others and undermine our economy by abandoning merit selection of students and employees.

Democratic mayors allow crime and homelessness to destroy our beautiful cities because they won't say no to destructive behavior.

The average voter knows this is happening and outright reject our party. Enough.

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I am inclined to skepticism when my information level is poor, and the paucity of primary source facts to support ‘the obvious scenario’ outlined in the post is more than worrisome.

I’ve joked aloud about whether VP Harris will get the plutonium coffee or the limousine mishap, but find on second thought there is room for serious concern.

Imo, the first mistake we usually make is to talk about ‘The Elites’ as if they were a coordinated block. Our problems are systemic, not individual, in origin, and the fumbling clown act is no act: our system very effectively selects the least and worst persons to promote— in business, in the military, in government, in institutions. The elites do not consciously pick only Schumer or McConnell-level types for front-facing mouthpieces; the system that made them elites also makes these people their natural servitors.

The Democrat ‘leadership’ has arrived in this “Harris for President” trap by dint of their own ill-planned machinations. What they will do about it is unlikely to fit the author’s very rational guesswork because these are not rational people. If they were operating on rational principle with a three-month forecast worthy of sophomore poli sci, Harris would have been president for the past year, lost the primary or been kompromat-persuaded aside, and they’d be running one of their slightly more presentable cardboard fakes.

They’re like cartoon villains creeping cackling from cover to cover in plain sight, always managing to out and thwart themselves. Does being ridiculous make them less dangerous? No. Predictable? Not unless you’re among the wild-eyed radical conspiracy nuts who watch their incrementally more overt bumblings and ask the pertinent question: What will they not do?

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Is it just me or is there something very Soviet about $kamala's selection? And the liberal press! They could take Stalin's Pravda to gaslighting school.

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yes, to keep the madness in the family. we also notice how newspapers are gushing over joe Biden

how great he was

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Eight years of President Kamala. God rest our souls.

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I have already predict that Trump will be the winer while those Democrats have already tried to asasinate the Republican nominee/ Mr.Trump/.Therefore,the killers are the losers that is why i became the supporter of Republican.By & large,Democrats whether they nominate Ms.Kamala or some oneelse,i would like to assure you that Tramp will the next president of USA.

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I have already predict that Trump will be the winer while those Democrats have already tried to asasinate the Republican nominee/ Mr.Trump/.Therefore,the killers are the losers that is why i became the supporter of Republican.By & large,Democrats whether they nominate Ms.Kamala or some oneelse,i would like to assure you that Tramp will the next president of USA.

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The U.S. is still very powerful. Control of the White House is very important to the Elite Turdies!

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Good picture: she might even have been pretty, with eyes like that, in another life.

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