Absolutely hilarious 🤣

As a German I've read lots of analysis from German Wehrmacht.

Starting 1943, they were almost all like the piece above.

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This is an absolutely hysterical - and somewhat desperately inconsistent - attempt at spin. This whole operation has been a shit-show for the Russian armed forces from the get-go - a shockingly poor display of planning, leadership, logistics, technology and fighting spirit. This latest collapse (and rationalizing) digs the hole even deeper.

It’s like watching the fall of the Soviet Union all over again. We always knew the system was rotten, but we never imagined how deep the rot went.

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restating the premises as evidence for conclusions is not what's called an analysis. but your piece makes an excellent 8th grader "pick a side and promote it even if you don't believe it" project.

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One thing that becomes clear, is that the Russian Army today is not afraid to retreat as reqired, not as the old Red Army was.

Stalin's stubborn defense proved costly and although Hitler could be just as stubborn, von Manstein's riposte during the Stalingrad campaign is considered brilliant.

Whether Russia ripostes at Kharkov or just retreats, remains to be seen.

But the Russian Army is a lot more sophicated in all its maneuvre. No more broad front stuff either.

There is also a lot more reliance on smaller unit autonomy and inititiave than the heavy top-down Red Army command.

It would therefore be a mistake to attribute any long term interpretation to developments on this scale.

No one relaly knows what the Russians intended at Kiev, althugh they had no compunction about retreating there, either which indicated nothing about their resolve.

More broadly, Putin has to win while Biden is free to lose interest as he becomes ever more unpopular in America and may easily enough abandon the war whenever it becomes inconvenient which is the U.S. pattern.

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sir, I believe you are confused about who the aggressor is. If I remember correctly, wasn’t it Russia who started the war ( oops, I meant special military operation)?

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The Biden Administration clearly started the war by offering NATO membership to Ukriane. Russia's reaction was predictable from Georgia, Crimea and Minsk Agreements and PUtin's long standing border policy.

There was no need for this war other than to cover up U.S. Army Bio-Weapons labs in Urkaine and the long standing and well known corrupt if not criminal ties between Ukrianin and American politicians, the Biden family especially. (The Biden's are major investors in those Bio labs, BTW.)

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Biden never offered NATO Membership to Ukraine. NATO doesn't offer memberships - countries have to apply to join and get vetted by every NATO member.

Biden clearly started the war but America isn't at war, so your logic is pretty awful.

Russia's reaction was predictable, but that doesn't excuse its actions. Russia's policy has been vigorously neo-colonial in the last 20 years. Russia will create strife and discord to then be presented as the one who solved it.

Your crackpot ideas make no sense. You describe the bio-weapon labs in Ukraine as being "U.S. Army," yet with the very same breath say that the Biden's are major investors in those biolabs.

How does one invest into a US Army biolab, that is, a state owned and run biolab? Does the state offer some level of private ownership into facilities that you deem to be Army owned and ran?

You're a genuine looney. I hope it at least makes you feel comfortable as I'm not sure how you'd function in the real world.

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You really need to get out more.

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Substackers are becoming increasingly hostile and vicious to one another. A month ago, it was possible to state opinions without being attacked. Clearly, the Mass Hysteria has reached a new level.

While it is true that the West cannot access Russian news or propaganda, we do have access to Western news and propaganda. It is clear to anyone without blinders that Amerika's proxy army (NATO) has attempted to encircle and trap Russia. It is also clear that the CIA led a revolution in Kiev that ended its elected pro-Russian government.

Does the 3rd Obama administration operate biolabs in Ukraine? That is disputed. It brings to mind President Trump's allegation that the DNC had a server in Ukraine. That was discarded as a viable theory by Amerika's state media.

Is the US Army controlled by the Obama administration? Think for a moment: Is the US Army now a social experiment where white people are programmed to hate themselves, where those who fear having drug experiments conducted on themselves being removed from the Service?

Is a brainwashed victim of Mass Formation Psychosis a "genuine looney"? It would appear so.

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Just as there continues to be debate regarding the genesis of COVID, the efficacy of masking, social distancing, and the benefit/dangers of the "vaccines", there will always be people like myself who believe the war started with a CIA takeover of Kiev in 2014.

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Thanks for the laundry list of conspiracy theories as preamble to put your comment in context. Well done!

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You're welcome. You probably should add Mattias Desmet's PSYCHOLOGY OF TOTALITARIANISM to the list. It describes perfectly what has happened to you.

As Bob Dylan famously said decades ago, "Don't criticize what you can't understand".

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You mean the guy who made up "mass formation psychosis” from whole cloth and peddled it on Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan? Nah, I try to limit my kool-aide to the snifter rather than gulping it down by the gallon. It really doesn’t take that much effort to figure out when people are just making stuff up and use meaningless pseudo-intellectual terms to try to sound impressive to people who can’t, or won’t, discern the difference between fantasy and reality.

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I appreciate people like you who are willing and able to organize their thoughts and express themselves. It is a skill that is fading fast. If it is more palatable to you, try reading Hannah Arendt's THE ORIGIINS OF TOTALITARIANISM (1951). I suspect that the main reason the Belgian professor of clinical psychology felt compelled to write his book is because Arendt's book is more than 70 years old and people are no longer reading it.

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The war between the Biden crime syndicate and Russia has taken another turn. When people in Germany begin freezing to death, NATO might decide to partition Ukraine. On the other hand, Truman refused to fight an all-out war against North Korea (just as LBJ refused to fight North Vietnam) because they feared China would send troops in support of its allies. If China shows its hand and supports Russia, the New World Order will crash and burn.

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😂😂 We are not going to freeze to death in Germany. The thermostat might be set lower. The fireplaces will burn more. And American gas is definitely more expensive, but we will get it. Russian gas? They will have to stick it up their assess, and yours too.

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Have you noticed this misleading term from Korybko: “NATO proxy army”? This proves he does not anything about Ukraine’s nation and it’s history or he is a disinformer on purpose. When I see something like this I immediately realize all next is going to be bulshit

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What would you call an Army that does whatever NATO tells it to do? I don't think that term proves that Andrew knows nothing about Ukraine. NATO is America's proxy army and its constant pressure on Russia (plus the CIA takeover of Kiev) led directly to the war.

Conjecture on what will happen to Ukraine, with two superpowers choosing to fight on its land is not always bullshit; but it usually is.

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Well Charles, what I meant was that Andrew used an excuse of America’s proxy army either because he didn’t know, or wanted to cover up the root cause of the current situation in Ukraine. The war started in 2014 and UA had been trying to get attention from someone in democratic world, that their territorial integrity was breached by RU, but nobody gave a damn, especially in EU, which was happy with the status quo and naive in beliefs that it will last forever. Poroshenko, fearing the imperial appetite of RU to make UA its colony, started some moves to actually strengthen the army and looked for help in the US, because EU, especially it’s stronger western part, was hopeless. What I am trying to say is that this was a grassroots movement in UA, like during Soviet era times across Eastern Europe, to dismantle colonial appetite of Russia. If you learn about history of UA and RU, some 400 years ago RU stole identity of Kiev Rus. They have been very successful in erasing identities of many surrounding countries and making them colonies throughout centuries, so they can now announce that there is no Ukrainian nation, etc. this is what they are told at schools, therefore they face reality in very awkward way as for world of XXI century

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Perhaps, but that “NATO proxi army” is flushed with money and equipment that the Ruskies don’t have. Your moronic Russian friend doesn’t have a clue of what is happening. The Russians not just abandoned Irzum in order. They ran, leaving their armor and weapons behind. A few thousand have remained behind and surrounded. Those forces will not be used again. Ever. Every tank, or APC, or self-propelled gun the Russians lose cannot be repaired. I have spent the last four month in Ukraine training reserves, bringing them up to speed and building their capabilities. By my count, the AFU will soon have an additional 250K well trained troops, with American tactical gear, night fighting gear, and small units training awareness. They are going to kick Ivan’s ass all the way to Moscow. And therevis absolutely nothing, nothing, the Russians can do.

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keep dreaming lunatic.

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Robert, this is somewhat to be expected, the Russian tactics have always been based on armed raids with plunder. Mentally they are not really motivated to maintain raided land if the opposite side pushes. Same happened in 1941, when they prepared to raid into III Reich while Hitler was busy on the western fronts. When Hitler, though unwillingly, overtook their movement, the withdrawal of their troops from Baltic states and Poland looked very similar to today’s Kurpiansk. Also, the thing is that RU do not feel housekeepers of raided lands, their only motivation is to plunder. When I was in Karelia some 15 years ago I still saw uninhabited Finnish housing estates there just standing there and nobody cared about them…

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I don't mean to make this personal, Robert3674; but, according to your comment, you are a mercenary. Do you realize that the Geneva Convention gives you no protection?

Run and hide while you are able.

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I guess if the NATO order is “do whatever you feel you need to do to defend your country” then that’s what a proxy army is. LOL. The ironic thing is that the only thing NATO has “directed” is to not use western arms to launch attacks on Russian territory. Maybe the worst proxy ever.

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Hahaha, people in Germany freezing to death... How delusional must you be to even consider writing that?!

And China won't support Russia: it has never supported losers and won't start doing so now. Besides, they can't afford to lose their trading with the West, which is MUCH MUCH larger than that with Russia. If anything, China will make a vassal state out of Russia.

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Wait and see.

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I agree that China will make a vassal state out of Russia. On the other hand, China is participating in the Vostok War Games and, since the Biden war, China has strengthened its alliance with Russia. As you say, Mr. coping, China has never supported losers.

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China has never supported losers? Is doing that now. China is just like Russia, another paper tiger. And with an economy totally dependent on selling junk overseas. Close the Straits of Malaya and the Chinese will not be able to import 70%of their oil nor export 60% of their good. Sorry pal, learn about what you talk about before spewing dumb shit.

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You seem very angry. Robert3674. Are you German?

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It's not an alliance if one is the vassal of the other...

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Politics is an ever-changing mosaic. The world's attention is now focused on Russia and Russia's most important ally is choosing to wait in the background for the moment.

Remember George W. Bush'es "Coalition of the Willing". It consisted of 48 countries, including the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Palau and Solomon Islands (none of which had armies).

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Man, you have nothing to do with your life, do you. I'll bet you even respond to this.

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So your point is that the Russian strategy is to cut gas shipments so severely that German civilians freeze to death in large numbers? It at least seems consistent with most other Russian strategies since February - to maximize civilian casualties.

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