Are people really this dumb? How could the Russians even invade Transinitra when there is still Ukrainian territory between it and the newly acquired oblasts? This false flag doesn't even make sense. I guess people who believe the MSM are too stupid to use a map.

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Transnistria has long hoped to make a break from Moldavia and become a part of Russia. Following the buildup of Crimea, once Odessa is gone, there are few obstacles separating Moscow and Tiraspol. However, considering reports of mistreatment and murder of Ukrainians by the nazi troops, a move by Kiev to fake an attack on Moldavia should be enough to get some more funding from the Nuland administration.

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I don’t believe Russia will allow itself to be dragged into defending Transinistria if it is attacked by the Ukrainians. As you discussed, they have a small contingent of peacekeeping forces in the region, and their main goal is the total annihilation of the Ukrainian nazi regime and demilitarisation of the country.

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