People tend to forget that one of the BROADER OBJECTIVES of this fabricated conflict is to ERADICATE CHRISTIANITY from the Ukraine and so many other places in Europe.

They know that Christianity is one of the foundations for more sound moral values and sense of community which they also seek to destroy. Is it any wonder that the Ukraine is the most corrupt nation on earth?

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"...aforementioned foreign influences..."

Welcome, oh Morons of McCain and Fats of Nuland, disseminating the yummy potential of L+G+B+T+etc. rainbows forever and ever; may the dollar see fit to save you, Amen!

"How should we treat that?"

To the tune of ABBA: 'Money!Money!Money!'

In a nazi's world.

"...everything that they did over the past decade could be reversed..."

More than just a plan, it's gotta be the ONLY way.

"...they also don’t want to engage in sabotage against their government either."

They probably don't even like money... Faggots!

"Their government considers them a threat precisely because they don’t hate..."

It matters not WHAT they hate; their essence is that they HATE.

And they may love money.

"...these people independently arrived at their views."

And that, of course, is why they will be targeted and eradicated until they are no more.

"...their regime espouses the weaponized version that was artificially manufactured under demagogic and foreign influences."

And here we can understand the how and why of Putin's seemingly incomprehensible saint-like patience: to him there is no more hope than possibility of success for those who could (pretend to) believe in such influence. It's a question of faith and logic, really: once you know, as explained in the summer 2021 “On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians”, there's no turning back; with any degree or sense of integrity or honesty, you can't very well claim, 'I didn't know.'

I bet that's why so few people have ever actually bothered to read it. Who wants to put themself into a position from which they can no longer plead ignorance?

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And not a word about this Banderite persecution of the UOC in the State Department’s latest annual report on religious freedom world wide!

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There is no neutrality in a civil war.

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This is funny

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Hence the primary need to eliminate the remaining tribal mysticism (religions and their use for social control), replacing it with logical thinking (science), in order to expose class domination and the use of "myth and ignorance" as mechanisms to cover up reality and maintain the old capitalist institutions.

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