Kiev’s latest war crime was also a psychological operation aimed at manipulating domestic, Russian, and Western perceptions of the conflict at this pivotal moment when its dynamics are once again trending in Moscow’s favor.
It's like a psychotic breakdown in Ukr and the collective West! They must be all mad, literally sick: full of hatred, arrogance and destruction stretched over the self-destruction limit - only the narcissistic rage has this overwhelming quality! Sadly for all of us, rationality is long gone in the West... That relates with your other post from today - propaganda and falsifying the reality - the West rests upon another psychotic defence mechanism, called projection (attributing to the other what they are doing)...
Now that Belarus is joining the conflict, will Poland get NATO in the game? Within two months, Russia will devastate the Biden Crime Empire in Ukraine.
What is the definition of a war crime and whose definition is it? EU & Ukraine are talking about setting up an EU war crime tribunal for Russian war crimes and Russia accusing Ukraine of war crimes - but there doesn't seem to be any consensus.
It's like a psychotic breakdown in Ukr and the collective West! They must be all mad, literally sick: full of hatred, arrogance and destruction stretched over the self-destruction limit - only the narcissistic rage has this overwhelming quality! Sadly for all of us, rationality is long gone in the West... That relates with your other post from today - propaganda and falsifying the reality - the West rests upon another psychotic defence mechanism, called projection (attributing to the other what they are doing)...
Just when you thought the hohols couldn't get any worse. Russia needs to hurry up with those new reserves.
Now that Belarus is joining the conflict, will Poland get NATO in the game? Within two months, Russia will devastate the Biden Crime Empire in Ukraine.
What is the definition of a war crime and whose definition is it? EU & Ukraine are talking about setting up an EU war crime tribunal for Russian war crimes and Russia accusing Ukraine of war crimes - but there doesn't seem to be any consensus.