There is no shortage of Quislings and Petains in every country in the world, including in Russia and China... Neo-colonial policies, in the face of post-war decolonization, were mostly based on exploiting the greed of local narrow groups, bribing and corrupting it to the highest level and giving them a grand vassal status, while looting the country and vacuuming mobile wealth and capitals to Western stock markets. I guess for India, like for Russia, we can consider the Western oriented liberal, educated elites, that narrow group, can't we?

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Now the globalist thug responsible for various color revolutions causing tens of thousands of deaths in Europe, George Soros - is asking for Indian PM Modi to be made to 'answer questions' about the Adani group. How many questions does this mass-murderer and war-criminal - both economic and political - who fronts for the CIA with his NED and 'Open Society' organizations, and who has damaged civil society within the US with his funding of BLM and Antifa with consequences like defunding of police leading to widespread looting, plus the destruction of academia with 'woke' and transgender insanity - have to answer for? That this thug has personally gone after Modi shows how desperately the US-led West wants to break India's de facto alliance with Russia, which would weaken Russia and then the war against China could go more smoothly...?

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