Thank you.

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I struggle to think of any western doves on China. As I live in the U.S., maybe their voices have been drowned out by our noise machine.

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What he's likely referring to are those policymakers who want a "New Detente" or at least a "new (manageable) normal" in relations with China along the lines o what their leaders hinted at pursuing during their last in-person meeting in late November.

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Thank you.

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Take the blank map test!

Without peeking, see how many countries you can name on these blank maps.




Don't be discouraged if you can't name them all. Very few people can. The point is, there's a lot of truth to the expression that "they couldn't even find_________ on a map" when referring to people's political opinions. Knowing where a place is and some of its history is not a bad idea if you're going to run your mouth. Helps even more if you've actually visited the place.

After you've taken the test, spring it on your friends and see how they do. You might be surprised by how little geography they actually know.

I used to play a drinking game with Americans I met in my travels. If they could name more US states than me (a Canadian) I'd buy the drinks. If not, they were buying. I always won. Of course I have a method, which I'm not going to share. A good magician never reveals his tricks:)

Here's one for you Andrew: Without looking, name the Russian federal subjects. See how many you can get:)


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Andrew, the photo of PM Modi and President Putin speak for themselves. PM Modi is grateful that President Putin is able to meet him, but President Putin does not feel comfortable with such familiarisation.

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I disagree since the footage from that event shows that Putin felt very comfortable and proud to award his good friend that high honor:


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Thank you, Andrew, for clearing this up. It is obvious that "expert" Ian Hall is part of the U.S. government's mouthpiece collection, good for the garbage can.

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The Rand 1 and 2 plans, and the Yitzhak - Gluck plan drawn up by Zio-maniac think tanks envisage enticing India into very dire Straits. These plans call for the collective west to entice China into invading northern part of India, via subtle feelers conveyed to China thorough diplomatic quarters voicing tacit acceptance of Chinese 'spheres of interest' in the Indian subcontinent in lieu of freezing the status quo onTaiwan., and assurances of continued long-term bulk purchase of rare earth minerals by US and Europe from China. Once China has been lured into the trap, the US and its allies will withhold all meaningful military aid to India for quite a substantial time save tokenism, under various flimsy pretexts, until China has advanced so deep inside Indian territory that a desperate Indian administration becomes forced to plead for American assistance at the Pentagon' own terms without any qualms whatsoever. America will avail such desperateness on part of India to get invited to peninsular Indian shores and will station formidable naval armada and marine contingents there. Once done with this phase 1 of its plan, the US and its quislings like Australian and Canadian navies will quickly implement a covert invasion of peninsular India orchestrated in the disguise of a sham uprising or insurrection ostensibly by disgruntled Christian populace politucal dominance by Hindi speakers. America and Australia will establish a dictatotship under US vassalage masquerading as Dravidian secession from India. Having established a theocratic ostensibly Christian dictatorship in the south of India, America will remain contented with its formidable naval presence there, and not provide any help to New Delhi for recovering territories lost to China. Because, America believes that it is preferable any day to have a military foothold in India under its direct sovereign control rather than a guest presence in Indian-held territory subject to pleasure of the inviting party. American strategic doctrine believes that it is well neigh feasible for the Pentagon to project its influence as far north as Beijing, from its citadels in ports of Peninsular India, without any need for cooperation from the Indian government. In time however, the Pentagon will create real problems for both China as well as India from its stronghold in the South Indian East Timor 2, and both countries will have to face real hard time struggling against wanton American military aggression.

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Russia-Ukraine-Belarus are one indivisible unique glorious civilisation. They are not part of collective Europe.

The forestor Germanic OstroGoths had infiltrated deep into Russia and Ukraine upto as far east as Rostov in the gory days of decline of Russian political power. Russia is an extremely ancient country, ensconced in reality in the supra spiritual plane of super consciousness, of which the land from Brest and Smolensk to Kamchatka is only a worldly manifestation. Whole villages of Saxonic Goths barged on the bandwagon of terrorist conquest into Russia as soldiers of fortune. Gothic chieftains captured hundreds of Russian and Ukrainian girls each as slaves, and upon the death of such a chieftain, his grandmom would burn all of the unfortunate damsels on the stake in the superstitious belief that such a gory rite will teleport their bodies to the after world or Valhalha for posthumous physical enjoyment of their bodies by the deceased chieftain. All this is on record in writings of Arab travellers to the Caucasus, circa 1000 AD.

Between the first centuries BC and CE, Roman legionaries despatched by Spaniard Emperor Hadrian had made a holocaustic colonization of East Dacia, and after a brief stopover, turned east for potential gargantuan genocide in Ukraine. However, the Roman legionaries were faced in battle in modern Moldova by a combined army comprising of Russian-Ukrainian natives, bolstered by thousands of toughened volunteers from Hindi belt of Northern India, from Arya Jat, Gujjar, Ahir, Passi, Rajbhar, etc. communities who form integral parts of the casteless and classless Vedic civilisation. Since the Roman legionaries were armed with A Grade stainless steel South Indian swords supplied by the Pandya Tamil dynasty of Madurai, the steel smiths of Haryana in India made emergency arrangements to transport equally formidable swords of Kangra Himalayan Steel via a long overland route fraught with hazards, to their Russian Ukrainian cousins defending the homeland against holocaustic Italic onslought. The Roman legions met with a crushing defeat, and failed to advance beyond Pridnishtrovie.

German Friars invaded the Baltics during medieval ages and completely deracinated the polulace. Subsequently, swarms of combined Polish-Lithuanian human-shield armies under German tutelage perpetrated numerous holocausts by the fire on Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, but failed to wipe out or permanently subjugate that ancient civilisation. Poland has permanently annexed about one third of pure Ukrainian homeland which it continues to occupy till date. German and Polish Romania Armies perpetrated mini-holocausts in western Ukraine once again at the turn of the twentieth century.

The Kriim, the kherson is historical Russian land. Its native populace has always been Russian. Kriim was transferred to partial political jurisdiction of Ukrainian SSR by Nikita Khrushchev for reasons of administrative efficiency. But it had always remained an autonomous republic, and was never an integral part of Ukraine. In beginning of 1990's decade, Ukraine declared independence, citing provisions of Soviet Constitution which supposedly permit secession by consensus or referendum. The native people of autonomous Kriim, who are all Russians, likewise declared independence from Ukrainian jurisdiction in the 2000's, by voting overwhelmingly in a referendum, which has the same legal sanctity as Ukraine's secession from Soviet Union in 1990's. Thus, Kriim is an integral part of Russia now, and in any case it had only been transferred on a sort of wet lease to Ukraine by Khrushchev, and never to permanent Ukrainian control. Ukrainian SSR's republican jurisdiction on Kriim even in Soviet Times was contingent on Ukraine remaining united as one country with Russia. Now that province has been taken back by Russia in a bloodless manifestation of the collective will of natives of Kriim as manifested in their referendum to rejoin Russia.

The Kharkiv, Donetsk etc Eastern provinces are likewise historical Russian lands of historic South of Russia populated by ethnic Russians. After a covert terrorist invasion of Kiev by EU snipers resulting in bloody overthrow of elected government and the catapulting of an alien Ziomaniac oligarchist regime to power, a systematic campaign of ethnicide has been unleashed on Russians in Ukraine since years. The alien Zelensky regime is holding entire Slavic Ukraine hostage to its whimsical Euro- imperialist ambitions, and has in effect placed the entire community of natives under mass incarceration or collective house arrest, and is forcing conscription on them against their will to fight fellow- ethnic Russians. Umpteen Ukrainian Slavs who tried to evade conscription by fleeing across the border to Poland were turned back by Polish border guards, only to be shot dead by Zelensky's border Omon for alleged treason. The Ziooligarchic Corpimperialist cabal ensconced in western bourses which constitutes the veritable EuroMerican deep state, covets the expansive fertile Chernozem soil of Ukraine and its bountiful rare earth and lithium mineral deposits, for annexation to the phareesical empire known as greater Israel. Activists of this cabal such as Victoria Nulund, Anthony Blinken and Eric Garcetti are at their dirty game of directing this endeavour, which seeks to divest natives of their natural inheritance and reduce them to wretched existence of serfs in sweat shops operated by Ziooligarchic aliens. This is in continuation of a process initiated by Ziomaniac dictator Lavrenti Beria who had butchered 10 million Russian and Ukrainians in pursuit of this goal which was cut short by his timely execution.

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"Western academia and the associated think tank community are more akin to lobbyists nowadays than to objective experts and analysts like the public still imagines them as being."

Been like that for quite some time I would say. As for the public, does anything they think really matter? Most people in the West are totally unaware of what's happening in the world. Even if they are, as in the case of Gaza, if you stand up for the human rights of Palestinians you get labelled an extremist and Hamas supporter and this sort of thing happens, which has a chilling effect to say the least.


In the past 5 years we've seen three major events affecting pretty much the entire world. A highly questionable 'pandemic' plus 'vaccine' Russian intervention in the Ukrainian civil war, and a genocidal assault on the civilian population of Gaza.

At this point anyone in academia, the political establishment (including the so-called think tanks) the corporate world or MSM that hasn't spoken up is not worth listening to, much less rebutting. The only attention they deserve at this point is to be monitored to see what new outrages they intend to foist on an unsuspecting public.

What I'm trying to say in my long-winded fashion, is that you're preaching to the choir. Minds have been made up at this point, and there's very little we can do to change them. As events unfold a few may be forced to change, but it's late in the game as far as words are concerned. Anyone who cares already knows.

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Yes. With more than a billion people, India rightfully wants an equal seat at the table. And it's hard not to think that the history of British and American perfidy in India and the world means the west can simply never be trusted. One need look no further than Pakistan to see a corrupt western lever of influence. That Modi was courageous enough to shuck all the residual British influence in his country and leverage a new beginning with Russia and China was far sighted. Possible it will prove to be impossible to manage the competing interests with and between its new partners, but better that than subservience to "partners" who are a continuous threat. The west needs a new model. The British way has finally died the dishonorable death it richly deserves.

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