"...presumed weakness, which isn’t the case..."

Never seemed to be the case to me; I never had any doubt the Americans, hiding behind their 'Ukrainian' mask, would be expelled from any and all Russian territory, including any lands ascending to the Russian Federation as a result of military liberation and popular vote (23-27 September 2022 — Anniversary soon, probably 30 September!) in due course. I see no good reason, nor any reason at all, in fact, to modify that view/belief/standpoint now.

"...Russia’s adversaries manipulating it into using such weapons..."

Yeah, I see nothing but a lose-lose situation there, as you so effectively describe.

"...discreet channels..."

I really like the idea of giving the Houtis in Yemen just a fraction of the targeting intel the Americans use to target sites in Russia. And maybe throw a couple of just-above-the-radar shiney missiles in to sink a couple of the Americans' favourite ships. That would put the cat among the pigeons! There are, actually, many such options open to Russia, which it hasn't felt the need to take advantage of so far, many of them far less incendiary. On balance, I think nuking really should be left for a worst-case situation, which it increasingly looks as if the Americans are not going to be able to bring about.

"...ties decisionmakers’ hands in arguably counterproductive ways..."

Yeah, unless you're really into bondage, or some other such 'woke' nonsense like that, hog-tying, or just about any kind of tying people up at all, is never a good idea. I don't think 'consent' makes it OK, despite some Americans convictions, however deeply and apparently profoundly sincerely they may proclaim them. (https://americandecency.org/2019/down-syndrome-drag-show-transformation-or-exploitation/ Please ignore and excuse evangelical twist.)

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"Yeah, unless you're really into bondage, or some other such 'woke' nonsense like that, hog-tying, or just about any kind of tying people up at all, is never a good idea. I don't think 'consent' makes it OK, despite some Americans convictions..." Humor appreciated!

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It's not funny, e.g.: https://fb.watch/uyGWM2wiN-/

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Sorry. I thought I was reading sarcasm. It is not funny. Poor young people are being abused and they don't know it; champion their abuse and abusers. For some of them the attraction is as innocent as dressing up and moving their bodies--as long as they don't consent to the drugs or procedures. They'd probably outgrow it eventually.

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No, you were quite right in the first place: I had indulged my too-often considered 'creepy' sense of humour; and I was glad to learn you'd appreciated it. Thank you!

Yes, I was being sarcastic, but was truly horrified about five years ago, when I read about a group of drag queens specifically targeting kids with Down's Syndrome in Montreal. I'm afraid many most likely never grow out of it, the damage is permanent and complete, like so much of the once-healthy society it now thrives in.

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Our invasion of Iraq was made legal to preempt the use of WMDs. Now preemptively acting has been legalized. A neocon’s wet dream.

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Mr. Korybko,

Your work gives me hope. The quality/professionalism of your work is inspiring. But, more than that, it affirms that ideas still matter. Many thanks.

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Completely agree.

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Thanks for being a voice of reason and sanity!

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Nothing would delight NATO more than if Russia were to resort to using nuclear weapons.

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I thought it was about getting them before they get us

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Well, yes and no: that's how THEY think. Adults take rather a more nuanced view.

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Russia has the capacity to defeat NATO through attrition without the necessity of nuclear weapons. The West is experiencing economic decline, and Western elites are eager for a war. However, their assumptions are misguided. Mr. Putin's expectations of reestablishing economic relations with Europe are overly optimistic.

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