Very helpful, thank you.

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Thanks very much. I greatly appreciate your insightful writings.

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The author underestimates the depth of US hold over the corrupt Pakistani military establishment. Otherwise, a very accurate analysis.

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Loved their hashish, wouldn't get involved in their politics for anything.

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Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov knows more about what the US government is doing than most Americans ever will.

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It's hard to let go of a successful grift, even when the money pool for it shrinks.

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Afghanistan is still loaded with unmined minerals and Big Oil still wants to build a pipeline through there, impossible as it is to maintain a pipeline through land whose people don't want it there, but never mind that.

I guess great powers are going to keep playing the great game in that part of the world. I'd rather play something else somewhere else, but my government doesn't listen to me.

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Lavrov you old bitch, you old hag! Oh US is doing that,Oh US is doing this! Oh the Jews doing this, Oh the Jews doing that! You old hag you!

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