On a related note, I read this article earlier today and thought that it was worth sharing with everyone to generate a discussion.

The author makes some important, and "politically incorrect", points that few in this part of the Alt-Media Community feel comfortable discussing.

I don't agree in full, nobody ever completely agrees with someone else, but I like how he draws attention to how inaccurately some have portrayed recent events:


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Yeah, for me Rurik’s articles are real head-scratchers.

I mean I follow all this as closely as I can, but then I read RS’s take on the whole thing and I think to myself WTF?

I dunno…. I guess the old Russian steamroller is finally getting into gear, and now, being on a downhill slope, it’s going to be hard to stop it.

At the end of the day it’s all just speculation, and looking to a likely outcome it’s probably best to focus on what’s happening on the battlefields right now.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your writings - always worth serious consideration.

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He does a great job of saying what I think some people have thought but didn't feel comfortable expressing for whatever reason.

I'm all in favor of what I call the "diversity of discourse" and the "information buffet" where people are exposed to different narratives and pick and choose what they like.

While there might be some of what he or whoever else writes that you don't agree with it, there might also be other parts that make you think or you appreciate his points.

He's done an excellent job exposing the shallowness of many Alt-Media Community (AMC) narratives on this conflict, which is something that I feel strongly about too.

At this point in the conflict, I feel that parroting "politically correct" talking points is almost intellectually insulting, self-discrediting, and sometimes harms Russia's cause.

What's needed are candid, mature conversations that might make people uncomfortable but at least might get them to think about everything a bit differently too.

The purpose should be in better understanding what we're seeing in the conflict and in the narrative space since "politically correct" talking points don't fully account for that.

I'm become very concerned that cookie-cutter trends in AMC whereby everyone just repeats everyone else for morale-boosting purposes are no longer effective.

Most of the big names all say the same thing nowadays and dishonestly ignore "politically inconvenient" facts like the ones I've written about before.

Everyone hyping up BRICS ignores Russian-Chinese payment problems, the BRICS Bank complying with sanctions, and the SCO Bank (both in China) doing the same.

That's just one example but it conveys my point that "semi-official"/"state-adjacent" channels like Russian-promoted influencers don't often share the full story.

I think it's a combination of wishful thinking delusions and having a self-interest in saying what they think others and Russia want to hear, but some are definitely maliciously lying.

I'd rather read something critical, perhaps even overly so which characterizes things in ways that I disagree with, but which is honest than more "5D chess master plan" slop.

You can't fake authenticity, some people can be fooled but not everyone, and what I see a lot in the AMC nowadays is a lot of inauthenticity and grifting.

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Thanks for taking the time to reply - pretty much agree with your assessment and analysis.

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TL:DR the AMC largely live in a fantasy land.

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Excellent analysis. Putin has been a good leader, but he cannot root out problems accumulated through at least one, perhaps two generations. Russian re-armament does show results but also most people acknowledge corruption in the military is wide. Bagration was launched after German debacle in Operation Citadel and distracted by Italy and other southern Europe issues, when USSR was in full mobilization and US lend/lease still in effect. Russia today is not as strong militarily as USSR then, although Ukraine is also much weaker than Germany at that time. A lot of us have high hopes on Russia, but surely Russia alone cannot make multi-polairty happen soon enough. And Russia has to take care of its own concerns first.

Quite often a good opportunity is lost when people wait for salvation rather than saving themselves. Same can be said about US domestic politics. Trump is powerful and popular, but he and his cadets alone would not be enough to complete the job.

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Do you see any connections with what the above mentioned author said and what's happening in India( exacerbation of Manipur ethnic strife by Kuki militants- bcoz of their religion they're portrayed as victims in west while the opposite is true), the indictment of Adani by US govt, Bangladesh unnecessarily cozying upto pakistan after regime change op by US? Modi has been hounded by Deep state for the past two decades!

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I've written extensively about Manipur. You can do a keyword search in my Archives here from 2023 and 2024 to pull up the relevant analyses. The search functions can help too, but it's not sophisticated to show all articles in which I used that term, nor are they displayed in chronological order.

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Thank you so much! I've just recently discovered you and don't know where to start

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There has been pretty intensive work done by Russia and Turkey on exploration of oil and natural gas plays in the Black Sea since about 2012, numerous wells having been drilled off the Crimean coast and south of Odesa Oblast - and north of Turkey. It's essentially just another resource conflict which can be resolved by lease negotiations and transit rights - Turkey controls the Dardanelles, otherwise it's pipelines through the Balkans - more negotiations. And warmwater ports already exist at Taganrog, Feodosia,Novorossisk, Odesa, and other places at which loading points and refineries can be constructed.

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Do you see any connections with what the above mentioned author said and what's happening in India( exacerbation of Manipur ethnic strife by Kuki militants- bcoz of their religion they're portrayed as victims in west while the opposite is true), the indictment of Adani by US govt-seeing the ports controlled by him are crucial for India's growth and the newly proposed IMEC and Adani being the sole player from India to take on china, Bangladesh unnecessarily cozying upto pakistan after regime change op by US?

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The CIA, Mossad and EuroMerican quasi colonial churches had colluded in the 1990's on eve of collapse of the USSR, to carve out a theocratic Christian sham country by vivisection of north Eastern India via blood - curdling terrorist militancy. Ziofascist think tanks based in USA had anticipated the emergence of the Vladivostok Chennai shipping lane in due course as early as that point of time, and had decided to prempt that possibility by stationing the US navy in a new Christian country on the Bay of Bengal under a dictator who would be stooge of the CIA, and using it to blockade the eastern Indian shores and keep Russian commercial shipping from venturing anywhere close. Add to that the plans to choke the Strait of Mollocca and close it to Russian ships in collusion with Singapore, and the USA could have a perfect recipe for banishing Russia from the Indian Ocean, or so it thought !

For that sake, these forces nurtuted, trained, brainwashed and armed their surrogates such as Naga ultra outfits of head hunter heritage, to wage genocide on all such indigenous communities dwelling in north eastern India as were opposed to secession, such as the Meitis and the Bru (Reangs),in order to pave the way for a smooth transition to a breakaway Christian state. Whereas another major community, viz the Kukis had also been on the receiving end of brutal genocide at hands of armed Naga militants for decades, yet, by the late 2000's, the CIA-Mossad entente was able to radicalise them to a sufficient degree as would make them broadly agreeable to the idea of sharing power with their former tormentor Naga ultras in a breakaway state. Israel convinced some Kukis about their debatable Jewish origins, enticed hoards of such Kukis from Myanmar jungles to Tel Aviv on sweet promises of life in first world, subjected them to protracted mandatory debriefing sessions in the name of weeding out heathen Indic accretions from their psyche and resetting it to pristine glory of unadulterated Judaism, a necessary prerequisite for grant of Israeli nationality. The Mossad misused such sessions to recruit a section of wannabe Israeli Kukis into militant terror outfits committed to establishing GREATER Isreal on Myanmarese and Indian soils. These recruits returned to the hills of Myanmar, established terror camps where they proudly flaunt the flag of Israel, and began Co-ordinating their terror activities in tandem with militant surrogates of the CIA on other side of the border. A novel modus operandus was devised. Kuki guerillas would enter India by traversing the hilly cross border terrain in evasive maoevres, swoop down on Meiti settlements from a height by the dark of night, slaughter the unarmed civilians in merciless carnages, and make their way back to jungle hideouts just as stealthily by the next day. A colonial British era statute which debars the indigenous Meitis from inhabiting the hills or purchasing land parcels anywhere but the paltry plains, made them especially vulnerable to the CIA plot for decimating the ethnic groups which might be opposed to secession. Mossad entered the equation in Myanmar in 2000's, and dispatched crack troops from the Al Qaeda regiments which had been instrumental in NATO conquest of Libya, to coastal Myanmar for entrenchment amongst the Rohingya colonists who had earlier exterminated Chakma natives from Chittagong in tyrranical pogroms, and they began an agressive campaign of mass radicalization and recruitment of jihadis into Islamist battalions aligned with Al Qaeda and ISIS sub- formations under Mossad tutelage, financed by some Oil Sheikhs. Simultaneously, Ziofascists jettisoned their extra constitutional stranglehold over American and European polity for enforcing a trade and arms embargo on the Myanmarese nation which thus got suddenly caught in a quagmire. Sephardic Zoo-chauvinist Eric Garceti, defacto American supremo Anthony Blinken and Victoria Nulund the regime change mastermind, all these Ziofascists have conspired with Pakistani Army chief Asim Munir to vivisect INDIA and establish Greater Israel on Indian soil in the same way Pakistan was created in 1947 on the corpse of India by British rulers who openly called themselves British Israelites.

The Rand Plans 1,2 and 3 have been charted by Ziofascist think tanks which harbour inexorably irreconcilable civilisational enmity towards India and Hindus.

The Rand Plans envisage substantial redrawing of political maps of Middle East and of the Indian Subcontinent.

Part of the schemes envisaged under the Rand Plans include cajoling Indian leaders to invite the American armada and navies of its European satellite quislings to South Indian shores under the mistaken pretext of protecting India from Chinese aggression. At one point of time, during WW 2, American President Franklin Roosevelt had also tried to trick Russia into giving American Airforce permission to set up temporary observation camps in Russian Far East, on Russia's Pacific Seaboard on Chukchee Sea, under the ruse that this will enable the American Airforce to gather familiarity with the terrain which would equip them for possible need in Near future to assist Russia against potential Japanese invasion. The British East India company had fooled the Sikh government of Lahore, the government of Ranjit Singh, saying that the British monarch had wanted to present an Indian elephant from jungles of Dandakaranya in Gadhchiroli, to the Sikh sovereign for sealing their friendship, and that they needed permission to for British ships to sail on the Sindhu River because the elephant is an animal with frequent need for water to drink in the Indian Summer heat. The Sikh government obliged, with the result that the British navy got to avail an opportunity for mastering navigation of the hitherto unchartered Indus river, which they used to their advantage in the Anglo Sikh wars only some years later in which the Sikh power was routed.

During routine escort missions under the ruse of protecting Kuwaiti, UAE, Qatari oil tankers in the Gulf against possible Iranian aerial assaults in the late 1980's, the US navy mapped much of the Persian Gulf for possible use of the Tomahawk missiles which they subsequently employed for mercilessly pounding Iraq with depleted uranium and napalm bombs in 1991.

The point here is that the Rand Plans call for the American naval contingents stationed at South Indian ports, to mount an invasion for conquest of Indian territory from their ships in the guise of staging an "insurrection" by "Dravidian nationalists" against "colonial Hindi domination".

The CIA had roped in eminent Dravidian Brahminist racists based in America and engaged in diverse professions from technocrat to corporate business executive, for recruiting moles and agent saboteurs for the CIA from amongst their ilk in South India, who might lend moral, material or human assistance to the American invasion for carving out a theocratic Christian state in peninsular India under the ruse of Dravidian self-determination. Any protestors who would be caught on the streets would be summarily executed by hanging by the new puppet government feigning Christian leanings as part of the CIA endeavour to weaponise Christianity for brutal conquest of India by EuroMerican corporates aligned with the Ziofascist deep state via its Pentagon proxy.

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what do you think about the govt's handling of the problem? why haven't they be able to restore peace?

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The reasons for the irreconciliable inexorable animosity towards India in the mind of Ziofascists are not very difficult to fathom. For one, gratitude and thankfulness are a complete anathema to their ingrained desert ethic, and all the flambuoyant talk about Isreal's fabled love story for India are nothing but grandiose myths. Conversely, Vedic wisdom of India also holds that from a Pragmatic approach, a thorn is a thorn. One may use one's ingenuity in improvising a pincer out of another thorn to remove one that has been poked and gotten stuck inside one's skin, but on no account should one get so enamoured of the second thorn as to consecrate it by permanently enshrining it within one's body out of gratitide or respect. The abiding undercurrent in Isreali desert ethic is pure greed, and this alone has shaped its strategy vis a vis other civilisations for the past several millenia. A conscience which prescribes a moral code in so far as mutual dealings between the members of a small cabal are concerned, but allows free licence for unfair dealing and plunder with regards the relationship of this cabal with all other societies on the globe. Now, the Ziofascist think tanks, in the course of their internal deliberations, had drawn some inferences and chalked out a global geostrategy about a decade ago. Ever since, The entire edifice of western imperialism, which is subservient to Isreal, has made a course correction and embarked on a consistent journey on a new path. These think tanks had reached the conclusion that India and Russia, by virtue of their bountiful and comprehensive endowment with natural resources, are innately capable by default, of evolving into completely self sufficient super-economies, featuring complete vertical and horizontal integration of manufacturing prowess. This is because these countries when considered together, possess plenteous reserves of just about every mineral that is to be found anywhere else on earth, and moreover, India is gifted with the fertile Indo-Gangetic plain as well as an impressive human resource. The Isreali think tanks had further opined that India must be stopped in its tracks, else a situation will emerge in the world wherein the monoploy wielded by the Zio-oligarchic cabal over global economies and commerce would become a thing of the past. Hence, Ziofascist strategists view India as a potential rival; and it is immaterial for them even if India does not intend to play such a role. With the aim of checkmating India's advance up the economic ladder, the Ziofascists have devised a draconian strategy. They have earmarked India and Russia for annihilation, and their subsidiaries in Amerika and the EU have already been deployed on combat mode in this direction. To rake up hysterical ill-will towards India among their own tribe, the Ziofascists have started informing themselves that India is the accursed homeland of the Biblical Sisera and Jabin who were mythical tormentors of Isreal in the ancient past. Moreover, the Ziofascists are jettisoning the hatred towards India which is ingrained in the European psyche, and channelising it for goading and psychologically preparing the European goyim to pounce like ferocious belligerent carnivores on Russia in an all out nuclear doomsday asault. For that sake, the Ziofascists have authored a voluminous tome which forms essential reading for many a European military strategist. This book bears a name which sums up its very essence. The name is, "Forgotten Antiquities of the Saffron Menace; Vedic India in Europe". The thesis of the book is the proposition that Russia is an aberration on the sacred Christian soil of Europe, an outsider implanted by Vedic Indians in remote antiquity for the purpose of military conquest and economic exploitation of Europe. This book also features a one liner which betrays the intent behind writing of this book, viz. "Beneath their skin-deep Christian disguise, the Russian hordes bear the ignominy of barbaric Saffron blood coursing in their veins". In essence, this voluminous war manual exhorts the European goyim, by invoking obligations of religious imperative, to extirpate heathen Vedic Russia from the Christian soil of Europe by all means at their disposal. The Ziofascist cabal seems poised to play zero-sum gambles of doomsday nuclear world war at the cost of its European goyim zombies. For the time being, its strategy is to try to put India and Russia in economic isolation from one another. By their pretentious melowing, and seductive free talk, they are just buying time whilst they are preoccupied with implementing plans to emaciate and vanquish Russia. The seductive odes of praise which Europe has been heaping on India during the G 20, had been earlier heaped on Russia as well on G8 fora during the Yeltsin years, but Europe suddenly changed gear from an admirer to a ferocious tiger the moment Russia under Putin began speaking up for its national interest. Right now, the European strategy is to neutralise Russia and India one at a time, because Europe does not as yet feel confident of its capability to take on both of them together. Europe has raised an army of pseudo-Indian black colonists, untouchability monger priestcrafters grounded in abject hedonism who trace their ancestory to cross pollination from neolithic Europe, who have now shouldered the mantle of sowing dissension between India and Russia. These black colonists are afflicted with the abominable Shilba Shitty syndrome, which consists in morbid adulation and worship of the European beyond the point of self-shaming, and delightful fascination with the sexual vandalisation of one's own person by the salacious European. These black colonists are pretending to be Indians and preaching tall sermons to Russia about the "unacceptability" of air-strikes on residential neighbourhoods and public infrastructure and so on and so forth. The black colonists are riding on the bandwagon of the proverbial guardian angels of morality and conscience-keepers to the world, something which the indigenous Vedic Indian masses will never countenance. These colonists are playing second fiddle to the criminals who had fanned out to all corners of the globe from the crime ghettos of Europe, exterminated entire civilisations of aborigines on entire continents, expropriated the land, and today have the cheek to call themselves "international community".

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The EU governments are vassals who play second fiddle to Israel. The Zio-oligarchic corpimperialist cabal ensconced in western bourses exercises extraconstitutional overlordship over its EU suzerains. The Ziofascists have completely usurped, expropriated and hijacked the elaborate edifice of genocidal imperialism assiduously built by the EU countries over a 1000 year period. Now, this cabal which has entrained the murderous holocaustic energies of European Catholic imperialism, is all poised to mount the mother of all wars of civilisation, in a holocaustic Armageddonian assault on the timeless Vedic civilisation of India and Russia-Ukraine-Belarus. The Ziofascists have become emboldened in their megalomania by the fact that they are already the most previliged and protected class in all of the west, and will in their reckoning be the last to suffer any mishap coming Europe's way. They believe they are capable of surviving and winning the aftermath of a holocaustic assault on Russia waged by NATO with impunity, while feeling free to fling all of the EU goyim as expendable cannon fodder in the line of nuclear fire in collective assault on. Vedic Russia. The EU goyim form the proverbial cowboy's horse, by riding which the Ziofascist cabal has acquired its preeminent position of dominance over the world. But, true to its salt, the thankless and trecherous Ziofascist cabal is willing to sacrifice even its proverbial horse at the altar of its deadly zero-sum gambles of geo-political scheming. It is nevertheless, important to bear in mind that the EU suzerains which this Ziofascist cabal has disenfranchised in their own lands which it has stolen and expropriated from European control, are the real source of all power for this Ziomaniac cabal. Now the strategy of the Ziofascists is to plunder the real wealth-generating economies of the world such as India,, by misappropriating the stupendous natural wealth of India through misuse of the rapacious IPR  regime of patents, copyrights and database-rights which are purely European anti-Vedic constructs deriving from the stone aged creed of Scandinavian Neanderthals. And where is all of this looted wealth going. It is being poured into a gargantuan Pan-european war-effort for financing intensive dual-use R&D with the ultimate motive of achieving technological superiority sufficient enough to overwhelm Russian military defences and win a war of  holocaustic all-out miltary invasion of Russia. In other words, unbridled plunder of India's phenomenal mineral and human resources is being used by EuroMerica for enriching Europe exponentially and financing the NATO military industrial complex with the objective of wiping out the Vedic civilisation of India and Russia by way of nuclear holocaust. In the 1990's, the EU bigwigs of Europe had held counsel among themselves and decided that the scope of rapacious western patents must be broadened by an astronomical order of magnitude to make them all encompassing so as to stiffle Indian enterprise in all walks of life, and this will certainly expedite the demise of the Indian civilisation by infinitely widening the technological gap between Europe and India by an infinite factor. If the Indian leadership allows itself to be shortchanged by the European horse of the Zio-oligarchic Isreali deep state of EU & America, then India will in a way be committing collective suicide by expediting its own certain demise at the hands of European holocauster enemies of the Indian civilisation. Isreal confronts India with a two faced hydra-head of a dragon. It feigns brotherly friendship as a short-term exigent measure, even collaborating in critical defence tech, to lull India into complacent slumber and keep its long term strategy of decimating India oblivious to Indian eyes. In the not so distant long run, Isreal aims at unleashing its handmaiden the ISIS in its myriad avatars on the Indian civilisation to ennnumb, obtund and obliterate the natural defences of India by wreaking unimaginably gruesome genocidist Islamist tyrrany on a very diffuse scale on Indian society. Having thus largely sanitised indigenous Vedic Indian society, Isreal plans to then unleash near-total nuclear holocaust on it whatsoever remnants of it have survived the Islamist holocaust, by mounting multimegaton strategic nuclear Strikes across India from a safe distance out of range using NATO and Anerican ICBM's. After that it will be a cakewalk for the remorseless Zio-oligarchs whose MNC's will move in and transform India into a gigantic sweat shop and the surviving remnants of the indigenous populace will thenceforth be eternally damned to serfhood worse than slavery and hell. It is noteworthy that the ISIS had been founded, nurtured, groomed, trained and armed to teeth by the Isreali Mozzad and its cohorts. Mozzad had delivered a sermon to the first batch of ISIS graduates from the Mozzad terror academy in the basalt desert of the Median, to the effect that those brutes had been especially handpicked by their God from out of billions of the faithful, for eradicating 1 billion plus heathen Indians who live in India from the face of this earth. The ISIS cadre was further told that it must first conquer " Syria, Iraq and Iran" using genocidist methods if need be, so that the populace of the vanquished lands might be forcibly conscripted into the ISIS ranks under pain of death, in order to equip the ISIS suitably enough for the Herculean task of onward march to India. In order to muster unequivocal backing for the ISIS from naive Muslims world over, The Ziofascist western media and its Bedouin vassals went into full throttle propaganda, fomenting the myth that Syria, Iraq and Iran are "renegade" Islamic societies which deserve all of the holocaust which the ISIS had been perpetrating on them, as a befitting and well-deserved punishment from Ala. And when Isreali plans went awry after the capitulation of ISIS contingents in face of heroic resistance from the Syrian people and Russian aerospace forces, Isreal salvaged what it could of the surviving remnants of ISIS, and relocated around 100,000 hard-core Uieghur veterans of the ISIS to the Hindukush mountains in India's neighbourhood, where they are lurking jobless and awaiting the opportune moment for sneaking into India and mounting a quasi-ISIL Ghazwa-ul-Hind from within. The Ziofascist lobbies and pressure groups, and news media, which feign meaningless leftist, rightist and centrist pretentions in Europe, have swung into action in concert with the Ziooligarchic high command, and are exerting multilateral pressure from all quarters on the Indian government to force it to amend the CAA law for accomodating the Uieghurs, in order to facilitate the infiltration and naturalisation of Uieghur sleeper cells within India and their entrenchment within Indian society pan-India. Although the ISIS is a stone-aged relic grounded in monstrous tyrrany which deserves to be liquidated by all means at mankind's disposal including nuclear, chemical and biological; yet, the Isreali Ziofascist cabal has been the most vociferous protector of its genocidal protege as if the latter were Isreal's biological child, only because Isreal wants to use it as a hunting hound for maiming and mauling the Indian civilisation.

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Kukis are victims

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Yes. What's happening is a civil war where there'll be casualties on both sides. Kukis fought against Nagas in 1990s if I'm not wrong. Now Some terrorists are wreaking havoc among Meiteis by kidnapping 6 people from a relief camp(including a mother and a months old child) and killing them and throwing their body in a river. Nobody raised a concern for Meitei victims. European parliament didn't condemn due to their "Spiritual kinship". US and evangelists and proselytizing lobbies don't care about Meitei victims. So by logic either both are victims of violence or both are perpetrators, not black and white. Meiteis are at a disadvantage because of they follow indigenous religion

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