Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Andrew Korybko

"...there’s nothing that they can do to redeem themselves."

Redemption is always an option; it's just a question of how much humble pie needs to be eaten, the form it will take and what it looks like to s/he in need of redemption on their knees, sobbing with genuine tears of regret at the(ir) need for redemption. It's always possible, just that very few ever summon the strength to call for it, but double down on denial to continue the(ir) delusion that they don't need it.

Funny thing is, a close brush with death can sometimes bring it (perception and acceptance of the need) about. I have a funny feeling the two millimetres (It wasn't half an inch.) the bullet came to pulverising and severing Trump's jugular vein and/or carotid artery might have been just enough to do that. I don't like it because I've invested so much into perceiving Trump as irredeemable. But redemption is ALWAYS (which is about as common as 'never' — very rare and an awfully long time) an option. Fingers crossed: we may get a New Trump to make the world healthy again. (MtWHA?) WTF?

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The reason why I rule out redemption is precisely because it takes a lot of humble pie, and almost none of these folks have it in them to eat that much.

I've seen some very ugly rhetoric online over the past day and it really opened my eyes to the reality of what some of these people think.

I'm all in favor of "building coalitions" and working together "under a big tent" in pursuit of a shared goal, but I can't associate with some of these figures anymore after this.

They literally hate us Americans with a passion, all of us, and want to collectively punish us as revenge for what our government did to them in our name.

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Jul 15Liked by Andrew Korybko

"They literally hate us Americans with a passion, all of us, and want to collectively punish us as revenge for what our government did to them in our name."

Well, yeah, that is the biggest part of the problem with being a bully.

(No, actually, NOT the biggest part, but it certainly may seem that way when you're suffering it.)

I must say, you've certainly made quite some effort, which I believe is good for a lot of people, to understand and somehow 'compensate' (Though the son can't really redeem the sins of the father.) for that. Most importantly, you've managed to avoid the 'woke trap' by which they convince themselves virtue signalling false belief, or genuinely hoping to believe they may be able to make themselves genuinely believe, may be the same as genuine tears cried for redemption. This is the hypocrisy which ultimately drags the bully into fatal confusion, as we're so honoured to witness now.

Anyway... "...none of these folks have it in them to eat that much." difficult though I know it is (I struggle with it endlessly myself.) do try not to be TOO judgemental. When they do recognise their need for redemption, they will be in genuine need of support; and, if you genuinely understand their need, you will need to support them. There's nothing here you're not aware of, I'm sure, but do be aware others are also aware of it, however far away they may seem to be.

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