Why should Russia withdraw from those provinces? Did the people in those areas overwhelmingly vote to join Russia? That's what you get when you treat people badly, try to erase their language and start a fire to incinerate peaceful Russian protesters protesting an American backed coup. My country is a shameful as Israel, maybe even learned from the Stern Gang about how badly you can behave and get away with it.

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Another source to consider for my request on whose economic initiative for moving "goods" across the Middle East is better for the Middle East region as a whole. Who benefits more by each different proposal? I worry that Iraq is now a puppet of the USA since our invasion and bombing, and it is listed as a dictatorship. I know others in the equation of some of the initiatives/projects long term collaborators with USA and Israel. One good thing is all of the projects bypass Israel as the economic hub of the Middle East. How could that be a bad thing considering their actions against humanity?

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Since I seriously respect your analysis of developments, I am sending you at least two reports on alternatives to economic power in the Middle East in hopes of knowing which to support that will best bring peace to a very chaotic and mentally disturbed world. I am speaking of Israel's IMEC, the Development Road Project, and China's Belt and Road Project. Which projects include some countries in the Middle East and not others? Is it simply location? Does one include Iran, but not the other or Kuwait and why? Don't have a Belt and Road Project website but it's been in the news enough, I suspect I don't need to give you a link. I will not give you a huge donation if you do this, but I promise loyalty and a small donation monthly. Can I bribe you to cover this for $5 a month? Can that even be considered a bribe, certainly not like AIPAC's corporate funded dollars. But heh, I'm ethical. Doesn't that count anymore? I'm educated but not wealthy by any means except those of a"third world" country, who I hope are in the process of changing such a reference to them when they start reclaiming the wealth of their geographical resources from the collective West.



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