I do not agree with this assessment based on the fact that at the recent SCO meeting in the past week, both India and China agreed to sit down and thrash out their current differences, as both realise that in the current time, with Western Hegemonic attitudes and behaviour, it is absolutely necessary for them to draw closer in a united front.

India's Geo location and BRICS membership, would make it foolish too, to continue animosity with China or diverge from Russia, especially given that India is making a mountain of money acting as a third party, selling Russian crude oil and gas, as well as refined petroleum products into the EU, so who would want to kill that revenue stream?

If anything, I believe that Modi is merely strengthening ties with Russia, and given the current trade deficit India has with Russia, would like to have Russia purchase more from India to reduce the deficit, and in addition Modi sees the importance of resolving differences with China, and might wish to ask Putin/Russia to mediate any impasse which may result out of the current proposed talks between India and China to resolve their differences, given the current trust relationship between both Russia and India, and Russia and China.

Furthermore, the development of the MBridge payment system, which provide other avenues for payments and to escape US dollar hegemony, together with other BRICS initiative developments as well as the grain trade market being setup by Russia, which frees up the food markets to market force pricing and food security, and would be more favourable to India, than a separation from its BRICS partners either through doubt or animosity

This assessment makes a lot more rational sense.

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I think many in the government understand what russia is doing. There is no need to make issue of china - russia relations.Russia didn't object to india- US relations or India- UK, Australia ,France, germany relations. So,same thing

Eurasia security concept is good initiative.

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In the considered reckoning of hundreds of millions of native Indian masses, Russia is not any alien foreign civilisation, but is the primal pristine civilisation spiritually grounded in Krishti (कृष्टि) and Parjanya पर्जन्य (Perun) which are spiritual concepts of the Veda with very deep connotations.

Atlantis (Skt Atal-Antas अतल- अंतस) is the cryptonym for an empire of super-hedonist elitist corpofascists, which existed on earth in deep remote antiquity, whose collective ethic was grounded in the depravity of Sodom and Gomorrah. Superlative callousness and tyrranical brutality, which provided stimulus for compulsive orgasm to the Atlanta elite, formed the order of the day in Atlantean creed. Debauched carnal indulgence formed "food for sustenance" in the perverse world view of the Atlantean dons. Atlantean lived in a moral matrix characterised by false pride in delusional notions of inviolable self rectidude and self superiority. The high priests of Atlantis kept their ingenuity handy for cooking up pseudo-moralistic alibi for every bit of the phenomenal wrongdoings and sins of the Atlantean civilisation. Atlantis prided itself on bogus claims to espousing superfeminism, even though in reality it was a society which thrived on gruesome sexual brutalisation and vandalisation of females from less powerful civilisations.

Ancient Russia was a contemporary of the Atlantean civilisation, and was more or less on par with Atlantis in respect of industrial prowess and military might.

It so happened that on one particular occasion, the corpomaniac elitist deep state which called the shots in Atlantis, sent a high level diplomatic delegation to the office of His Excellency Vassily Vyacheslavich who was the Head of State of Russia at that time. The Indian scriptures say that Russia was a very vast land even in that hoary antiquity, somewhat akin to its modern expanse from Smolensk to Kamchatka. The Atlantean emissaries had brought a special proposal under sealed envelop to Mr Vassily, soliciting his co-operation in a projected mega project for abducting tender aged females from Asia using flying machines, for lifelong sexual slavery in multinational high end brothels built for high profile global clientele on the territory of mainland Atlantis. The Atlantean empire spanned three continents astride the Atlantic Ocean. The emissaries explained their math and informed premier Vassily that Russia will be able to earn stupendous profits for its exchequer by joining the Atlantean venture. However, Premier Vassily of Russia snubbed and rebuffed that hedonist proposal, and told the Atlantean diplomats in unambiguous language that they had approached the wrong person, because far from having the guts to touch a poor man's daughters, he (Vasilly) scarcely possessed the courage to even cast a glance at them. Moreover, he told the Atlanteans that he was rebuffing their hand of friendship, because, some ten thousand years down the line, he did not want his countrymen to hang their heads in shame whenever discussion of history came up among townsmen in the realization that they are descendants of a dog who sold his soul for gold. Vasilly told the Atlanteans in plain speak that even if they fill up the ocean with gold and bring all of that gold to him for bribe, even then they will not be able to buy his soul. Moreover he averred that the Atlanteans had defiled and maligned Russia by extending their satanic (स्तेनः) hand of friendship, and had brought the curse of God upon Russia; and to redeem the fair name of Russia, Vassily was left with no option but to wipe out the evil Atlantean cabal. " I swear upon my honour, If I do not consign your entire brood to the flames of fire before sunset tonight, then may all the meritorious deeds of my entire lifetime be consumed by the same fire. You are spiritual progeny begotten of your father the snake and your grandma the vixen! ", so saying Vasilly put the entire Atlantean diplomatic delegation to death, and ordered the strategic military command of Russia to launch all out doomsday quasi-nuclear strike on Atlantis.....In the nuclear conflagration that ensued from counter-strikes from both sides in the war that followed, Russia too had too suffer untold devastation and destruction of epic proportions, and had ceased to remain one country for millenia thereafter, but Russia passed the test by the fire to which God had put it, with flying colours. That is why the Indian scriptures mince no words in proclaiming that even a single drop of water from the river Moksha which flows entirely through Russian territory, is more precious from a spiritual viewpoint than all of the gold on earth. In the considered view of the sublime morality which underlies the inborn immaculate conscience of the Indian masses, Russia is not a mundane earthly conglomerate of rock and mud, but is the ultimate seat of pilgrimage ensconced in the sanctum sanctorum of the divine national consciousness (राष्ट्री संगमनी वाक्) of India. The lust-free unitarian relationship of inalienable supra-spiritual transcendental oneness between Russia and India is not a covenant for co-participation in carnal indulgence unlike a Viking marriage, but is instead the collapse and play of pure consciousness upon itself.

Sanskrit is the language in which Vassily spoke with his compatriots and family members. India is the land which has preserved that pristine language of Russia till today. Indian masses possess an incorruptible channel of nonlocal supra-conscious channel of communion with Russia embedded deep in their psyche, which is not amenable to distortion from worldly chatter. That is why, Indian masses are not vulnerable to brainwashing warfare from European aggressors and their surrogates who have mounted an all out information war against Russia while censoring and blacking out all sensible counternarratives. The immaculate lust free relationship of unitarian oneness between India and Russia is akin only to that between the Heavenly Father and the Holy Son, and is known as Ritvi Sura Anahita ऋत्वी सुरा अनाहता in Vedic parlance. Russia derives its name from the metaphor for ", the voice of God in the conscience of India", designated as Aap दैवी आपः in Vedic Sanskrit and Ab e Ruh or Abaan in Middle Persian., the sublime intellect purified by the austerity of virtuosity, metaphorically called sacred waters emanating from the सलिल of the supra-conscious plane beyond space and time, ensconced in the Dom दम or house of Nativity in the Chidakash चिदाकाश characterised used by unblemished bliss, मयस्करन परतरे चनाहन, where Russia and India were enshrined in the eternal realm before the illusory ephemeral descent to worldly plane.

The minds of indigenous Hindi speaking Indian masses remain in broad unison with Russia via complex quantum entanglement. The unequivocal consensus and understanding between Indian and Russian masses is not contingent upon the circumstantial vagaries of whims of the political leadership, or on such trivalities as the controversies about status of ISKCON in Russian society and such senseless imperinents, which are totally immaterial and inconsequential to the inborn eternal understanding between Indian and Russian masses. They are of one mind, one purpose, one existence, समानो मन्त्रः, समानो अस्तित्वः, समानो ध्येयः। This unitarian identity at the most fundamental level of existence is not dependent upon any worldly parameter such as religion etc. because it predates the beginning of time and is ensconced in dimensions beyond space and time. The Indian masses will never severe this inalienable relationship, because it is physically impossible to incriminate or go against one's essential self. If the west accuses Russia of some alleged wrongdoing, then the Indian masses announce their wilful complicity and co-participation in such deeds, and affirm that they will not be deterred in this resolve even by fear of hellfire. As such, the Russian leadership is aware that it can take any decisions at its absolute discretion in face of civilisational assault from Europe, without bothering about worldly opinions from political class in India.

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The so called think-tanks and news outlets operating in India which are deliberately raking up fake scenarios of an impending Sino-Russian military alliance against India, geared to gobbling up India's Himalayan territories, are not native Indian entities but are EuroMerican hedge fronts propped up by the collective west for vitiating public discourse on social media and mass media, with the aim of sowing distension between India and Russia via wholesale peddling of outright lies worse than fake news. Many ostensibly Indian sounding news channels and media outlets are actually controlled by quasi-imperialist EuroMerican Zio-oligarchic syndicates which wield operational authority on them via a complex shareholding pattern barely known to all but a few observers. Even the so called Opserver Research Foundation, which masquerades as a New Delhi based think tank, is a covert front for infiltration and entrainment of administrative policy making circles by Australian Atlanticists, with the aim of bringing Indian policy in line with global geostrategic goals of the collective west especially its deep state, to the obvious detriment of genuine Indian national interest. This entity is very secretive about its operations in which it entices and milks the so called intellectual talent of some Indian "thinkers" by luring them with high paychecks, but those individuals are more of figureheads meant for rubber stamping the opinions and narratives set by the Europeanic foreigners who control the show from behind the scenes. Those Indian figureheads are mainly ceremonial front end go betweens for indirect liason with administrative circles, local influence groups and mass media.

In line with the dictum outlined by Zio-Euro-oligarchic think tanks in the late 1990's that India and Russia must be kept isolated from each other at all costs and by all means, the EuroMerican hedge influencers have gone into overdrive in a race against time towards this end. Integrity and honesty do not count so much in their minds as the love of lucre and a few green notes for crumbs. Ziofascist think tanks had opined that in view of their stupendous endowment with natural mineral and agricultural resources and the strategic economic depth accruing from a huge geography and productive demography, Russia and India are inevitably destined to evolve into super-comprehensive super-economies featuring total vertical and horizontal integration of manufacturing prowess, unless they are bogged down in their inclusive emancipative march by creating especially calamituous circumstances amounting to the mayhem of holocausts perpetrated by external forces, before the point of time when they have crossed the critical threshold to break free from the overarching parasitic manipulative monopolistic stranglehold of Ziooligarchic cartels on global economy.

The strategy of hedge syndicates feigning deceptive Indian nationalist identity, is to foment vengeance, hatred and animosity towards Russia by inventing false historical narratives, and raising genuine sounding doubts on Russia's willingness, inclination and capability to provide a security umbrella within the BRICS framework.

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India spent too long sitting on the fence and now I suspect that policy is having it's ramifications. Failing to take a leadership role in the Global South and thus charting it's own path was a huge blunder.

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Well done Andrew. Organization of article well documents your argument. I wish that more writers so well argued their position.

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Spot on. Another important marker is to see what happens on the ongoing fighter jet competition. Will India go for the SU-57/75 or not. India had backed out of supporting SU-57 development because Russia was unwilling to meet Indian requirements, now Russia is inviting India back and also offering transfer of tech for jet engines.

India buys a lot of Russian oil, India seeks its own interests and Russia does the same, just like any other nation. As long as the Ukr war continues, I dont see Russia disengaging from China.

The simple question is that in a war between India and China, whom will Russia support ?. I suspect China and says everything.

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Russia would be neutral just like most countries.

India and China should have joint sovereignity or no man's land over disputed areas( aksai chin and arunachal pradesh forest areas shall forever remain depopulated). Tawang should be given to china.

India and China should have relations like countries of EU . They don't have worry about their borders being invaded etc.,

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So you want to give thousands of sq kms of the Tawang area which is Indian territory to China, after they have stolen Aksai Chin and the Shaksgam valley.

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Yes we only have disputed claim that too because of British imperialism. They were incorporated into British India in 1914 or something. We are not claiming Myanmar because it was part of British India.

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If India has not made any visits to Russia in 5 years at the top executive level, that is a lack of relationship management compared to Russia-China, where Putin-Xi meet multiple times per year.

The West will come for Modi, and India, when conditions are ripe — such as in the recent Indian elections. Will India be ready, or do they think they can triangulate indefinitely versus the Anglo Hegemon ? If India finds itself left behind, perhaps they will have stopped running the race (to multipolarity).

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India can do the triangulation or non alignment. It did that since independence

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India runs a Keynesian-like monetary system. That makes it compatible with the West. What is it doing pretending to want to be a hard currency nation? It doesn't make sense unless one takes the view that it is trying to have its cake and eat it too.

India will eventually become an obstacle to the BRICS (if it is not already becoming so), whose basic premise is to limit the extent of the leverage employed to fuel growth, something Western economies have overplayed for years.

In the BRICS system, where the principle of trade is an evolved type barter system, what does India offer? So far we see only its ability to play both sides as a middle man. Neither is its currency of any use to other nations, nor has it reached anywhere near the level of efficiency to rival Chinese industrial know-how, and its intense rivalry with China only reveals envy.

What has happened as a result of its policies is to encourage an abundance of foreign direct investment simply because it is showing a willingness to play the western political game. Whilst this is a welcome situation for India, it is surely not going to be the key to its success.

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other countries in BRICS offer what?

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Which country specifically are you thinking of? Most of them are exporters of raw materials, which is why the movement against the G7 was formed. They deem their resources in the ground are worth more than holding decaying US treasuries, and they want to be paid a fair price for them.

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