
Came thru Reuters, so we are mainstream now... Russia probing alleged Ukrainian use of chemical weapons

The Investigative Committee said the Donetsk People's Republic had reported the use of chemical weapons by Ukrainian drones near the two locations.

By REUTERS Published: FEBRUARY 6, 2023 18:59

Updated: FEBRUARY 6, 2023 23:42

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Ritter, in that YT link, is loudly calling it a WAR CRIME, the use of chem weapons with drones. Others too, since at least 2/6

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Here is twitter search link showing Elon was notified about the chemical weapons, tagged, as early as 2/6


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As far back as maybe 2/6, reports of drone delivered chemical weapons by UkroNazis. Ritter on Redacted, on Col MacGregor's YT, showed some pics and described recently. I think this could be a huge factor in Musk's decision and outcry. Listen to Ritter -- 22 hours ago.



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A lot is said about Elon being a military contractor, but really he is a business man and Starlink can flourish without the military contracts, in fact, it might do better if we got rid of US war machine.

Did you see what THEY did to Medea Benjamin?

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Dmitry Rogozin, former head of the Russian space agency Roscosmos, has warned about how Starlink actually has a dual-use military function to further American military and surveillance objectives.

Rogozin issued his warnings about the Starlink Threat in 2021--before the Ukraine proxy war even began.

Russian Space Chief Warns Elon Musk’s Starlink Satellite Network Could Hijack Cruise Missiles


Essentially, Starlink provides the United States military with plausible deniability when America wants to become a combatant in a war but is too afraid to openly admit it--like in the current Ukraine War.

Despite its ostensible private or peaceful veneer, Starlink is the Pentagon's privatized proxy.

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I thought Starlink was put in place in March. I have seen twitter convos between Medvedec and Musk which suggest he has had private dialog. At first, I think Musk was naive, and had not thought about how it could be tweaked the way the UkroNazis were using it. But now, with the stories of chemical weapons being used by drones with assist from wifi.... ?.

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Starlink may have been specifically deployed in the Ukraine war theater in March 2022, but Dmitry Rogozin was warning in 2021 that Starlink in general was connected to the American war machine and functions as such.

You could probably say that many supposed "private" corporations in the USA are in reality just proxies of the American National Security State. The connections between many IT firms like Google and the National Security Agency (NSA), which was exposed by Edward Snowden, are but one example.

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Yes, this is correct. I am not saying he is a total innocent. His futuristic dreams and Mars project is the space age child fantasy many men seem to suffer, some form of escapism -- waste of energy, time, money. To do Starlink and his rockets he can only do it if contracting and cooperating with MIC/NASA, just as I assume Branson and Bezos must? I find Musk's boldness to go against the propaganda and stir the shit to be rather interesting development. In many ways, he is a whistleblow of a different kind. It will be interesting to see where it lands, as Taibbi suggested. 24/7 every minute are never-ending hit pieces, condemnation, and hate for Musk. He is the new Hitler of our times according to some. Certainly lots of improvement is needed. When he first set up Starlink, Ukraine etal asked that Russia be blocked and NOT allowed access. He said, "NO, I am a free speech absolutist." Starlink went up after the invasion. I think he thought a resolution would come soon, and open communication would be useful, but opposite happened, so he later presented a peace proposal. I know that he is in convos with Medvedev, he has even had early convos with Kadyrov, which all have pissed off the Russophobe war mongers. I very much, from close examination, get the idea they all like him in Moscow regardless of the conflict, chaos and confusion. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/elon-musk-starlink-ukraine/

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"..We’re trying hard to do the right thing.."?

"..Tesla ..among the most dangerous US workplaces..": https://www.engadget.com/2018-04-25-amazon-and-tesla-in-most-dangerous-workplace-report.html

"..wrongfully terminated ..for union activity..": https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/27/tesla-violated-labor-laws-by-blocking-union-organizing-judge-rules.html

"..confidentiality agreement ..disallow ..union..": https://www.theregister.com/2021/03/26/tesla_labor_law/

"..Autopilot Deaths ..6..": https://www.tesladeaths.com

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I don't care what else he and his companies too since that doesn't take away from it being beneficial for him to cut Kiev off from using Starlink to carry out drone strikes against Russian troops. All I'm reading in your comment is someone who refuses to give credit where it's due as a result of disliking Musk for whatever reason, the latter of which is your right but the former of which is disingenuous.

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giving "..credit where it's due..".. what's to "dislike", so the wheels (literally)fall off.. they save money producing them, increasing their profit.. if they lasted too long, it'd be more difficult to sell more to "repeat customers"?

"..agreement ..not to disclose the problem ..trying to avoid a recall ..discourage reporting to government agencies..": https://www.inverse.com/article/16830-tesla-s-non-disclosure-agreements-about-defects-are-unacceptable-say-feds

"..covering up ..ball joints ..safety issue..": https://jalopnik.com/tesla-accused-of-ordering-owners-not-to-talk-about-thei-1781634791

"..Tesla -Whompy Wheels ..235 photos..": https://www.flickr.com/photos/136377865@N05/sets/72157658490111523/

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Musk bashing is an industry.

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"..meant for private use, not military.."?

"..US Air force awarded Starlink a $1.92 million contract. Starlink will provide 12 months of service..": https://www.teslarati.com/spacex-starlink-us-air-force-contract-2022/

"..$99 per month running cost for the internet ..Starlink kit costs $499 ..does not include shipping or taxes ..expect to pay up to $600 before their Starlink kit is delivered..": https://screenrant.com/starlink-internet-costs-setup-monthly-pricing-explained/

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Yes, it was officially meant for private use and not military use even though I don't believe that he didn't think it would be used for the latter. Nevertheless, it's telling that you have a problem with him cutting Kiev off from using his services for carry out drone strikes against Russia, especially at this crucial point (which might even be an inflection one) in this conflict. Do you want Kiev to continue having the capability to carry out those drone strikes? Is that why you're so angry?

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"..so angry?.."? "el_n m_sk" is just a war profiteer.. can only afford to produce profit.. nothing exceptional..

automated torture device? normal 21st century stuff..

"..University of California ..Davis ..Neuralink ..owned by billionaire Elon Musk ..killing eight monkeys during a trial of its brain chip technology ..dismissed allegations that it had subjected monkeys to “extreme suffering.” ..two were killed at “planned end dates to gather important histological data,” ..six ..surgical complications, device failures, or device-associated infections..": https://www.rt.com/news/549474-elon-musk-monkey-neuralink/

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You really think he only delivered 1 unit or terminal ? See the snopes link. do not normally like snopes, but that link has a lot of useful info. Reports are Elon has lost money on the deal. He does not perceive war as good for business, just as Trump would not. His starlink and other businesses would do better without wars. He has even said that. His twitter whistleblowing and Twitter Files is to stop the lies, and get real dialog happening, because, he said, nothing else matters, he meant all his other businesses, etc. He made a peace proposal last October? he got hell for it, just like his convos with Medvedev. When ppl found out he had talks with Putin in 2021 and earlier, all shit hit the fan.


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Two other possibilities. 1) US instructed him to pull the plug, now that Ukraine served their sacrificial purpose. Perhaps they realize that Ukraine regime is lost, and increasingly desperate which changed the risk/benefit analysis. 2). Musk is worried that Russia will take out Starlink permanently in the next phase of the war as provocations escalate.

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