Actually, having had a little think while making a coffee, I'm wrong about "...as quickly as possible." We're winning precisely because time is on our side. What would have happened if Russia had acquiesced to pleas from the Donbas in 2014? We might not be winning as decisively as we are now, and anything other than what we've got now could be nothing other than more dangerous.

Putin's timing has been as meticulous (I've come to despise the word 'perfect' recently because it's so rarely used appropriately now but, actually, I should use it here in place of 'meticulous'.) as the Americans' has been foolishly, childishly hurried. That's why we're winning.

It was foolish — childish — of me to succumb to the inner voice in my head shouting, 'Hurry, hurry, hurry!!!'

Please replace "...as quickly as possible." below with the phrase '...in due course.'

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"...this could lead to Poland threatening an intervention if this activity takes place in proximity to its border with Ukraine."

Hence, the imperative to get to and secure Lvov, i.e. all of the Ukraine, as quickly as possible.

"What Kiev is looking for is a way to gain leverage over Russia that could then be wielded to coerce concessions from it during future peace talks whenever they might ultimately begin."

Hence, the imperative to get to and secure Lvov, i.e. all of the Ukraine, as quickly as possible.

"...nuclear brinksmanship between Moscow and the West..."

"...in July 2021, the Biden administration launched its Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) which was formally announced in October 2022."


"The underlying US nuclear doctrine consists in portraying nuclear weapons as a means of 'self defense' rather than as a 'weapon of mass destruction'."


"...Kiev’s upcoming NATO-backed counteroffensive..."

"Should deterrence fail, “the United States would seek to end any conflict at the lowest level of damage possible on the best achievable terms”— language implying that the United States might use nuclear weapons for purposes other than deterrence. (2022 NPR)

"Moreover, there are powerful financial interests behind the NPR which are tied into the $1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program initiated under President Obama."


The Great Leader of our beloved Nobel-Prize Winning Administration, duly elected from beyond the sins of pride and prejudice — winner of the Prize for Peace.

Anyone for a spot of hypocrisy?


“...low-hanging fruit” that it can’t help itself from “plucking”.

"Dangerous narrative: The NPR proposes “increased integration of conventional and nuclear planning”, which consists in categorizing tactical nuclear weapons (e.g. B61-11 and 12) as conventional weapons, to be used on a preemptive basis in the conventional war theater (as a means of self defense)"


What could possibly go 'wrong' (when you've planned it all just SO 'right')?!

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