And 1 million of russian speakers in Israël is not important ? You missed a point there

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Simply phrased 'Russian Policy Towards Israel' should be one of utter abhorrence about the 24 hours daily/weekly/monthly/year on year genocidal wipe out of the Palestinian people by Israeli Zionist fascists. Finish Ukraine, then move on to the ME to get rid of the genocidal US and its western genocidal compliant lackeys. Lets put in place Orthodox values and stop blaming the AMC for fighting evil!

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I very much doubt a 20 year smearing campaign can be reversed to alter perceptions, but I hope you are right.

As an illustration of how much damage propaganda does, go to the UK to observe the effect of what 24/7 smearing can do to the sentiment of the average person. The media might get them to stop grumbling, but a deep hatred remains IMO, especially in the UK and certain parts of Western and Eastern Europe.

Regarding Israeli ambitions to expand across the entire ME region, including eventually the GCC, do you think that Russia supports this expansion plan? Logically they would have to, if the relationship between Russia and Israel is as you say it is.

Thanks for the article.

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Very insightful!

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Reading this, it occurs to me to wonder if anyone realizes that the fact of MSM lying has been normalized to the extent that whenever any of them decide to tell the truth about something, it is considered newsworthy. I am old enough to remember those halcyon days when media LYING was what was considered reportable, and even then they were often given the benefit of the doubt and considered simply mistaken rather than intentionally deceptive.

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So some faction in USA deep state contacted their counterpart in Israel to start a thawing process? I don't see this article in Newsweek as sufficient evidence that such an attitude is already the consensus of the US deep state. Some people in a certain faction are positioning themselves for service and promotion in the next administration, perhaps. I suspect this Newsweek article signifies more for the US election outcome than the US deep state long-term strategy has any significant change.

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