All of this is so infuriatingly unnecessary. If anything, Europe would be better served by throwing the Americans out, because it's Washington that represents the real threat to peace, not Russia. Politically I'm an old-school leftist, but I'd love nothing more than to see the so-called populists sweep the European elections this year. The liberal globalists have got to go. Between their sanctimonious authoritarianism and their brain-dead wokeness, they've been an unmitigated disaster. Now they want to gin up another cold war that could very well turn hot, all in the name of "defending" Europe and preserving America's poisonous hegemony.

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Such marvelous plans! So well thought out! So foolishly dependent on technology! So dependent on an accommodating enemy allowing you to get your tanks in position! One cell phone tower goes down, one locomotive loses a wheel and…

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Im 2. WK sind hunderte Millionen Menschen, ums Leben gekommen, auch viele US-Amerikaner, der 3. WK wird Europa vernichten und für die nächsten 100 Jahre nicht mehr bewohnbar sein. Eine Gesellschaft, die sich systematisch weigert, zu erkennen, dass ihr physisches Überleben unmittelbar in Frage steht, und die keinen Schritt zu ihrer Rettung unternimmt, kann nicht als psychisch gesund bezeichnet werden.

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Plus, with countries seeming to reinstate the military draft we can see that WWIII is practically inevitable at this stage (especially given that they want to continue the depop agenda and suspend elections - especially in the U.S.).

Do you see ANY hope or silver linings?

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All this to stop the Belt and Road initiative. With what energy does this Fortress operate?

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I don't believe it's to stop BRI since PRC-EU trade still continues via traditional maritime routes, newfound trans-Central Asian ones to the South Caucasus and Turkiye, and soon more through the Arctic too.

Rather, one of the objectives is preventing Russia from adding value along BRI like it otherwise could have had the Ukrainian Conflict either not broken out or been peacefully resolved. In that scenario, Russia would have profited tremendously, which was Putin's vision all along.

What he underestimated was the EU's strategic autonomy and willingness to sacrifice their objective national-economic interests in pursuit of nebulous "shared values" with the US and out of solidarity with the Collective West.

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