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"...India, the UAE, and/or the African Union might be more reliable..."

I know you're a big fan of India, and the Africans need to be fed, but the Chinese seem to think the Arabs are more likely to be helpful. In retrospect, to be realistic, in practical terms, Brezhden's disappointment when the Saudi's didn't allow the price of oil to drop as the Vampires had expected (and taken for granted) was perhaps the single most significant factor ensuring Russia's gradual, incremental success over the past winter; with momentum increasing to the current point of virtually inevitable (and glorious) victory. I think the Chinese see this, and I think the Arabs response to their vision in reconciling with Iran is probably more significant than anything Turkey could do now. It could be Turkey realises it has expended its potential for neutrality and negotiation and come to an 'Oh, what the hell... May as well (poo on Russia).' moment. How much more blood can they squeeze out of that stone?

Now that India is being paid to incite and support colour revolution in Bangladesh... Well, does anyone really need yet another picture painted to show how vampires sink their teeth into their friends' necks?

Of course Africa needs to be fed. The Soviet Union didn't spend ¾ of a century and an awful lot of Ukrainian peasants (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/kulak#English) developing the most significant part of the world's food supply, and forging the links to make it into a chain, for nothing!

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