The German industry would certainly welcome the restart of Nord Stream, but I'm not so sure what the German politicians will say.

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The present German/French political classes have to be discarded like so many damaged car tires.

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Das ist wie mit dem Ukrainekrieg, diejenigen die den Krieg betreiben und vorantreiben wollen sich als Friedensvertrag- Ersteller verkaufen? Ironie ? Witz? Oder Frechheit?

Diejenigen die diese Pipeline gesprengt haben wollen sie jetzt kaufen um Deutschland weiter zu versklaven? Ironie ? Witz? Oder Frechheit?

Das ist wie wenn man den Fuchs in den Hühnerstall sperrt und sagt, paß gut auf die Hühner auf! Ironie ? Witz? Oder Frechheit?

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the pipeline, luckily, cannot be "stolen" because the gas comes from Russia. What's the use of an undersea pipeline to nothing? This means Russia's interests will be primary considerations. Otherwise the Europeans can pump salt water.

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There was no "shock thereapy". They're blowing up of the pipelines was an pure act of war and terrorism plus it was an environmental disaster. There's absolutely no proof that anything would've been any different if Trump had been in office.

Let's not forget that U.S. presidents don't have a free hand in setting U.S. policy or the fact that Trump boasts that he kept the U.S. army in Syria because he wanted to take the oil and food even though the U.S. was illegally occupying Syria. And even though he had given an order for the army to leave but wasn't followed. So his way of covering his failure is to take credit for failing. As if his order to exit never existed.

What you're still endorsing is not even a case of a fire sale price of the pipelines to the U.S. It's a clear case of a ransom but one where the Russians pay the price through the return of their own illegally seized assets. This is organized crime.

It's no different than the crime of property theft that he's applying to the forced sale of Tik Tok to U.S. interests at fire sale prices that is based on the lie that Tik Tok is owned by China. This is a lie that is just as bad as the one about Tik Tok's supposed malign influence in the Romanian elections. This accusation later proved to be false but that proof didn't force the Romanian court to reverse its decision which nullified the results.

This so called bargain only proves that the U.S. is not changing a thing. The U.S. is still operating a grand theft ring and is abiding by the principle that it cannot occupy the same space as Russia or China.

This confirms my suspicion that the U.S. isn't looking for an end to the war but just a way to freeze the conflict until it can come back and finish the job.

I know you say I don't understand your position but I do. Your argument is the same. That Russia should take a loss on its frozen foreign assets and allow itself to be manipulated by the U.S. if Russia wants any chance of getting them back.

This isn't justice. This is Behavorism, which modifies an individual's behavior by using a carrot and stick approach to control a person. Behaviorism is the antithesis of justice.

The U.S. cannot be allowed to benefit from it's violations of the U.N. Charter and its criminal activity. Trump is no better than Biden. He is a continuation of the same policies under different management.

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Yes, and if you see this, don't we agree that the Russians see this as well? Russia doesn't have to go along with any of this. It controls the gas that runs through the pipeline, period.

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I find it interesting that your commentary seems to come from the USA point of view almost ignoring what the Russians might consider. Seems doubtful to me that Russia would consider a partial payback of its stolen reserves as "payment" for anything. I wonder how valuable returning to the SWIFT system is to Russia at this point. As I see it, Russia is the one in the most advantageous position & it will create terms most favorable to its interests. The methods used will likely be understated & aimed at a long view of unfolding events.

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How do the US and Russia push the Overton window in Europe to compensate for years of pro-Ukraine brainwashing? The Europeans seem to care more for grandstanding in poverty than for swallowing their pride and admitting they shouldn’t have gone down the path they are on. They are determined to pay more for energy. They are also busybodies who care more about their neighbors thinking badly of them for voting AfD than they do voting for the same failed policies which Merz will have as he will bring the SPD & greens into a coalition most likely. Also, cannot get enough Europeans to shed their arrogance enough to have sound judgment. If the last three years did not wake up Germany’s people, then what? Maybe East Germany should secede and leave the rest to its fate. Instead of a proper reaction to the potential end of NATO, Europeans are angry and hateful toward Trump who is actually trying to give them some of their ancient independence back (even if they will never have energy independence).

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With all the USA military bases in Europe & England, there will be no "independence" for Europe.

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Nicht trotz, sondern genau deswegen...

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I am probably wrong about this. But I get a strange feeling that the NS reactivation talk is a European trial balloon wanting the US and Russia to pay for the repairs of NS, the US to guarantee the security of the NS, so Europeans can get Russian gas with a price cap set by EU?

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You just might turn out to be right...

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American war hawks don't understand that prosperity can bring peace, even when it happens between other nations far away on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

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It should not happen at all. Why should the US, which created all this mess in the first place, hold the gas conduit between Russia and Europe? If Europeans come in the end to their senses (after crying Uncle), they will restart NS (what has been left of it, if US doesn't blow it up for good, since it will be competing with their LNG sales).

This is all nonsense.

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Ich hoffe nicht, daß die Amerikaner die Pipeline erwerben können, das würde ihnen die weitere Versklavung Deutschlands ermöglichen und sie müssen endlich raus aus diesem Land!

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When we look at the larger image the damage from the explosions of the pipelines was spread to the whole of the European economy. Because of the elevated gas prices Germany’s economic growth was reduced to 0.4% for 2024. That is called stagnation by German standards. The shrinking of the German economy spread to the whole of Europe. In addition Russia’s economy was also seriously damaged and Russian purchasing was cut off from the West. The final result was a cascading wave of economic destruction against the whole of the European continent. The winners were U.S. gas exporters and the military activities of a “moderately talented humorist” from Ukraine. The planners of this act were simply anti-European, that is Sleepy Joe and his humorist body who coned hundreds of billions out of him without signing for any securities. (No, I am not saying that the “Big Guy” did not get his 10% cut.)

The real strength of America comes only from a United West with a strong economy. And this United West includes Europe and Russia as well. Was this principle followed on the long run; America would not be forced to beat the drums of war today against China, Russia and many others. A United West would have turned most everybody into our friends. Nord Stream was an act of shortsighted self-mutilation.

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EU states seem to want to stall and sabotage peace until another administration comes along.

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Fuck Germany, fuck the EU, fuck the US. Cut them off Completely. Have no further dealings with them ever again. Besides, isn't the EU single-highhandedly saving the world by going 'green'?

They can go back to gathering nuts and berries, living in caves, and finger painting rats and cockroaches on the walls of their post-industrial 🤡topia.

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The whole world has had bad leaders before. However, the children always deserve better. The Russians and the Americans need to declassify intelligence to help the peoples wake up from green lies and all other propaganda. Or you can be black pilled and just think masses of delusional people somewhere else aren’t your problem. But, they are- look at Covid and how close the world got to tyranny because of the delusional. It matters. Shine a light. Be a light. Love the innocent. Men protect. Men don’t give up. It’s your world too friend.

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Absolutely correct! For the last century men in the West gave up the struggle against their own degraded upper classes and the psychopaths took us into self-destructive wars, misery, exploitation, chemical, electronic, biological warfare and now we are facing slavery again. We have to say NO! to their New World Order!

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