Orban is the adult in the room

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He is one of the very few leaders who could compare to VV Putin- after watching a YouTube video of an interview (his English is very good btw) I came away thinking “this is one sharp guy - and very Hungarian!” (I used to work in a business owned by Hungarians and came to admire their culture and sense of humor!)

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Jun 13Liked by Andrew Korybko

It marks a chink in NATO's armor, providing a way for other nations to remove themselves from the Ukro insanity.

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Jun 13Liked by Andrew Korybko

In a way instead of building a coalition of the willing they do the opposite, coalition of the unwilling. Step 1 to NATO exit.

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It is not insanity... It's what we (westerners) have been doing for centuries!


The only difference is that this time around the Plantation location is in Europe...

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Orban just doesn't want to get shot! NATO style...

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