To be deemed an enemy cannot be any worse than what happened to Imran Khan when they were supposedly friends. Remember what Kissinger said about America's friends.

Panama is the latest country to cop the USs wrath well maybe just a Trump flip out.

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Who is the international buyer? I see none.

Pakistan needs 3000 km to cover kanyakumari from its borders with iran.

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I told you that Pakistan is not the puppet of the US. Imran Khan's trolls are no different from the Axis trolls.

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Andrew, you've charged my account twice and now I am going to have an overcharge fee. I thought you were returning my money but instead you charged me again. what is going on??

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Maybe the reason is as simple as the ones considered by the NK. Pakistan may not need that much conventional military aid either. China can still sell needed equipment for domestic control. India will not launch military attacks on Pakistan, especially when Pakistan has such a missile capability. However, India will not be willing or able to pay the ransom. Eventually, I suspect one of the Gulf countries will give money to Pakistan to buy in international markets for whatever it needs.

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