Poland? I don't want Poland as my country's top partner in Europe; I'd rather have Russia. At least Russia can BE a partner. All Poland can be is another vassal. I've had enough of imperial vassal states. Real partners are much more fun.

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What's the diff? USA, Russia, Poland, China... they're are all vassals of the global bankster cabal:


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The title has said it well about the most likely US military posture in Europe in the near future. The USA will have fewer troops and lower combat power in Europe, but they will be focused on the cutting edge. This is why the SMO is not only an existential fight for Russia, but also its successful completion will only buy a little bit of breathing room from the Maidan era. Poland has pushed itself into the position of South Korea. Let's see what the Poles can achieve.

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Great analysis by AK as usual and a possible scenario... unless with a coup the theatre Trump agrees to withdraw all US troops from eastern Europe, i.e. the line of the famous "promise" not to extend NATO further east!

I read a rumour about this, is there any substance? Following the Trump & Co. positions changing every other day is not easy task!

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The map of Europe is so inaccurate on so many levels it cannot be accidental.

To begin with, it includes non existing countries...

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Ugh, lemme guess, you're angry that I didn't edit out Kosovo, is that it? Your quibbles about the map aside, which are very obnoxious to share in my opinion, do you have any reaction -- be it positive or constructively critical -- to the substance of my analysis? Or are you just making a political point for your pet cause and that's all you plan to do?

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Ouch, that's a kitchen sink too in the attempt to alienate a (potentially paid) subscriber for pointing out at a map's political inconsistency and terrible inaccuracy.

I am not baffled as to why you did not *edit out* Kosovo and Metohija but rather *why it was drawn in* (plus it is oversized and inaccurate shape). It just does not go hand in hand with a map including reunification of Krim, Lugansk and Doneck.

That was a constructively critical approach, to point out to it. Unless There's a point that was being made by inclusion of occupied areas as countries in the map. It sets the tone to the article for which I have a comment but not sure if I want to write it any more.

Your nuclear response is rather confusing and uncalled for.

Farewell, I know you'll block me now so... enjoy the moment whilst it lasts.

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Look, I get "hate mail" every single day on X and sometimes it's not possible to discern tone from written words alone, hence why I interpreted your comment as aggressive even though you just made it clear that it wasn't your intent.

As for the map, I pulled it from a Youtube video and then edited in the borders of Russia's New Regions to imply the legitimacy of its claims to those lands, but I didn't draw the map and didn't have time to edit other parts of it.

For instance, I could have edited in Abkhazia and South Ossetia while excluding Kosovo, but I've been publishing unique analyses daily since the SMO began (so for nearly 1,100 consecutive days) and just don't have it in mind to do that.

The whole point of the map was to highlight Poland's centrality to the US' post-Ukraine European policy as I foresee it to possibly be if events unfold like I wrote in my analysis. It wasn't to make a subtle statement about Kosovo or whatever.

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Has Andy looked at Israel2.0? Join the Russia-occupied part of Ukraine to Russian exclave of Transnistria along Moldova's border. Secure a corridor to Poland and you have a new entity in Three Seas Initiative (3SI) region that Israel showed interest in (3SI summit 2024). In extreme Jew schemes, incl. WW2 Zionists' Judeopolonia and in practice today (Jew quarters built for sale to foreign Jews in Poland, disproportionate numbers of Jews in the gov't, business and institutions), Poland would be a Zionist-desired extension of Israel2 in EU.

Israel2.0 is promoted by Zionists, some rabbis hating Slavs and controligarchs Bill Gates and Elon Musk who have pledged funding for the new home of ca. 25 million Jews from occupied Palestine and the rest of the world. A Jewish autonomy to start under Netanyahu as its head, it would likely develop as in occupied Palestine, an earlier bankster/Zionist project. I don't have the ref's after my blog has been bulldozed twice since 2021.

Putin's SMO at an opportune moment to interrupt global protest against bioweapon deployment aka "covid-19", and Trump's too-late eagerness to resolve "Ukrainian war" dilemma in his second term seems like two coincidences too many.

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I'm German and I have never heard anyone worth taking seriously talk about getting the former German la is of Poland back. West Germans are still a bot traumatised from rebuilding East Germany. The ancestors of the expelled Germans (like me) have little connections to these lands. So Poland's Western border is safe, even with an AfD government.

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Thank You, Andrew. This reinforces my simple view of Poland, based on its location, geography, and religious and ethnocentric identity, always yearning to align with a Great Power that isn't Germany or Russia.

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"this lifelong Europhile" - Naw, just for the economic benefits he can extract. The Polski-psychosis is of arrogance, self-aggrandisement and megalomania. They think superiority, with an envious streak for material success, relating to other Euros. Cozying-up to anti-German/Russian hawk-GB, and the thought of being Uncle Sammy's darling, really turns them on with visions of their country becoming a huge military base for the US of DC. They'll be disappointed again.

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If you mean my, Polish ppl under ZOG and global cabal's brainwashing/manipulation-- you are part right. You can tell it by the populist levers Andrew names in "Polish" politics, and Pole's sensitivities that both vassal parties exploit in political manipulations: fear of Russia and Germany (e.g. rare WW2 vice in the hands of two psychopaths hell-bent on annihilation in service to the bankster cabal: Judeocentric USSR from the east, Zio-Nazi Hitler from the west, see my comment below naming WW2 toll on my ppl).

The remainder part of your rant is likewise a product of brainwashing... but of yourself.

The "Polish" vassal govt that implements the imposed policies, like in other occupied lands, is certainly alien to Polish national interest, othertwise the cabal would not approve them for "elections".

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I agree with much in your response. I've believed that Poland, along with Germany & Russia had since 1990 and still have an opportunity for mutual benefit. My thinking is that the Nazis were great victimizers - Soviets to a lesser degree. The Germans have been mind-bombed since 1918. I probably have a view of historical and current Polish elites similar to that of the Habsburgs of the A-H empire.

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Brit Winny Churchill called Polska the "hyena of Europe" - it takes 1 to know 1.

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And Putin, a bankster lackey like your Churchill, slandered Poles with Stalin-like agit-propaganda on WW2:


And a lackey of the Holocaust fraud perpetrators, Der Spiegel, whose propagandist author called Poles -- a top victim of Hitler& Stalin's joint extermination of 80% Polish intelligentsia and killing/ethnic cleansing of 30% of pre-WW2 Poland's multiethnic citizens -- called my ppl "Hitler's helpers"! -- link unavailable after destruction of my blog by your cabal.

What else, ignorant Johnny useful to the cabal?

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I can only agree with that response, though I would not equate Putin with the Spiegel western German rag and those whose views it represents. Churchill was a typical crafty and cunning Brit imperialist and I am not his fan-boy. I truly hope fate is not harsh on the Poles, and they in large numbers don't adopt the attitude , for economic benefits or something darker, to be the military-fence/threat (Byelorussian interference) to RU Federation. How many Polish "volunteers" are fighting now in RU Federation territory?

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A few years ago when I stopped following the war, Poles were most numerous mecenaries killed on the Ukrainian side -- a result of Russophobia impressed into their brains for a long time.

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Gefolgt von Rumänien, zu Land, Luft und Wasser....

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Americans might have forgotten this but the Poles will remember forever: As the Wehrmacht’s tanks were thundering into Poland on September 1, 1939 the Polish Cavalry bravely attacked them, beating the tanks’ sides with their swords. And then the machine guns started working and Western Poland was lost in thirty days. The qualitative and quantitative differences between the two industries today are as substantial as they were in 1939. I hope the Poles are not dumb enough to become the next Ukraine.

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"If a single image dominates the popular perception of the Polish campaign of 1939, it is the scene of Polish cavalry bravely charging the Panzers with their lances. Like many other details of the campaign, it is a myth that was created by German wartime propaganda and perpetuated by sloppy scholarship. Yet such myths have also been embraced by the Poles themselves as symbols of their wartime gallantry, achieving a cultural resonance in spite of their variance with the historical record."

- Zaloga, Steven J (2002), Poland 1939 — The birth of Blitzkrieg, Oxford: Osprey Publishing

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The critical issue is not an ever present possibility of wartime propaganda but the possibility of taking another European nation into an unwinnable war for imaginary American interests. America missed the mark for her geopolitical destiny for over a century now, with a start in 1913, the establishment of the Fed. Now, the whole of the West was pushed to the edge as a result of a century of self-destruction and America's future stands or falls tied to the Western Nations. And Russia is part of the West. There is a lot to be learned from the coexistence (and occasional infighting) of the Greek and Roman City-states. Just like there is a lot to be learned from the political structure of Switzerland that functioned well for so many centuries.

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"American interests" -- ZOG and global cabal's interests.

"Russia is part of the West." Rather, bankster cabal's lackey, like Eastern powers China and India are.

"Switzerland that functioned well for so many centuries" -- Similar self-governance structures exusted among Slavs, later were destroyed by the Catholic church in tandem with collaborating states. In Swissland, they functioned to protect bankster gold in Swiss safes. Now things like 5G and c-19 bioweapon for trashumanism leading to post-humanism aka bankster NWO are no different than for the rest of "useless eaters".

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